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Why Do You Believe or Disbelieve in God?

Posted: October 21st, 2009, 5:06 am
by ChaoticMindSays
I'm surprised at how many people on this forum believe in God. I haven't believed since I was about 10 years old and even before then I think I only said I believed because I didn't understand and it was expected of me.

The general concept of a God has always seemed completely illogical to me and almost every single one of my friends is the same way. They look at this idea and discard it as rubbish. When some one tells me they are a christian my first response is usually 'why?' and never once have I ever heard a good reason for the belief. Usually it is some of the "It's the way I was raised." Or, "I don't know" crap. Seems like pure stubborn ignorance to me.

Now, I know not everything is logical and I know that there are some newer theories that make a little more sense, mostly involution, but what I want from you guys is reasons.

If you believe in God please explain why.

If you don't believe in God please explain why.

As for now I look at the idea of God as a sort of comfort blanket. When something big and scary that you can't understand is hovering over you you throw it over your head and it's gone. You don't have to think about it anymore. Religion is just a way of coping with a big scary universe.

Posted: October 21st, 2009, 5:48 am
by Belinda
Religion is just a way of coping with a big scary universe.
Who could reasonably deny that? Let's admit that the world is big and scary which it is and always has been. Anyone who says otherwise has a sheltered life.

Therefore religion is a way of coping with it. It's a coping strategy. You could say that about any aspect of a culture, that it is a coping strategy.

Are any religions effective coping strategies? If not, why not?

'Belief in God' is not necessarily a requisite for being religious. Alternatives are being religious without believing in anything supernatural,or trusting God-as-Love without expecting any personal rewards.

Religion is arguably a part of being human. I think it is and so I am interested in re-shaping religion so that it is effective in saving life on this planet, and in promoting peaceful co-existence.

I claim that debating whether or not there exists some supernatural being is not going to do any more than provide an intellectual adventure.If such a belief promoted continuation of life on Earth and peace on Earth I'd support belief in the existence of God, but it doesn't.

Re: God

Posted: October 21st, 2009, 9:14 am
by BlessedLunaticWiseman
Dear ChaoticMindSays,going to the Jupiter!

Let's see what you said,then I may decide to solve the problem through a few nonsense phrases! :D
ChaoticMindSays wrote:I'm surprised at how many people on this forum believe in God. I haven't believed since I was about 10 years old and even before then I think I only said I believed because I didn't understand and it was expected of me.
You "are" surprised!
But I'm just a baboon!(the dearest "ape" may pardon)!

Note:The "ape" I named is one of my wonderful friends on these threads!The most clever philosopher ape I've ever seen!!But,I'm just a baboon without any brain!You may try to show me the brain;but as I know my brain consists of invisible waves rather than particles!!!!!...I hope to see the dearest "ape" on this thread,sharing a few truthful ideas with us!

Anyway;let's see:

You're surprised!

There's(:exists)an "are" who "intervenes" between you and yourself,between you and the surprised!

I'm a baboon! :mrgreen:

There's(exists)an "am" between me and myself,me and the baboon!

By the way;is there any difference between "are" and "am",between "was and "were",between "to be" and "not to be"!?

ChaoticMindSays wrote:The general concept of a God has always seemed completely illogical to me and almost every single one of my friends is the same way.
If an "existential cause" offers the effect's identity as a whole,well,the "offered one" will be the "effect's existence",indebted "TOTALLY" to the "EXISTENTIAL CAUSE"! :idea:

So;there IS a "Main Shining One" as the "Offering Essence",and the offered ones as the "Gleams"!

Returning to the "Shining One",we may kiss our own "Archetypes" (the Almighty's Nose!!! :mrgreen: )not the "Hidden Ultimate Unknowable Essence" of the "God Almighty"!

NOTE:A few people kissed the NOSE,watching themselves at the MIRROR,they thought they were god!!! :roll:
ChaoticMindSays wrote:Now, I know not everything is logical and I know that there are some newer theories that make a little more sense, mostly involution, but what I want from you guys is reasons.

If you believe in God please explain why.

If you don't believe in God please explain why.
Almighty means ALL+MIGHTY!

As you see a donkey is God Almighty(All+Mighty-Limits) :mrgreen:
God Almighty is a donkey(All-Mighty+Limits) :mrgreen:

Then not only looking at the "HEAVEN",but looking at the "PERFECTION" of a "donkey",you're looking at the God Almighty!

