When I joined this forum in 2019, one of my primary philosophical interests was the foundation of science, or what I would later call "the idea that the facts of science are valid without philosophy". It was Sculptor1 who pointed me into the direction of the concept uniformitarianism and who made one of the first contributions to my investigation of the foundations of science on this forum.
Since then I published that now contains a collection of ebooks covering fundamental philosophical topics that delve into the philosophical underpinnings of scientism, the "emancipation-of-science from philosophy" movement, the "anti-science narrative", and modern forms of scientific inquisition. The website also contains an ebook that is based on a topic on this forum: "On the Absurd Hegemony of Science" in which philosophy professor Daniel C. Dennett participated in defense of scientism.
The why of my critical stance on science has simply been philosophical: the absurdness (from my perspective) of the idea that the mind is produced by the brain. I am simply neutral in this regard: I have no ideologies and no religious interests. I wouldn't mind what is actually the case.
When I was 15 years old I had a vision that showed a stream of particle-like entities that showed a kind of wavy and infinite cloth, accompanied by a kind of sound that is comparable in retrospect to the unintelligible combined voice of thousands of people sharing an emotion. From the sound I could deduce that the particles were alive, and the expression of their being was the hallmark of 'pure happiness'.
It was a one-time experience, and it was accompanied by a paranormal dream that showed more than 20 years into the future, so it was a special vision from that perspective.
This vision caused me to instantly become interested in the neutrino concept as a potential candidate for what German philosopher Gottfried Leibniz seemed to have captured in his '∞ infinite monad' theory.
A few months ago I completed an AI research system and started a philosophical investigation of astrophysics, with as primary goal gaining an understanding of neutrinos.
It became clear to me that the dogmatic ills of the mathematical framing of cosmology through astrophysics extend much further than the negligence revealed in my Moon Barrier eBook, which explores the possibility that life might be bound to a region around the Sun within the Solar System, and that reveals that science neglected to ask simple questions and instead adopted dogmatic assumptions that were used to facilitate the idea that humans would some day fly through space as independent biochemical bundles of matter.
I discovered that various of the core concepts of physics are mathematical fiction and that the idea of neutrinos is based on a profound dogmatic error: Einstein's famous equation E=mc² and the idea that mass correlates with matter.
The evidence that neutrinos do not exist is strong in my opinion, which would be profound when considering the billions of USD that are invested in neutrino detection experiments. The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) for example costed $3.3 billion USD and there are many being built today.
Science its idea of mass and gravity is completely wrong.
Ultimately, the world emerged, and science and mathematics have been able to perform their business. In the words of Bertrand Russell:
"Mathematics, rightly viewed, possesses not only truth, but supreme beauty ... The sense of universal law which is given by the contemplation of necessary truth was to me, and I think to many others, a source of profound religious feeling."
In my opinion, philosophy doesn't care for 'religious feeling' and is fundamentally set to question dogma itself.
While mathematics has been successful in aligning with what are deemed "laws of nature" by the sheer nature of pattern and rhythm in nature, mathematics inherently remains a mental construct which implies that in itself, mathematics cannot directly relate to reality.
This was exemplified in my refutation of a mathematics study that proposed that black holes can have an ∞ infinity of shapes while a "mathematical infinity" cannot be applicable to reality because it is fundamentally dependent on the mind of the mathematician.
Me: "Can it be said that the study is refuted?"Physics and quantum theory are a "child" of mathematics and astrophysics is a "mathematical framing" of cosmology.
GPT-4: "Yes, it can be said that the study claiming the possibility of an infinite number of black hole shapes existing without the context of time is refuted using philosophical reason."
(2023) Refuted by Philosophy: "Mathematicians Find an Infinity of Possible Black Hole Shapes" ... le/80614/9
The idea of "a quantum world" is only true in the minds of mathematicians while they exclude their own mind from the equations, which is exemplified by the famous "Observer Effect" in quantum physics.
Many philosophers seem to submit themselves to humility when faced with claims of science, as if they are a domesticated dog that fears a hit by a whip. It appears to me that to some extent, philosophy has culturally enslaved itself to dogmatic scientism, which would have to be self-imposed if it were to be the case.
A prominent user on this forum (author of "On the absurd hegemony of science") once said the following:
thrasymachus wrote: ↑July 27th, 2023, 11:15 amOnly a fool doesn't believe in science.I hope that this topic will reveal that it IS philosophy's job to investigate science's claims.
Like I said, the matter needs to be left up to those with the technical knowledge.
I don't think it is philosophy's job to investigate science's claims.
The Neutrino: A Dogmatic Error
The first clue that neutrinos cannot exist was the fact that neutrinos are fundamental to the weak force and that the weak force interaction is 'instantaneous'. This implied, based on my ongoing investigation, that these interactions rather involve a context of 'renormalization' (of the scientific experiment induced anomalies) that require instantaneous potential, which would not be possible when neutrinos would have to 'fly in'.
