Discussions of not being racist focus primarily on material outcomes now in the US. Why are black students not accepted into college at rates comparable to asians or whites? Because of some long story of racism. The solution: affirmative action, essentially lowering standards to allow in members of marginalized classes. Yet again, not debating this point.
However, I realized this focus has been rotting the racial consciousness of many in the West when the Hamas attacks took place in Israel last year. So many bleeding heart liberals from all over the internet and even people I talk to in person saying that they just wish both sides would realize their shared humanity and work together for a solution. How naive.
Whats occurring in Israel/Palestine (I do not care one way or the other) is a race war. Two groups of people who hate, and I mean hate eachother are fighting. This is not about the material outcomes. This is not about finding a two state solution. The Palestinians (and the rest of the middle east) hate Israel, and Israel hates them at the deepest level of hate. The naivety of first world "anti-racists" believing that the two sides could truly peacefully co-exist is astounding. The focus in the west on the material outcomes of "racism" has made people blind to the fact that racism could exist without effecting material outcomes. Some people just do not like other people. I do not believe there will ever be a peaceful solution to the Israeli/Palestine conflict. That region of the world will be in perpetual conflict for the foreseeable future. It does not matter what concessions Israel or Hamas makes. Both groups hate eachother
I think the reason this great naivety exists is due to the abundance we experience in America. There is plenty enough to be "redistributed equitably" without significantly reducing our quality of life, so we can continue to play this game of racial appeasement. But through no unique sin, if this were not the case the US would be embroiled in racial conflicts like the ones we see on CNN. Stop with the naivety and armchair global politics. Understand that the world does not have the abundance we find here, and that the only thing that will ease these conflicts is an increased GLOBAL standard of living.