(2024) AI consciousness: scientists say we urgently need answers
Could artificial intelligence (AI) systems become conscious? A trio of consciousness scientists say that, at the moment, no one knows — and they are expressing concern about the lack of inquiry into the question.
Daniel Dennett would argue the following according Google's AI:
"Proving consciousness is a metaphysical red herring, as the very concept of 'proving sentience' is nonsensical."
The inability to answer the question why consciousness is something other than its scientific empirical description can be used as an argument for the claim that consciousness is simply what the empirical description of it entails.
What philosophical argument enables one to counter the claim that a sufficiently advanced AI is not conscious to the fullest extent?
It concerns the unresolved Philosophical Zombie problem, invented by David Chalmers in 1996 as an argument against physicalism.
David Chalmers recently won a 25 year bet from neuroscientist Christof Koch, which dates from around the time that he invented the Zombie Argument.
A 25-Year-Old Bet about Consciousness Has Finally Been Settled
https://www.scientificamerican.com/arti ... n-settled/
While some people may be quick to say that 'technical AI' fundamentally lacks what is required for 'real' consciousness, the idea of cyborgs and AI based on organic matter (pre-existing life) may change the situation.
The DishBrain project, a groundbreaking initiative merging human brain cells with artificial intelligence, has made significant progress. The project is evolving into an AI hardware company that sells "Organoid" hardware and platform technology for AI, or "OI" as they are calling it. They are currently developing a brain organoid product of 10 million neurons to achieve "organoid intelligence" (OI).
To make the question more interesting and capable of bypassing the socio-cultural status of the debate of AI consciousness: can Organoid Intelligence (OI) become sentient, or should it be seen as sentient from the beginning?
Biocomputers based on brain organoids and real human neurons are emerging as a promising frontier that extends beyond traditional silicon-based computing and even beyond the prospects of quantum computing. Organoid Intelligence (OI) represents a new interdisciplinary field that aims to harness the computational power of brain organoids.
Brainoware is an example startup in the field.
(2024) AI and a brain organoids: can this combo take on supercomputers?
https://www.labiotech.eu/trends-news/br ... ganoid-ai/
(2023) Is the future of computing biological?
https://arstechnica.com/science/2023/03 ... iological/
(2023) Computer chip with built-in human brain tissue
What is your idea about the prospect of Organoid Intelligence?