I always say - What is above God? Truth! Truth is above God!
But in the real world we live in, that is not the case
Drawn in by cheap & easy promises of an easy lazy life forever, people seem to set aside their critical thinking
Similar to a simple change in a word skewing our morals, values - If I say, "Just quit your lousy job, a rich guy will show up at your door, GIVE away millions and you can live the easy good life forever!"
What will your reaction be? Will you not call me crazy? What fool millionaire is giving away millions?
And yet Religion is making the EXACT same promise!
Death is a gateway to a magic land of plenty - all we have to do is believe, convert of course, and God, the rich guy will GIVE away the easy good life! We can enjoy this good life forever!
Amazingly no one asks how this makes any sense!
Amazingly no one can figure out that these religions are using these cheap promises to push conversions, like a Madoff pushing Ponzi-schemes to get your money
Fear of Death & Greed for the easy lazy life promised seems to blind people
Another problem i have is this promise of God's Forgiveness
If I drive drunk one night and caused some material damage, sure, in the light of the day, I am repentant
But will the Judge nicely let me go just because I am now repentant?
First the Judge will ask me to stop crying, stand tall and accept responsibility for my actions
Second, there are apologies to be rendered to the victim for the damages that have been inflicted on them
Third, it is my responsibility to set things straight, to make up the loss, the damages suffered by the victim
Then, and only then, will the VICTIM be ready to FORGIVE me
The judge does not have the right to forgive me, only the victim has that right
Forgiveness is EARNED, not BEGGED FOR!
Let's talk about repentance - what is it?
Is "I feel so bad for what I did, please forgive me, Judge" - Is that repentance?
Is "I feel bad for the damage that I caused, the harm that i inflicted on the victim by my actions. Please give me a chance to correct my mistakes, set things right"
Which one of the above 2 is true Repentance?
The one that all about oneself, how one can be forgiven or the one that focuses on the VICTIM and the harm caused to him/her?
Guess which one Religion pushes?
Plenty of us have made New Year's resolutions - did we not mean them? Of course we did, but most of us fail
What is the problem?
There have been plenty of people who woke up in a hospital bed after a heart attack, realized how close they were to losing it all, hugged their families and vowed to exercise, eat right etc etc
But how many follow-thru? What happens a couple of months later? Back to their old ways again!
As they say, talk is cheap, it is actions that matter - but here's the problem - the latter is hard, the former is easy
Religions push the easy way out, the backdoor way out
A nice forgiving God will listen to our cries of repentance, will nicely forgive us so that we can scoot off to Heaven
or oh yes, "Jesus paid my debts"
somehow does not work in the real world with our creditors, does it?
Gods who will help us cheat our creditors, our victims!
And the frightening silence of those who talk morals, ethics, values