There isn't anyway to recognize the donkey without considering the BACKGROUND of ass!!!!! :mrgreen:

You may ask if the major world religions have the same concept about God!? :?:
...I may say "YES"! :wink:
I'll show you,reading your posts God Willing!

Be at peace/

Yours/"Blessed Lunatic Wiseman"(the nonsense/serious/humorous)! :P

Posted: October 21st, 2009, 5:01 pm
by ChaoticMindSays
Belinda said
Therefore religion is a way of coping with it. It's a coping strategy. You could say that about any aspect of a culture, that it is a coping strategy.

Are any religions effective coping strategies? If not, why not?
It is NOT an effective coping strategy because it promotes ignorance, which stunts growth.
And No I wouldn't say that about any aspect of culture, perhaps many of them but not all. Some things in culture are of us, where religion, in my opinion, is a sickness onto us.

Belinda also said
Religion is arguably a part of being human. I think it is and so I am interested in re-shaping religion so that it is effective in saving life on this planet, and in promoting peaceful co-existence
How is religion part of being human? If it were PART of us wouldn't we all have it? I'm not a religious person at all and I know plenty of others that are not religious people AT ALL.
I stand by my statement that all religion promotes, in the long run, is ignorance. Peace is something of understanding so it is the exact opposite of where religion has taken our culture.

Belief in God' is not necessarily a requisite for being religious. Alternatives are being religious without believing in anything supernatural,or trusting God-as-Love without expecting any personal rewards.
Tell me what being religious with no belief in God actually means. What are you doing that is so good?
1. a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, esp. when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.
2. a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects: the Christian religion; the Buddhist religion.
3. the body of persons adhering to a particular set of beliefs and practices: a world council of religions.
4. the life or state of a monk, nun, etc.: to enter religion.
5. the practice of religious beliefs; ritual observance of faith.
6. something one believes in and follows devotedly; a point or matter of ethics or conscience: to make a religion of fighting prejudice.
Is number 6 the definition of religion that you are referring to?

Posted: October 21st, 2009, 5:50 pm
by hallam
I believe because God touches me and my life. When God helps you and establishes a relationship, then you can either deny his existence (which I would call atheistic ignorance and self delusion based on false scientific premises)or you correctly understand that God exists.

And I don't think anyone is going to deny that religion has coping strategies associated with its practices. However, first, religion isn't God. Second, just because religion has coping strategies does not negate that God's existence. All topical based communities usually come with some sort of support structure. It has a very effective coping strategy as well. Further, religion at it very core educates people. Any topic which promotes ignorance wouldn't have so many religious texts as its focus.

Posted: October 21st, 2009, 10:55 pm
by Leemaster
Yes, I would say that religion is a form of coping. Many people look at tough times and need a God to fall back on. I personally believe in God because.

A.) I realized that this current culture had no real alternative answers as to the creation of the world.

B.) I have seen him do many wonderful things in my life and others as well.

I believe in God because I perceive the world around me as a creation of magic. I believe that the only way this world could have come into being is due to an almighty and all-knowing being creating it. That's why I believe in God.

Posted: October 21st, 2009, 11:14 pm
by Felix
ChaoticMindSays: "How is religion part of being human? If it were PART of us wouldn't we all have it?"

Call it a sense of the wonder of Life. We are born with that wonder but not all of us keep it(unfortunately).

"It (religion) is NOT an effective coping strategy because it promotes ignorance, which stunts growth."

A religious attitude (see above) does not promote ignorance, in fact it's a remedy for it. Attachment to a particular religious dogma does promote ignorance though, and is in fact a product of it.

Posted: October 22nd, 2009, 12:08 am
by Eckhart Aurelius Hughes
I don't believe in any of the gods of any of the current mainstream religions for the same reason I don't believe in Zeus or Scientology. There is not enough scientific evidence to warrant belief in these beings, hence why they are faith-based religions/myths and not science.