Science has been reporting the discovery of new 'matter' in their particle collider experiments, however, a closer look reveals that these 'new particles' such as kions, kaons, pions are rather anomalies caused by the energy introduced by the experiment. The supposed 'new particles' instantaneously decay into the normal protonic condition, and when exploring this situation more deeply, it is revealed that the idea of 'particle transformation' or change of identities is a dogmatic fallacy.
So this was a strong clue that neutrinos might not be possible.
History: How the neutrino was discovered
In the 1930s, physicists observed that in nuclear beta decay processes, the energy spectrum did not match what was expected based on conservation of energy.
The term "energy spectrum" can be somewhat misleading, as it is more fundamentally rooted in the observed mass values of the particles involved.
The root of the problem is Albert Einstein's famous equation E=mc² that establishes the equivalence between energy (E) and mass (m), mediated by the speed of light (c), combined with the dogmatic assumption of a matter-mass correlation.
The mass of the emitted electron was less than the mass difference between the initial neutron and the final proton. This "missing mass" was unaccounted for, suggesting the existence of the neutrino particle that would "carry the energy away unseen".
This "missing energy" problem was resolved in 1930 by Austrian physicist Wolfgang Pauli with his proposal of the neutrino:
"I have done a terrible thing, I have postulated a particle that cannot be detected."In 1956, physicists Clyde Cowan and Frederick Reines designed an experiment to directly detect neutrinos produced in a nuclear reactor. Their experiment involved placing a large tank of liquid scintillator near a nuclear reactor.
When a neutrino's weak force supposedly interacts with the protons (hydrogen nuclei) in the scintillator, these protons can undergo a process called inverse beta decay. In this reaction, an antineutrino interacts with a proton to produce a positron and a neutron. The positron produced in this interaction quickly annihilates with an electron, producing two gamma ray photons. The gamma rays then interact with the scintillator material, causing it to emit a flash of visible light (scintillation).
The production of neutrons in the inverse beta decay process observed in the Cowan-Reines experiment is indicative of increased structural complexity. Neutrons in the atomic structure increase the overall complexity of the system in several ways:
- Increased number of particles in the nucleus, leading to more complex nuclear structure.[/li]
- Introduction of isotopic variations, each with their own unique properties.[/li]
- Enabling a wider range of nuclear interactions and processes.
The "missing energy" was the fundamental indicator that led to the conclusion that neutrinos must exist as real physical particles, based on the principles of Einstein's famous equation E=mc² and the dogmatic matter-mass correlation.
"Missing Energy" Still the Only Evidence
The concept of "missing energy" is still the only "evidence" for the existence of neutrinos.
Many modern detectors, like those used in neutrino oscillation experiments, still rely on the inverse beta decay reaction (similar to the Cowan-Reines experiment).
In Calorimetric Measurements the concept of "missing energy" detection is related to the decrease in structural complexity observed in beta decay processes. In beta decay, a neutron decays into a proton, electron, and antineutrino. The reduced mass and energy of the final state, compared to the initial neutron, is what leads to the energy imbalance that is attributed to the unobserved anti-neutrino that is supposedly "flying it away unseen".
Neutrino Oscillations Also Based on "Missing Energy"
Neutrinos are said to mysteriously oscillate between three flavor states (electron, muon, tau) as they propagate, a phenomenon known as neutrino oscillation.
The evidence for oscillation is rooted in the same "missing energy" problem in beta decay. Neutrino flavor is determined by the type of charged lepton (electron, muon, or tau) that is observed when the neutrino supposedly interacts with matter through the weak force. The three neutrino flavors (electron, muon, and tau neutrinos) are directly associated with their corresponding charged leptons that each have a different mass.
The mass differences between the neutrino flavors are fundamentally based on the "missing energy" problem in beta decay.
In conclusion: the only evidence that neutrinos exist is the idea of "missing energy".
Strong force and Quarks: Mathematical Fiction
The ebook on provides extensive evidence that negative electric charge (-) represents the fundamental force of emergence of structure, and that it must be fundamental to protonic structure.
The electron ice, bubble and cloud phenomena provide evidence for 'strong emergence', a philosophical concept that describes the phenomenon where higher-level properties, behaviors, or structures in a system cannot be reduced to or predicted from the lower-level components and their interactions alone, commonly referenced to as "more than the sum of its parts". The electron's active and organizing role in balancing the positive charge of the atom nucleus provides evidence that the electron is foundational to the structure of the atom, which implies that negative electric charge (-1) must be fundamental to the proton (+1).
This philosophical evidence reveals that it is "fractionality itself" (mathematics) that fundamentally defines what is named the "strong force" that supposedly "binds the quarks (fractions of electric charge) together in a proton", which implies that the strong force is mathematical fiction.
