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Who should be allowed to run for US President ?

Posted: June 30th, 2024, 10:48 pm
by UniversalAlien
Today there are few standards - Someone must be over 35 and a natural born US Citizen.

Now I ask do we need other standards ?

1. Should a convicted felon or revolutionary who attempted to illegally overturn an election be allowed to run?

2. Should a current politician, even if he be the President, be allowed to run if he is clearly showing signs of cognitive impairment,
and/or dementia do to age, be allowed to run without a full evaluation of his current state of mind ?

Unfortunately this situation is current in the coming US Presidential election.

Philosophically speaking can the body politic of a nation survive if unqualified candidates by ethics, age or other reasonable standards be allowed
to run for office and gain control of the political structure of the nation ?

Re: Who should be allowed to run for US President ?

Posted: July 2nd, 2024, 2:02 am
by UniversalAlien
As long as I can remember it has been stated by many in US Elections, especially Presidential Elections, that people state that they are voting tor the
lesser of two evils.

In this Presidential election 2024 It is too easy to find negative qualities about the two main candidates - qualities that outweigh any positive
qualities they many have - And this is regardless of political ideology.

There are analysts who keep claiming 'Democracy' is at stake in the coming 2024 Election.

Democracy ??? - What in fact does Democracy mean in a nation, World, where all votes are being influenced continuously by the money of special interests?

Even now does Democracy exist at all in the United State? Or is it now nothing more than a war of special self-serving interests ?

Is the political concept of Democracy already dead ???

Re: Who should be allowed to run for US President ?

Posted: July 3rd, 2024, 8:45 pm
by Lagayascienza
It's hard to see how this next Presidentail election is going to end well.

On one side we have a kindly geriatric who is no longer capable of holding the reins of power or of inspiring confidence. On the other side we have a billionaire who is a convicted felon and who has already tried once to overturn a democratic election.

This felon is bloved of the religious right, the billionaies and powerful corporations and, most importantly, those corporations which control the media. When last in power, this felon stacked the Supreme Court which has consistently ruled in his favor during his term out of office. Thus, the separation of powers so central to a democray, has been eroded.

If at the next election he gets a majority in both houses of congress there will be no check on his legislative and executive power. Gerrymandering will run riot and he will be able to get the Congress to agree to a change to the Constution that will allow him to rule indefinitely.

Thus we will have three dictators, surrounded by sychophants, in control of the world's three great nuclear powers. America will have had its day in the sun and it will be goodbye democracy. Lesser powers will have to choose which dictator they will hide behind as the next greart war looms.