Posted: October 22nd, 2009, 1:20 am
by OTavern
ChaoticMindSays wrote: Tell me what being religious with no belief in God actually means.
1. a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, esp. when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.
2. a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects: the Christian religion; the Buddhist religion.
3. the body of persons adhering to a particular set of beliefs and practices: a world council of religions.
4. the life or state of a monk, nun, etc.: to enter religion.
5. the practice of religious beliefs; ritual observance of faith.
6. something one believes in and follows devotedly; a point or matter of ethics or conscience: to make a religion of fighting prejudice.
I would agree with you that being religious with no belief in God is oxymoronic, but have you considered this as a possible definition?

7. the unyielding commitment to and pursuit of Goodness, Truth and Beauty.

I would add that a "pre-judgment" of anything is not done in pursuit of truth, but for the sake of some kind of personal convenience or bias.

To say, as you do, that "...all religion promotes, in the long run, is ignorance...." is in itself a promotion of ignorance and quite contrary to your implied claim that your own intent is to promote peace and enlightenment.

Merely to pass judgment on a position that you have had little to do with or thought about since you were 10 years old is not enlightened critique since what you are critiquing is a 10 year old's understanding of the subject. Perhaps the reason you think it illogical is that your concept of God is one formed in a 10 year old's mind. Thousands great thinkers and intelligent human beings have been convinced of God's existence for many very logical reasons over the history of mankind. Have you considered all these individuals' thoughts and reasonings before arriving at a conclusion that belief is "illogical" and promotes ignorance?

To base critique on what the "average" Joe provides as reasons for belief in a culture that is more concerned with its daily bread than ultimate meaning does not add any evidence that religious belief is ignorant. It seems to me that you are the one promoting ignorance in place of a real authentic search for truth when you arrive at judgments about the existence of God using such flimsy thinking.

Ask the average Joe on the street about theories of science or ethics and they will be just as naive about their thinking. Does that prove science promotes ignorance because people don't know much about theories of science either?

Just because you and your friends have arrived at some consensus on the subject does not mean anything. What is the quality of thought among this circle of friends? A group of thieves can very quickly arrive at the belief that stealing is allowable and just, but does that mean it is? And very likely if an outsider tried to argue a stronger concept of justice with a group of thieves, that individual would quickly chicken out, back down and perhaps even admit to faulty thinking rather than being assailed by a band of thugs.

I would like to counter your claim that
As for now I look at the idea of God as a sort of comfort blanket. When something big and scary that you can't understand is hovering over you you throw it over your head and it's gone. You don't have to think about it anymore. Religion is just a way of coping with a big scary universe
with the observation that the universe perhaps is big and scary, but an all-powerful, all-knowing, infinite and eternal Being is bigger and scarier than the universe, so perhaps the reason atheists are atheists is because they need a big comfort blanket to throw over their heads to convince themselves that they are in control and have all the answers, because if God exists certainly He is infinitely more in control of everything than any human being.

Perhaps you and your friends are "control freaks" who are very much frightened of the possibility that right beside you and, in fact, right inside you exists an infinitely powerful Being who has complete control and knowledge of everything you are and do including every molecule of matter in the universe, every cell in your body and every thought in your head.

It seems to me that using God as a security blanket defies logic because certainly an all-powerful Being would allow Himself to be less controlled than matter that follows a predictable pattern of order and outcome. An all-powerful being with a will "of His own" would not be much of a security blanket, especially when that Being has as a prime destiny for human beings to turn us into "fully alive," perfect beings who function at full capacity, including having full use of the faculty of reason to acquire truth - especially moral truth.

It has not been my experience that human beings strive for perfection, we tend to strive for mediocrity and have "feet of clay" whenever we are asked to live "beyond ourselves." Yet if God is "Love," then He makes an absolute demand on us to love unconditionally. How's it going with that?

Have you or any of your friends given up all possessions and lived among the poorest of the poor in Kolkata providing care and psychological support for the dying, dispossessed and poor? The simple truth is that there are thousands of "believers" in God who have been moved to do so by God. How is this belief not a promotion of "peace." Facing the truth of inequality of material goods is one that God leads us to. How is that promoting ignorance?

Perhaps conventional religion is in some ways a kind of, as Kierkegaard claimed, antidote or vaccine against the real demands of God. God is too scary, so let us find security in numbers to "hide" from Him by placating him. However, that is not the complete truth either, because religion also leads many to do superhuman deeds in the face of enormous obstacles.