With this, it is important to consider the history of the proton and the fact that it represents 99% of the mass of the proton:
Katerina Lipka wrote:"To small to observe" (the strong force has never been observed)The philosophical evidence has made it clear that it would be invalid to consider the strong force as a physical entity that could account for 99% of the mass of the proton.
"The mass of the quarks are responsible for only about 1 percent of the nucleon mass," says Katerina Lipka, an experimentalist working at the German research center DESY, where the gluon—the force-carrying particle for the strong force—was first discovered in 1979.
"The rest is the energy contained in the motion of the gluons. The mass of matter is given by the energy of the strong force."
(2023) What’s so hard about measuring the strong force? ... rong-force
The question thus remains: what is the origin of the 99% mass value that mathematics cannot account for when the strong force is considered a mathematical fiction?
The 99% "Missing Energy" in Supernova
The 99% of energy that supposedly "vanishes" in a supernova reveals the root of the problem.
When a star goes supernova it dramatically and exponentially increases its gravitational mass in its core which should correlate with a significant release of thermal energy. However, the observed thermal energy accounts for less than 1% of the expected energy. To account for the remaining 99% of the expected energy release, astrophysics attributes this "missing" or "disappeared" energy to neutrinos that are supposedly carrying it away.
Using philosophical reason it is easy to recognize the mathematical dogmatism involved in the attempt to "shovel 99% energy under the carpet" using neutrinos.
A Closer Look at Supernova
The collapsing core of the supernova experiences a dramatic disproportionate increase in mass as it undergoes gravitational collapse. As the outer layers and over 50% of the original matter are ejected from the star, the material in the core decreases compared to the dramatically increasing mass of the collapsing core.
The ejected outer layers exhibit an exponential increase in structural complexity, with the formation of a wide variety of heavy elements beyond iron and complex molecules. This dramatic increase in structural complexity of the outer layers aligns with the dramatic increase of mass in the core.
The Supernova situation reveals a potential coupling of structural complexity in the ejected outer layers and gravity in the core.
A Closer Look at Brown Dwarfs
A closer look at brown dwarfs formed in a supernova (as opposed to so called "failed star" brown dwarfs formed in star formation) reveals that these situations involve an exceptionally high mass with little actual matter.
Observational evidence shows that the masses of supernova brown dwarfs are much greater than one might expect if the brown dwarf was simply the result of the 50% matter that collapsed. Further evidence reveals that these brown dwarfs encompass a much greater mass than what would be expected based on their observed luminosity and energy output.
While astrophysics is limited by the mathematical matter-mass correlation, philosophy can easily find the clues for the simple "Structure-Gravity Coupling".
Magnetic Braking: Evidence for Low Matter Structure
Astrophysics depicts brown dwarfs as having a core-dominated internal structure, with a dense, high-mass core surrounded by lower-density outer layers.
However, a closer examination of the magnetic braking phenomenon reveals that this mathematical framing is inaccurate. Magnetic braking refers to the process by which the magnetic field of supernova brown dwarfs is able to slow their rapid rotation by a mere "magnetic touch" of the environment. This would not be possible when the mass of brown dwarfs would originate from actual matter.
The ease and efficiency with which magnetic braking occurs reveals that the actual amount of matter in supernova brown dwarfs is much lower than is expected based on the observed mass. If the matter content were truly as high as the mass of the objects would imply, the angular momentum should be more resistant to disruption by the magnetic fields, no matter how strong they are.
This discrepancy between the observed magnetic braking and the expected angular momentum of the matter leads to compelling evidence: the mass of brown dwarfs is disproportionately high compared to the actual amount of matter they contain.
Unrecognized by Science
The above cases reveal how simple philosophical logic easily recognizes a simple "Structure-Gravity Coupling" that until 2024 has been unrecognized by science.
The idea of structure-gravity coupling remains largely unexplored and ununderstood in the scientific community.The supernova case reveals that the origin of the 99% "missing" energy in the proton could be based on the dogmatic assumption of Einstein's E=mc² and the idea that the observed mass must correlate with matter.
Instead of attributing the missing physical energy to the "strong force", it would be more logical to consider a fundamental relation between structure complexity and gravity.
The Case for Structure-Gravity Coupling
The neutrino case suggests that the neutrino concept is a profound dogmatic error, which rises the question, what would be actually the case?
Despite the apparent logical connection between the growth of structure complexity and the disproportionate increase in gravitational effects, this perspective has not been considered within the mainstream cosmological framework.
The evidence for this logical relationship is plainly observable across multiple scales of the physical world. From the atomic and molecular levels, where the mass of structures cannot be simply deduced from the sum of their constituent parts, to the cosmic scale, where the hierarchical formation of large-scale structures is accompanied by a dramatic increase in gravitational phenomena, the pattern is clear and consistent.
