As for philosophy, aside from a fling with Wittgenstein as an undergrad, my first abiding interest was Process Philosophy. This was mercifully coup'ed de grace by Ortega y Gasset. In time, I came to Evola and Ted Kaczynski's "Manifesto." Which led to my current interest in all things O9A.
All that being said, I DO wish to sincerely complement this forum. I have a sometimes snide-strident tone, yet (thus far) that has been borne by the powers-that-moderate here. In the past few months, I recently started posting in Stateside forums again. (A long-term resident in Asia, I posted mainly in an expat forum that withered about the time of the Great COVID Shamdemic.) The change in public discourse is...well, about what I expected. One can get banned in some forums for writing, "With all due respect..." To say "You're wrong" (while citing evidence) is styled "bullying." As befits philosophers, I do not seem to see that here. Kudos.