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There is no 'should', no 'ought', and no 'try'. You are 100% in control of your choices.

Posted: September 28th, 2023, 11:15 pm
by Eckhart Aurelius Hughes
You are 100% in control of your choices.

There is no 'should', no 'ought', and no 'try'.

Those are just tormenting superstitious illusions--devilish phantoms--that represent some of the ways some people either (1) fail to fully and unconditionally accept what they cannot control, or (2) fail to take full accepting self-responsibility for what they do control with true honest spiritual freedom (a.k.a. self-discipline).

For those of us with grace and honest spiritual freedom (a.k.a. self-discipline), this life is like a lucid dream. It's so empowering. It makes you feel godly. But for those who do one of those two things I mentioned (e.g. for those who spend time trying and thus failing, or otherwise being dishonest with themselves or unaccepting of the truths they know somewhere in their heart be true), this life may be like a non-lucid nightmare. The phantoms that torment them aren't real, but they torment them none the less. Belief is a powerful thing: Imaginary roadblocks will really stop you, and imaginary devils will really torment you.

Even a literal god cannot protect you from a self-created hell of imaginary demons and the unpleasant horror of trying. In that way, you are the god of your dreams and nightmares, and lucidity is just realizing it. If you are spiritually tormented (i.e. lacking the true unwavering happiness that is inner peace), then it is you and your illusions that are doing the tormenting, and you can stop whenever you want.

If I had to define grace or gracefulness in only four words, it would be these four:

"To do without trying."

That is grace.

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Topics: #WuWei #EffortlessAction #Grace #Graceful #DoOrDoNot #SelfResponsibility #SelfDiscipline #Freedom #FreeSpirit #BeYourOwnBoss

Re: There is no 'should', no 'ought', and no 'try'. You are 100% in control of your choices.

Posted: January 26th, 2024, 10:46 am
by Josephine Adhiambo
Embracing the notion that there are no inherent "shoulds" or "oughts" underscores the idea that we hold the reins of our decisions. It signifies a mindset where personal agency reigns supreme, emphasizing that we are not bound by external expectations or societal norms. In acknowledging our 100% control over choices, we step into a realm of conscious decision-making, where accountability and autonomy converge to sculpt the trajectory of our lives. This perspective encourages a proactive approach, urging individuals to navigate their journeys with purpose, mindful of the profound impact each choice can have on their personal growth and fulfillment.

Re: There is no 'should', no 'ought', and no 'try'. You are 100% in control of your choices.

Posted: November 29th, 2024, 10:33 pm
by Sushan
I agree. I see that there are shoulds and oughts in our daily living, things such as traffic rules. But if we see the real reason behind those rules and laws, we can simply choose to accept them without resentment or without the feeling of being forced to do so. And at the same time, we can take full responsibility and choose not to do as instructed by those rules and do as we are pleased. However the consequences are also ours to accept because we chose them as well. We can choose whatever we want, and we can do whatever we want. We are free spirits.