If you hear or see someone ever say or write anything like the following ever even once, then you never ever want to take that person's advice about anything at all:
"That aspect of reality I cannot change should be different than it unchangeably is."
"Some things I cannot control ought to be different than they are."
"Things I do control should be different than I am choosing for them to be."
"I have the choice between X and Y, and I ought to be choosing X, but I am choosing Y."
"I had a rough day, so I need a drink."
"I had a long day, so I have to eat some comfort food."
"I hate that aspect of reality I cannot control for being the way it uncontrollably is!"
"I hate that aspect of reality I can control for being the way I am choosing for it to be!"
If you hear someone say anything like the above, then don't ever take that person's advice about anything ever, nor ever listen to any criticism they have ever about anything. In fact, as much as reasonably possible, don't listen to them about anything at all ever.
I'm not just saying don't take their advice or criticism regarding whatever they were talking about when they said something like the above. No, I'm saying don't take their advice about anything at all. That's because they are clearly someone who engages in judgementalism, resentment (a.k.a. unforgiveness), and/or hate. In other words, they are unhappy people, meaning they don't have free-spirited inner peace. Even their praise about the few things they allegedly love is tainted by the fact that they are a miserable hater who you do not want to emulate in the slightest.
They choose to live in the miserable self-created hell of impotently resenting unchangeable reality for being the way it unchangeably is. In other words, they choose to be miserable by choosing to hate and/or resent what they cannot control for being the way it is. They choose to engage in miserable impotent judgementalism about what they cannot control rather than engage in unconditional acceptance of what they cannot control and cannot change.
If you listen to them, or worse, take their advice, you will almost certainly end up like them: You will be a miserable judgemental hater living a self-created hell of your own resentment-ridden imagination where you choose to take miserable impotent responsibility for what you cannot control rather than taking self-responsibility for what you do control.
In contrast, free-spirited inner peace entails, by definition, that one take accepting loving self-responsibility for their own choices (i.e. what they do with what they do control) and fully and unconditionally accept what they cannot control. For one of the lucky few who has ignored all the haters and thus achieved invincible free-spirited inner peace (a.k.a. unwavering true happiness), everything is acceptable: It is either (1) accepted unconditionally as that which one does not control and cannot change, or (2) accepted as being what one does control and thus being exactly the way one is choosing it for it to be.
As you already know, one of my most important pieces of advice is this: Don't ever take any advice from unhappy people.
Accordingly, that also means this: Don't take any advice from people who should on anything, whether they should all over themselves or should on other people or other things. Don't take any advice from people who ever use words like "should", "ought", "try", or "fail".
Many times, such miserable people present their would-be advice as criticism. Don't listen to that either.
In fact, generally speaking, don't listen to the miserable haters and shoulders about anything at all ever.
With love,
Eckhart Aurelius Hughes
Eckhart Aurelius Hughes is the author of In It Together: The Beautiful Struggle Uniting Us All. He also runs a free mentoring program that guarantees success.. Success at your chosen goal is guaranteed, whether it is a financial goal, fitness goal, or any other ambitious but at least theoretically possible goal. If your goal is to become a millionaire, it will happen if you follow his system, guaranteed. If you weigh 350 lbs and your goal is to lose 200 lbs and get 6-pack abs, it will happen if you follow his system, guaranteed.
"The mind is a wonderful servant but a terrible master."
I believe spiritual freedom (a.k.a. self-discipline) manifests as bravery, confidence, grace, honesty, love, and inner peace.
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