It could be that your claim that religion promotes ignorance is merely a psychological defensive mechanism to convince yourself that you know everything you need to know and rationalize away any demands contrary to that belief. Obviously you and your friends cannot find security in conventional religion so you must be seeking it elsewhere - conventional atheism perhaps?

It is easier to criticize others than to critique ourselves, then again Jesus said something about that, too. Take the plank out of your own eye before trying to take a sliver out of your neighbour's.

I apologize for being so blatant here, but I find most criticism of religion to be shallow and for the most part, biased.

It has been my experience with God that He continually "pushes the envelope" and will not allow anyone to rest until we meet and achieve His challenges. If anything, we are the ones who would rather promote ignorance because "I didn't know that!" is a convenient excuse for inaction and amoral behaviour.

I might even suggest that having a "chaotic mind" is a convenient excuse for not thinking straight because thinking straight would mean taking specific action. Remember expletives are not allowed in this forum. :wink:

I await your thoughtful reply.

Posted: October 22nd, 2009, 1:28 am
by OTavern
Scott wrote:I don't believe in any of the gods of any of the current mainstream religions for the same reason I don't believe in Zeus or Scientology. There is not enough scientific evidence to warrant belief in these beings, hence why they are faith-based religions/myths and not science.
That assumes that the scientific method is the only way to arrive at warranted beliefs. I would suggest that most of your personal beliefs are not tried and proven by the scientific method. How do you prove, for example, with enough scientific evidence that your best option in life is to support and love your spouse? How would you design a test for that belief?

Perhaps marriage vows should include to love, honour, etc. "until scientific evidence proves to the contrary."

Most heroic deeds would likely not be done by strictly "rational" scientific thinkers who must rely on evidence to draw conclusions. That is precisely what makes the act heroic - the hero did it in the face of massive evidence that the desired result would not likely come about.

Posted: October 22nd, 2009, 2:07 am
by ChaoticMindSays
OTavern, you assume far to much. Good luck with that.
It's kinda funny really, you try to shut me down the same way I started in on religion and then call what I (you) did ignorant.
I obviously know much more about religion than you know about me or my background. You know, because I haven't said ANYTHING about myself or my religious background, besides that I stopped believing when I was ten.
Your obviously insecure about your faith or you would not have responded in such an aggressive manner. If God were as good as your really believe he wouldn't need you to defend him.

You didn't even answer the damn question.

Posted: October 22nd, 2009, 2:40 am
by ChaoticMindSays
Felix said
it a sense of the wonder of Life. We are born with that wonder but not all of us keep it(unfortunately).
I have this sense of wonder, that is why I am a philosopher I just do not associate it with God.
It's more like... Theres so much we don't know and what we don't know is what I'm interested in. If I were to have a religion it would be philosophy. It is something I practice everyday, I always try to look at a subject from as many angels as possible. And it is something that brings me a little bit of peace because it helps me to understand things better. So it could be said that I am religious. But Buddhists are religious and don't believe in God. So religion really has little to do with a concept of God.

The problem I've been having is that I was taken out of context, when I said religion I meant religion based on a concept of God. The idea that you are lesser than some other conscious being plain sickens me. God is an excuse for us not being able to make up our own minds. we can't decide on our morals as a whole, or whats real and false about reality so we look to something to decide it for us.
At least my "religion" allows me to make up my own mind and decide what is right and wrong for myself.

Posted: October 22nd, 2009, 6:45 am
by hallam
I would think that religion without having a God is similar to how some treat football in America these days. Football has devotion of those in the stands, they come out to worship 13 to 20 times a year while talking about it all year round, it is an integrated part of their lives, and it established a coping strategy (one where supporters release there stresses by trash talking other teams). This comparison only gets stronger when we move to soccer in Europe. Europeans actually fight for their sports team and seriously injure people sometimes.

Religion without God is very real.

Posted: October 22nd, 2009, 7:20 am
by Belinda
Tell me what being religious with no belief in God actually means. What are you doing that is so good?
(Chaotic Mind)

Being religious without believing in the existence of Gods means for instance selecting the message of Jesus which is a statement of The Golden Rule, without any belief in miracles, or life after death, or virgin birth etc.

Religion without beliefs can mean the love of beauty, truth and goodness without any objective focus such as a supernatural being.

