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Future self.

Posted: June 20th, 2024, 10:20 am
by Eugine Ingalwa
Understanding the concept of ' Temporal Unity of Selves' means that you are in control of your future self. Do you agree?

Re: Future self.

Posted: September 28th, 2024, 10:35 am
by Sushan
Yes, you have power over who you will become in the future. You're always making decisions that either take you closer to your ideal self or away from it.

But in this case, I believe the word "control" is ambiguous. Life is full of unexpected events. While we can control how we respond and evolve, not everything is predictable or within our direct control. Therefore, maybe it's more about guiding or influencing your future self than it is about having total control over it.

Re: Future self.

Posted: October 9th, 2024, 8:29 pm
by Jennifer Bells
I do agree. Human are meant to be in control of their future self in all ramification. I totally agree.

Re: Future self.

Posted: October 10th, 2024, 4:55 am
by Qwerty Writes
I don't agree to some degree. :lol: (That rhymes!)
The reason is that you don't know what you are capable of in the future. You are changing and so is everyone else and things around you. We already learned a lot of things from being alive for so many years and some of those things won't bear any fruit in our lives until a few years from now. It can be both good and bad. The same is true for everything in our environment. What I do agree on is that you can adapt rather than fight yourself with an expectation of what you want to be. It's free! More lively to consider that you are growing through every mistake and success. When we adapt we become different people but to live in our future we must need only one thing; to adapt/be flexible. And that is power! :mrgreen: