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There is nothing you must do. "Must do", "need to do", and "have to do" are all misery-inducing slave words that create, perpetuate, and exacerbate the miserable delusion that is spiritual slavery.

Posted: October 13th, 2024, 8:19 am
by Eckhart Aurelius Hughes
If you haven't already, you can sign up to be personally mentored by Scott "Eckhart Aurelius" Hughes at this link.

Must and choice are incompatible.

"Must do", "need to do", and "have to do" are all misery-inducing slave words that create, perpetuate, and exacerbate the miserable dishonest delusion that is miserable spiritual slavery (e.g. addiction).

There is nothing you must do.

There is nothing you need to do.

There is nothing you have to do.

Whether you like or not, you are free, inexorably free.

What we (including I) usually call 'spiritual freedom' (a.k.a. self-discipline and self-responsibility) is actually instead simply the act of realizing and fully accepting you are already free.

What I call invincible free-spirited inner-peace (a.k.a. invincible constant unwavering true happiness, day in and day out) is simply a matter of both (1) realizing you are inexorably free combined with (2) utterly loving and capitalizing on that fact with all your heart.

When you are free, realize you are are free, and love that you are free, that is true happiness. That is full-fledged realized self-responsibility and self-discipline.

The philosophy and logic is rock solid, but it also makes perfect sense intuitively as well. For instance, one is much more happy and graceful when one tends to think, "I am choosing to pick up my kids from school today and make them dinner because I want to", versus doing the same things externally (i.e. picking the kids up and cooking them dinner), but thinking while doing it, "I don't want to be doing this, but I have to."

"I want to stay home and watch more TV, but, alas, I have to pick up my kids."

"I want to go out drinking with you guys, but I have to do XYZ."

"I want to lose weight, but I have to eat this cupcake because it's so deliciously tempting."

"I want to eat this cupcake, but I have to lose weight."

Having those kind of verbal thoughts running though your human head--and believing those thoughts--would be a miserable way to live.

If your mind thinks thought like those above, you can reprogram it.

You can stop believing those miserable thoughts instantly, and be happy instantly and have a loving happy smile even when those silly false miserable thoughts go through your head, and then, from there, simply reprogram your mind over time to stop even having those false thoughts.

You can reprogram your mind. It's not complicated, it's not expensive, and it doesn't take that long.

More importantly, you don't even need to wait until you've reprogrammed your mind to stop believing the thoughts and be happy now, truly happy, in the sense of having invincible unwavering free-spirited inner peace, day in and day out, everyday, no matter what happens in the external world around you, and no matter what physical sensations or bodily feelings your body parts send up the nerve stream, no matter what petty fleeting bodily emotions and feelings you happen to be experiencing any given day or moment. They will all be like fleeting clouds passing by in the sky overhead, some very rainy and stormy. But you and your happiness will be like the invincible eternal sky: always there, always the same, no matter the clouds that appear within the all-accepting space that is you, the wonderful invincible sky.

My advice to you: Being the brief glorious process of reprogramming your mind now by letting go of these three miserable slave phrases: "must do", "need to do", and "have to do". In other words, my advice to you i to--starting right now--do your absolute best to never ever say or even think any of the following three phrases "must do", "need to do", and "have to do".

You can control what you say and what you write, so never ever say or write them. You can't fully control your mind's thoughts, so when those thoughts do pop up in your human mind against your will, simply remind yourself and your silly foolish mind, with a happy loving smile, that, "no, there is nothing I must do". Like you might lovingly remind a toddler they can't fly, or lovingly laugh at a puppy dog as it chases its own tail, lovingly laugh as you lovingly remind your silly human mind that, "no, Mind, there is nothing I do."

As many wise teachers have taught, the mind is a wonderful servant but a terrible master. Learn how to ignore it, how to correct it, and, most importantly, how to laughingly disobey it with a free-spirited rebelliousness so gloriously extreme and joyous that it seems as if the whole universe pauses to take note, as if every star in the galaxy and every galaxy in the universe became an eye and iris watching you in that dramatic moment of inspiring free-spirited universe-shattering defiance.

With love,
Eckhart Aurelius Hughes
a.k.a. Scott

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In addition to having authored his book, In It Together, Eckhart Aurelius Hughes (a.k.a. Scott) runs a mentoring program, with a free option, that guarantees success. Success is guaranteed for anyone who follows the program.