Religion without beliefs can mean trying to improve one's own soul by doing good works in the absence of any personal buzz or other reward.

Religion without beliefs includes attending some church, mosque or synagogue because you love or like the other people there and get on with them pretty well.

Religion without beliefs can mean enjoying the beauty of public rituals or private prayer without intellectualising about it.

C.M , not all of religion promotes ignorance. It is a fact that Christianity for all its undoubted faults did promote the survival of the message of Jesus against all the odds of mismanagement, mystification, greed, and natural disaster, through the past two thousand years. Christianity is of course not the only religion to have carried this important message whitch is at the core also of Judaism, Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, Jainism , Confucianism and Sikhism.

Posted: October 22nd, 2009, 12:34 pm
by BlessedLunaticWiseman
Dear rigid philosophers without any smile in your faces!

I was trying in my previous post to enlighten you about a Shining One who is shining through the limits of a sane donkey!! :mrgreen:
but since you're accustomed to see only the "finishes" or the "limits" you failed even to read the post accurately! :P

No matter;I try to continue the argument I began, then you may admit that I'm correct in my opinion even though I'm a little humorous Lunatic! :mrgreen:

First of all read carefully what I posted before!As I said there,if an "existential cause" offers the "effect's identity" as a whole,well,the "offered one" will be the "effect's existence"!The effect won't be but a "relationship" to the Shining One,as a "Gleam",indebted totally to the ONE who offers the "existence".... :)

So,as I said before,returning to the "MAIN SHINING ONE"-you may call it GOD if you like-we may kiss our own "Archetypes" as the Almighty's Nose :lol: ,not the "Hidden ULTIMATE ABSOLUTE Essence" of the God Almighty!

Now,let be back to the Abrahamic faiths,to see if such a thing considered by them?!

Once upon a time,there was a nosy Moses who was used to climb everyday to get the "FIRE"!
Meeting a Burning Bush before being Baptized( :P ) he asked the Burning One who the "FIRE" was?! :?:

"Ehyeh"(A Hebrew word which means,I'm Who I am)was the FIRE's answer.(Exodus/3:13-14) :idea:

Returning to the nosy people who asked of GOD,he said only :"YHWH";A Hebrew word which means :"ONE WHO IS"! :!:

One Who "just" IS,without any Limits! :?:

let be back to the argument from another perspective!

I'm suffering from an amusing disease I've invented!I call it "The Post Traumatic Definition Disorder"! :mrgreen:

Let's see:
Confronting everything you may derive several concepts!

Looking at me as a nonsense lunatic,you may derive the following concepts for example:
1)He(a male)
2)is(to be)
5)baboon(nonevolved according to Darwin!)
6)whose face(the lovely one!)
7)looks like(similar to)
8)Al Pacino(a little funny)
9)coming(not going)
10)from(not to)
11)moon(not sun!)
12)laughing(not crying)! :D

Well,as you see I'm recognizable for you are putting a few "finishes" for me to make me deFinable!Though looking at a worm who is dying in the honor of a butterfly I cannot give any deFINition! :shock:

Look at the concepts above carefully!There's a concept there LINKING or RELATIING between several phenomena!...I mean "is"!

"He is nonsense baboon whose face looks like Al Pacino,coming from moon laughing!",you may say! :D

Without the borrowed "is" who intervenes between me and myself(:am),there was neither "I" nor myself!Neither "I" nor my "attributes"!

This is the same ONE who intervenes between you and yourself,him and himself,her and herself,them and themselves....and as the Quran says:"One who intervenes between a man and his heart!"(Quran/8:24)

I guess it was the nosy one who bothered Jesus even we he went to the toilets! :mrgreen:
He said he was in Father while the Father was in him!

Looking at him(and not only him)you're looking at the PURE ACT OF THE EXISTENCE,offering every single one of us as a borrowed indebted "existent"!!"Wherever you turn,there is the God's Face!"(Quran/2:115)

RELIGION is derived from "religare"(relation)to show the LINK of course!Since there isn't any "FINISH" for the ABSOLUTE BEING,God Almighty or the PURE ACT OF THE EXISTENCE remains UNdeFINable as the INFINITE! :shock:

We may continue the discussion about other religions later!
God Willing!

Yours/"Blessed Lunatic Wiseman"(the nonsense/serious/humorous)! :D