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America is not a democracy. Money votes, not people. The Republicans and Democrats are one party pretending to be two. They work together for the same people to exclude third-parties and...

Posted: December 5th, 2024, 3:34 pm
by Eckhart Aurelius Hughes
America is not a democracy. Money votes, not people.

The Republicans and Democrats are one party pretending to be two. They work together for the same people to intentionally exclude third-parties and give you the illusion of choice, which also serves a grander divide-and-conquer strategy that gets you mad at the ~30% of voting age people who thought the other guy was the slightly lesser of two evils rather than that your guy was the slightly lesser of two evils. Of course, neither is the so-called lesser of two evils because they are the same one thing. A vote for either is a vote for the same one thing, and it can't be more or less so-called 'evil' than itself.

The deep state Uniparty (a.k.a. the Republicats) can easily get you to vote for the second worst candidate (for you) in the entire world by putting the first worst on the other side of the false choice. Of course, neither is actually worse, but rather they are effectively tied as two worst candidates in the entire world (for you) and many still vote for one of them. Not only does that perpetuate the illusion of democracy, but it serves the divide-and-conquer purpose of scapegoating the 30% of the voting age population who said the other horrible, horrible guy (or gal) was the slightly less horrible of two horrible, horrible candidates. Well, horrible for you, that is, but great for the tiny minority deep state elites who own you and the government.

The system is intentionally rigged against you and everyone like you, so they can install money-controlled bought-and-sold puppet candidates who are horrible for you and everyone like you but great for the minatory of ultra-rich ultra-powerful deep state elites who actually run things in this oligarchic plutocratic pseudo-democracy.

There are over 255 million voting age citizens in the USA.

Less than 75 million voted for Kamala.

Less than 78 million voted for Trump.

Over 102 million voted for neither.

Put another way:

29% voted for Kamala Harris

30% voted for Donald Trump.

41% voted for neither.

The Uniparty's divide and conquer strategy is very effective, but even it is not working anymore. Americans are getting more and more fed up.

When Trump soon breaks his promises (again) and reveals himself to be just like Biden, Harris, Obama, Bush 2, Clinton, Bush 1, and so on and so forth, Americans will get even more fed up. A lot of of the "vote for neither" folks switched over and held their nose and voted for Trump due to his populist appeal and promises to drain the swamp. When he reveals himself (again) as a lying promise-breaking swamp monster in bed with the swamp, I'm excited to see what happens when those libertarians and such who held their nose and voted for Trump come back from the dark side to the winning side: those who vote for neither the Republicans nor the Democrats.

America is not a democracy, and the federal government is illegitimate. Nobody won. Trump didn't win. Kamala Harris didn't win. Nobody won.

USA Government, the results are in: You're fired.

With love,
Eckhart Aurelius Hughes

the-republicrats-lose-again.png (218.17 KiB) Viewed 935 times
The above is for the 2008 election (16 years ago). The results are even more dramatic this year. In 2024, over 100 million voting-age citizens voted for neither the Republicans nor the Democrats. The results are in: the rigged two-party system is illegitimate, unwanted, and invalid.

nobody-wins-again.jpg (429.81 KiB) Viewed 935 times

Re: America is not a democracy. Money votes, not people. The Republicans and Democrats are one party pretending to be two. They work together for the same people to exclude third-parties and...

Posted: December 5th, 2024, 11:16 pm
by Dea Ann Bridegroom
Freedom is fought for. The right to choose is also a freedom. To vote or not vote is a freedom of choice. America is a democracy. It means we have elections. We have a decision to choose, to make a choice or not. All that comes from a higher power. It is this government under God, our monetary system, included. Grant you, given to us by a higher power fought for by the people, because we have in our government, made God first.

Re: America is not a democracy. Money votes, not people. The Republicans and Democrats are one party pretending to be two. They work together for the same people to exclude third-parties and...

Posted: December 6th, 2024, 5:58 pm
by Eckhart Aurelius Hughes
Dea Ann Bridegroom wrote: December 5th, 2024, 11:16 pm Freedom is fought for. The right to choose is also a freedom. To vote or not vote is a freedom of choice. America is a democracy. It means we have elections. We have a decision to choose, to make a choice or not. All that comes from a higher power. It is this government under God, our monetary system, included. Grant you, given to us by a higher power fought for by the people, because we have in our government, made God first.
Hi, Dea Ann Bridegroom,

Thank you for your reply.

Did you actually read the Original Post (OP), or are you just replying based on the title? I ask because you have posted something that directly contradicts one of my overall conclusions, but doesn't at all address any of my points or arguments.

Per the arguments, evidence, and reasoning shown in Original Post (OP), America is clearly and obviously and most definitely not a democracy.

It is a oligarchic plutocracy. It is pseudo-democracy, not a real democracy.

Russia calls itself a democracy too, but that doesn't make it one either.

With love,
Eckhart Aurelius Hughes

Re: America is not a democracy. Money votes, not people. The Republicans and Democrats are one party pretending to be two. They work together for the same people to exclude third-parties and...

Posted: December 16th, 2024, 11:29 am
by Christal Merkey
I personally have to agree with you on this one. We have the multiple "parties", but only the "Democrat" and the "Republican" are recognized at the elections. We never see the "Independent" or the "Libertarian" win the elections because they are hidden in some way. That's just my opinion.