Observe; never judge. Predict; never expect. Find invincible unwavering inner peace (a.k.a. true happiness and spiritual freedom) by letting go of all shoulds, oughts, judgments, and expectations.
Posted: November 14th, 2024, 4:04 pm
If you haven't already, you can sign up to be personally mentored by Scott "Eckhart Aurelius" Hughes at this link.
To let go of the miserable illusions of 'should' and 'ought' (and thereby find invincible unwavering true happiness) means, also, to let go of all expectation and have no expectations.
That's not really two (or more) different things but rather two different ways of describing the same one thing. It's to stop fighting miserable self-created illusions and instead find invincible unwavering inner peace via reality-acceptance and reality-loving, meaning, in part, via being totally honest and absolutely loving truth.
Observe, don't judge.
Predict, don't expect.
And, whenever any of your observations or predictions are revealed as incorrect, simply think or say with a happy loving giggle, "Oops, I miscalculated", or "Oops, I misperceived", or "Haha, I experienced an optical illusion."
Your beliefs and perceptions can be wrong, meaning incorrect, but reality never is. Reality is never wrong. The truth is never wrong. Those are eyes-closed truths that are true by definition, a priori.
Everything real is acceptable and lovable. Everything true is acceptable and lovable.
Love and accept reality as an unchanging whole. Fully and unconditionally accept everything you cannot control and cannot change exactly as it inexorably is with an acceptance so full and unconditional it warrants the word love.
Accept and love what you cannot control and cannot change exactly as it inexorably and unchangingly is.
Accept and love what you do control for being exactly the way you are choosing for it to be.
That is everything. Those two categories cover everything that is or ever could be. It's either accepted and loved as what you cannot control or accepted and loved as what you do.
Everything is lovable.
Just love everything, without judgement and without expectation.
Don't get lost in the diverse words and falsely think it's complex. It's not. It's simple.
'Should', 'ought', 'expectation', 'judgement', 'unforgiveness', 'resentment', etc. are all just diverse different words to describe the same fundamental one thing: Hating reality for being the way it inexorably is.
As I've said often before, to have hate in your heart at all is to be in hell.
Let go of all that heavy miserable nonsense. Let go of all those miserable stones overcrowding the otherwise spacious space in your bowl of loving light.
Let all of that heavy nonsense go. Stop clinging to heavy miserable illusions. Stop fighting miserable illusions and nightmarish imaginary phantoms of your own creation.
Find the light and spacious peace hidden behind the heavy loud crowding illusions.
Hate none, love all, and thereby be in eternal heaven.
Stop pretending to be who and what you aren't: the unreal you.
Start being what you always really were and are: the real eternal you.
Then you'll laugh when you realize you've been in heaven all along.
Even time itself will wash away as a type of optical illusion.
You'll no longer feel like an emotional ever-desiring always-wanting-more never-being-satisfied unfulfilled mortal body with a spirit.
You'll be revealed as an eternal spirit with a body. Well, with many bodies, scattered across spacetime. Some old, some young. Some black, some white. Some tall, some short. Some human, some not.
And you'll love your bodies. You'll see them as the clothes they are, but you'll love your clothes like yourself. You'll love them as an extension of yourself, as part of yourself, which really they are, as if each different body of yours scattered through spacetime was a different finger on your hand or a different eyeball in your head. You just won't mistake one measly tiny short-lived infinitesimal piece of clothing as being yourself in full but rather as what it really is: one tiny aspect of your vast infinite beloved wardrobe and vast infinite eternal beloved true self.
If you don't know what I mean about this eternal heaven stuff now, you will once you've tasted it by finally choosing to let go of all hate and let go of all reality-unacceptance in all its forms to instead practice the principle of fully and unconditionally accepting reality.
Once you choose to let go of all hate of any kind (e.g. once you choose to let go of all shoulds, oughts, judgments, and expectations), then, and only then, you will know what eternal heaven tastes like.
What it feels like. What it sounds like. What invincible salvation and true fulfillment it holds.
And then you'll wonder why I write all these things I do because you'll understand what I mean and agree with me when I say this: It's indescribable.
It's indescribably amazing and wonderful. It's indescribably timeless, eternal, and transcendentally. It's indescribably illuminating, enlightening, and fulfilling.
It's just plain indescribable.
The only words that do it justice are silence. Silence not just of mouth but of mind. No inner monologue could do it justice. Only conscious silence.
Because it is indescribable, wonderfully beautifully indescribable.