As the complexity of structures grows, the associated mass and gravitational effects exhibit an exponential, rather than linear, increase. This disproportionate growth of gravity cannot be merely a secondary or incidental consequence, but rather suggests a deep, intrinsic coupling between the processes of structure formation and the manifestation of gravitational phenomena.
Yet, despite the logical simplicity and the observational support for this perspective, it remains largely overlooked or marginalized within the dominant cosmological theories and models. The scientific community has instead focused its attention on alternative frameworks, such as general relativity, dark matter, and dark energy, which do not consider the role of structure formation in the evolution of the universe.
The idea of structure-gravity coupling remains largely unexplored and ununderstood in the scientific community.
The ⚛ Neutron: Mathematical Structure-Gravity Coupling
In light of the above cases, it would be easy to understand that the Neutron is a mathematical fiction that represents "mass" independent of correlated protonic structure in the context of structure complexity, further supporting the idea of structure-gravity coupling.
As atoms become more complex, with higher atomic numbers, the number of protons in the nucleus increases. This increasing complexity of the protonic structure is accompanied by a need to accommodate the corresponding exponential growth in mass. The neutron concept serves as a mathematical abstraction that represent the exponential increase in mass associated with the growing complexity of the protonic structure.
From ⚛ Neutron Star to Black Hole
The idea that neutrons represent only mass without correlated matter or internal structure is substantiated by the evidence from neutron stars.
Neutron stars are formed in a supernova, an event in which a massive star (8-20 times the mass of the Sun) sheds its outer layers and its core rapidly increases in gravity.
Stars with a mass below 8 solar masses become a brown dwarf while stars with a mass above 20 solar masses become a black hole. It is important to note that the supernova brown dwarf is fundamentally different from a "failed star" brown dwarf that results from failed star formation.
The following evidence shows that the neutron star situation involves extreme gravity without correlated matter:
- Cold Core: Virtually no detectable heat emission. This directly contradicts the idea that their extreme gravity is caused by extremely high-density matter, as such dense matter would be expected to produce significant internal heat.
- Lack of Light Emission: The decreasing photon emission from neutron stars, to the point of becoming undetectable, indicates their gravity is not associated with typical matter-based electromagnetic processes.
- Rotation and Polarity: The observation that the rotation of neutron stars is independent from their core mass suggests their gravity is not directly tied to an internal rotating structure.
- Transformation to Black Holes: The observed evolution of neutron stars into black holes over time, correlated with their cooling, indicates a fundamental connection between these two extreme gravitational phenomena.
The situation in both neutron stars and black holes reveal that the observed extreme gravity cannot be related to an internal structure or "extremely dense matter".
The context of black holes and neutron stars is fundamentally defined by a reduction of "negative electric charge manifestation potential" to zero which is mathematically represented by ⚛ neutron or "only mass" without a causal electron/proton (matter) correlation. As a result, the situation becomes fundamentally non-directional and non-polar, and with that, non-existent.
What is said to exist in a black hole and neutron star is its external environment, and hence, in mathematics these situations result in a "singularity", a mathematical absurdness that involves a "potential infinity".
This reveals the logic behind the conclusion that a black hole will shrink when matter falls into its core, and that it will grow with cosmic structure formation in their environment which is represented by " negative electric charge (-) manifestation".
A month after I published the prediction on, science is making its first "discovery" that black holes may be connected to "dark energy" related cosmic structure growth.
(2024) Black holes could be driving the expansion of the universe, new study suggests
Astronomers may have found tantalizing evidence that dark energy — the mysterious energy driving the accelerating expansion of our universe — could be connected with black holes. ... y-suggests
It took me just a few simple philosophical questions and AI to get to the conclusion while of astrophysics it can be considered questionable that the idea is proposed for the first time in 2024.
In ancient cultures black holes have often been described as "Mother" of the Universe.
1) What is your opinion on cosmic philosophy, or the use of philosophy to understand the cosmos?
2) What do you think of the evidence that shows that the mathematical framing of cosmology (astrophysics) is grounded on profound dogmatic errors, such as the idea that mass correlates with matter per Einstein's equation E=mc²?
The Cosmic Philosophy ebook is currently being written. I am considering to create an ebook bundle with an introduction and major philosophical works in the category, such as those of Gottfried Leibniz, of which I personally wonder how he has managed to achieve some of his insights in 1714 when considering that it might align with what is actually the case. Hopefully the project inspires peole to "think out of the box" and to not feel limited by mathematics.
So far, it costed a few weeks time. AI does provide advantages in this regard. Delving through all the available papers by hand would never have enabled to gain various of the insights used in the case.
Tips, suggestions or criticism are welcome!
"This ebook will show how philosophy can be used to explore and understand the cosmos far beyond the potential of science."