The above words are relevant even today when we see multitudes of unjust ways in which people are treated. Why, then, do we not choose to raise our voices against atrocities committed against defenseless people? Why do we stay silent and turn a blind eye, much like animals unaware of the consequences? Why do most of us behave indifferently until we, or someone very close to us, become a victim of the same injustice?
Some may say, "If you want to stay out of trouble, then it's best to stay quiet and lay low." We all know what happens when one decides to fight or use their freedom of speech to protest against something. On October 1st, 2024, many Nigerians held a peaceful protest against the growing inflation and economic crisis that turned into a deadly crackdown by the government, with several people getting killed and many arrested.
The Tiananmen Square massacre that happened over 35 years ago is still one of the most heartbreaking man-made disasters, wouldn't you agree? According to an Amnesty International article, "The Chinese authorities want everyone to forget that they killed hundreds, if not thousands, of unarmed peaceful pro-democracy protesters in Tiananmen Square in 1989." Military deployed to take down their own countrymen who were merely protesting and calling for political and economic reforms. Is that reason enough to mass murder people and is that legal simply because the government did the killing?
Free speech in any country is of the utmost importance. Everyone deserves the right to express their opinions and disagreements without the threat of a violent reaction from the governing bodies. I will leave you with this famous quote, "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." Let me know if you agree or disagree.