With love,
Eckhart Aurelius Hughes
a.k.a. Scott
In addition to having authored his book, In It Together, Eckhart Aurelius Hughes (a.k.a. Scott) runs a mentoring program, with a free option, that guarantees success. Success is guaranteed for anyone who follows the program.
To let go of the miserable illusions of 'should' and 'ought' (and thereby find invincible unwavering true happiness) means, also, to let go of all expectation and have no expectations.
That's not really two (or more) different things but rather two different ways of describing the same one thing. It's to stop fighting miserable self-created illusions and instead find invincible unwavering inner peace via reality-acceptance and reality-loving, meaning, in part, via being totally honest and absolutely loving truth.
Observe, don't judge.
Predict, don't expect.
And, whenever any of your observations or predictions are revealed as incorrect, simply think or say with a happy loving giggle, "Oops, I miscalculated", or "Oops, I misperceived", or "Haha, I experienced an optical illusion."
Your beliefs and perceptions can be wrong, meaning incorrect, but reality never is. Reality is never wrong. The truth is never wrong. Those are eyes-closed truths that are true by definition, a priori.
Everything real is acceptable and lovable. Everything true is acceptable and lovable.
Love and accept reality as an unchanging whole. Fully and unconditionally accept everything you cannot control and cannot change exactly as it inexorably is with an acceptance so full and unconditional it warrants the word love.
Accept and love what you cannot control and cannot change exactly as it inexorably and unchangingly is.
Accept and love what you do control for being exactly the way you are choosing for it to be.
That is everything. Those two categories cover everything that is or ever could be. It's either accepted and loved as what you cannot control or accepted and loved as what you do.
Everything is lovable.
Just love everything, without judgement and without expectation.
Don't get lost in the diverse words and falsely think it's complex. It's not. It's simple.
'Should', 'ought', 'expectation', 'judgement', 'unforgiveness', 'resentment', etc. are all just diverse different words to describe the same fundamental one thing: Hating reality for being the way it inexorably is.
As I've said often before, to have hate in your heart at all is to be in hell.
Let go of all that heavy miserable nonsense. Let go of all those miserable stones overcrowding the otherwise spacious space in your bowl of loving light.
Let all of that heavy nonsense go. Stop clinging to heavy miserable illusions. Stop fighting miserable illusions and nightmarish imaginary phantoms of your own creation.
Find the light and spacious peace hidden behind the heavy loud crowding illusions.
Hate none, love all, and thereby be in eternal heaven.
Stop pretending to be who and what you aren't: the unreal you.
Start being what you always really were and are: the real eternal you.
Then you'll laugh when you realize you've been in heaven all along.
Even time itself will wash away as a type of optical illusion.
You'll no longer feel like an emotional ever-desiring always-wanting-more never-being-satisfied unfulfilled mortal body with a spirit.
You'll be revealed as an eternal spirit with a body. Well, with many bodies, scattered across spacetime. Some old, some young. Some black, some white. Some tall, some short. Some human, some not.
And you'll love your bodies. You'll see them as the clothes they are, but you'll love your clothes like yourself. You'll love them as an extension of yourself, as part of yourself, which really they are, as if each different body of yours scattered through spacetime was a different finger on your hand or a different eyeball in your head. You just won't mistake one measly tiny short-lived infinitesimal piece of clothing as being yourself in full but rather as what it really is: one tiny aspect of your vast infinite beloved wardrobe and vast infinite eternal beloved true self.
If you don't know what I mean about this eternal heaven stuff now, you will once you've tasted it by finally choosing to let go of all hate and let go of all reality-unacceptance in all its forms to instead practice the principle of fully and unconditionally accepting reality.
Once you choose to let go of all hate of any kind (e.g. once you choose to let go of all shoulds, oughts, judgments, and expectations), then, and only then, you will know what eternal heaven tastes like.
What it feels like. What it sounds like. What invincible salvation and true fulfillment it holds.
And then you'll wonder why I write all these things I do because you'll understand what I mean and agree with me when I say this: It's indescribable.
It's indescribably amazing and wonderful. It's indescribably timeless, eternal, and transcendentally. It's indescribably illuminating, enlightening, and fulfilling.
It's just plain indescribable.
The only words that do it justice are silence. Silence not just of mouth but of mind. No inner monologue could do it justice. Only conscious silence.
Because it is indescribable, wonderfully beautifully indescribable.
With love,
Eckhart Aurelius Hughes
a.k.a. Scott
In addition to having authored his book, In It Together, Eckhart Aurelius Hughes (a.k.a. Scott) runs a mentoring program, with a free option, that guarantees success. Success is guaranteed for anyone who follows the program.