Darwinian Random Creation Myth is dead. Long live INTELLIGENT DESIGN !!!
Post by
nada » December 13th, 2009, 3:38 am
Something dawned on me today. I don't watch much TV. Instead .. my mind entertains itself by a low level grappling with life's questions. Whenever I do not need to place my attention on some task I am doing .. my mind automatically goes back to the puzzles of life. I expect many of us here at this forum are like that.
I have always been uneasy with Darwin's theory. Not with the idea of evolution (change to biological systems over time) but with his hinge-pin of evolution being driven by random mutations and survival of the fittest. Such a basic biological drive at the core of our be-ing would produce a society in total and endless (and merciless) competition. This competition would justify many of the social ills that we, by nature, abhor. And nullify many of the moral that we, by nature, think of as heroic.
From a biological standpoint .. I just can not accept on faith that all life on earth arose from matter and chemicals and diversified into the many types of creatures we find. The idea that something happened to a chemical soup - that cause life to emerge - and then evolve through random chance into a breathing, eating, intelligent creature - just seems far to complicated an organism to ever happen. Hiding this impossibility within a time span of billions of years just does not make it more acceptable to me.
And so the thing I did was to take evolution and see its as an adaptation process. It seemed to me reasonable (more reasonable anyway) that a species find itself in an environment in which some biological adaptation would be called for .. and an intelligent search for a good adaptation would happen (the cells and organs would try out potential adaptations in order to fine an adaptation that worked well). And that would be passed on genetically to the next generation and so on down the line.
And so I was willing to accept evolution by means of adaptation to environment.
But today I had a though which stunned me. The though involves what I think some people call 'complexity' and it is coupled with some facts about Darwin and his times .. which I never put together before.
You see .. at the time of Darwin .. spontaneous generation - was assumed and accepted. They did not have powerful microscopes and biology has not yet become a science on its own. Partly for the reason that microscopes were rudimentary and under them .. cells .. appeared mostly as stains that moved. Only with 19th century electron microscopes did we finally see that a cell has a complex structure of internal organs very much like the function of our own organs.
Spontaneous generation - is the 'scientific fact' that if you left food to rot on the table .. little white worms would be generated into life from the rotting mass. If you left water soaking in a pot of simple earth .. fuzzy stuff (mold) would be generated and grow. Of course .... the little white worms were fly larva and the mold grows from tiny bacteria every present in the dirt of the earth.
Darwin also did not know about genes nor DNA. The accepted scientific fact (at the time) was that generational inheritance happened - through the blood. It was by way of being carried in the blood of the parents (in the case of animals and insects etc..) and the fluids of plants .. that inheritance was passed to off-spring.
In Darwin's mind - the initial origin was assumed to have already been answered in spontaneous generation. And the evolution of that simple life was by means of blood (the blood of plants were its fluids). Darwin only needed to determine why evolution takes the direction that it takes and is not simply random in all regards (producing deformed monstrosity after monstrosity).
Simple enough. The answer would either be adaptation or for reasons of best survival. How was what would be passed on .. selected?? Darwin went with the reason of best survival as proved by what random mutations survived and what random mutations did not survive.
There were enough random mutations evident in humans at the time of Darwin (deformed children at birth) and the cause for them was unknown and their variety seems more or less random (Siamese twins / six toes / over sized heads / random organs outside the body / blue birth marks / no arms / etc) because 'genes' and DNA was unknown.
In thinking on this stuff today .. I thought of the internal organs (organelles) which Darwin and his contemporaries did not know about. There is no one-organ cell (that I know about). Any cell is indeed a small 'animal' and its life depends upon all its organs working together as a system. It must eat, it must eliminate waste, it must sense its environment, it must breath, it has rudimentary sight in order to navigate obsticals when chasing its food, etc. In short - all the systems must be in place and functioning in concert - for the cell to live. And we know that its shell (much like our own skin) is its brain and nerve system - its intelligence.
Remove just a few of my organs (my heart, my lungs) and my system of life can not function as a system. I die. So too it is with a cell.
Modern biology knowing the organs of a cell and how they must function together .. for it to live.
Having that 'complexity' of life in mind .. it now seems impossible for me to accept that life began with one cell and its organs took time (even just years) to evolve into its several vital function. Under the microscope of Darwin's day where the internal organs of a cell did not exist (to our eyes) such a thing seems plausible. But not under the high power of a microscope today.
For the first cell to emerge into life from a primordial soup, it would have to instantly have all organs in place and functioning as a system. It could not evolve into several organs from one rudimentary organ. Spontaneous generation of life at the cell level (accepted as fact by Darwin) just could not have happened.
There is no record of spontaneous generation of life - ever - in history. Not once in all the centuries man has kept records. What was one thought to be spontaneous generation by the ancients - has been proven not to be the case. We now can see what they could not see. We now know what they could not have known.
All life .. is generated by other life which is like it. Either by division (on the cell level) or by egg/nut/seed (still a form of cell division encased support system).
Genes and DNA are a necessity. Plant or animal or insect .. all life generated by means of this architectural template passed from parent to off-spring.
Life comes from life and does not come from lifeless matter.
Be it by means of womb and umbilical chord - or by means of the fluids surround the yoke of an egg .. while the organs of a fetus develop to the stage where they can function .. the fetus needs what they will eventual do - supplied to it in another way. In what way was this done for the first cell to emerge from the primordial soup and supply its functions for it before it evolved enough over countless years to do all the functions with evolved organs?
This would seem to point to a conclusion that our search for how the first life came to be .. is barking up the wrong tree. And with the mention of 'tree' ..
the idea that this first cell born fully developed from a primordial soup - came to divided into the countless plant, insect, and animal, fish and fowl, bacterial, fungus, and you name it ... which populate our planet .. even further makes no senses under the concept of random mutation and survival of the fittest. Especially under the knowledge we have of the cycles of ecology where all these life form depend upon each other.
So for me ..
Darwinian Random Creation Myth is dead. Long live INTELLIGENT DESIGN !!!
This does not in away way mean I now accept a literal interpretation of the story of Adam and Eve and creation of all creatures in seven days by God Yahweh, nor any other creator gods.
It seems to me useless to look back in time to a beginning which we simply can not know - and speculate a theory by which we interpret meaning of the present. Spontaneous generation or seven days .. both seem to me a fantasy.
Aliens, a
bolt of lightening in primordial soup, or seven days work of God .. when shall we admit that we humans have our limitations and there are some things which
we shall never know for sure to be fact.
However, the scientific theory of INTELLIGENT DESIGN with all its massive and
overwhelming scientific self-evident evidence, is the best scientific explanation available
Does anyone agree ?
Or, do I remain a
lone heretic to both, science and fundamentalist religion?
Source : viewtopic.php?f=12&t=3112