To say I unconditionally forgive everyone and everything is true enough but also an understatement.
As my book, "In It Together", teaches, to fully let go of the imaginary hellish superstition of unacceptability is to also realize, "there is nothing to forgive".
In blunter but simpler words, to fully practice unconditional acceptance is to realize there is never anything to forgive.
There is no wrongness to fear, see, remember, or forget.
When I say to forgive but not forget, I am not saying to remember the wrongness, but rather to realize it was never there in the first place, and instead remember only the cold hard easily accepted and loved facts, not any illusions of resentment and judgementalism, and not any superstitious illusions like "they should have known better", "they did know better", or "it could have been different", all utterly illogical nonsense. I'm not asking you to remember or forget those things, but to realize they never ever existed to be noticed, remembered, or forgotten. You don't need to forgive them for doing it despite knowing better because they didn't know better. You don't need to forgive it for not being different because it couldn't have been different.
You can remember the fire burned you and choose to not stick your hand in it again all while at the time still lovingly accepting that it burned you and fully 'forgiving' it for burning you (i.e. holding onto no resentment, a.k.a. unforgiveness, towards the fire for burning you). Love all; trust few. Happily and lovingly accept that the fire burned you and that the fire is the way it is. Happily and lovingly accept it so deeply that you realize there never even is anything to forgive. The fire didn't do anything wrong by burning you. It's not wrong for the fire to be hot or to be the way it is. Just notice with love, acceptance, non-judgment, and no resentment (a.k.a. unforgiveness) that the fire is they way it is. Don't forget that it is the beautiful perfect lovable way it is (i.e. so hot as to burn to the touch), but also don't hate it or hold onto resentment (a.k.a. unforgiveness) about it being the way it is.
When I say "forgive; don't forget", what I really mean is "Learn; don't resent."
When I say that there is nothing to forgive, what I mean is that there is nothing resentment-worthy, ever. I'm advising you to never willfully resent anything, ever.
There is never really anything to forgive, but there is such a thing as unforgiveness: which is to choose to torture yourself in your own mind, spirit and soul with resentful/hate allegedly because external reality happens to be the way it unchangeably is. It's to torture yourself to spite unchangeable reality. So-called 'forgiveness' can be the act of letting go of that miserable self-deprecating nonsense and the miserable illusions that seek to justify it, but thus when you really and fully practice such unconditional forgiveness, you realize that there is never anything to forgive.
When I say to observe without judgement or resentment or hate, I am not saying to fail to hate hate-worthy things or to fail to resent unacceptable things. I'm saying to realize there are no such resentment-worthy things to actually observe. They are only tormenting fictional phantoms created in your imagination, not real, not really there in actual reality.
Wrongness/incorrectness etc. is unreal/untrue by definition.
In other words, there is no hate-worthy aspect of true unchanging reality to hate. There is no resentment-worthy aspect of unchanging true reality to resent. To see that fundamental eternal eyes-closed truth is what it means to fully and unconditionally accept what you cannot control, and accept and take accepting responsibility for how you control what you can, and thereby fully accept absolutely everything without any resentment or hate towards any real thing or real aspect of reality at all.
Every single thing is to be fully accepted (a.k.a. loved): either accepted as (1) what you cannot control, or as (2) being exactly the way you are choosing for it to be.
Thus, from the previous paragraph, to be logical we must conclude: Everything is acceptable, meaning nothing is worthy of resentment, hate, or unforgiveness.
This is an acceptance so full and unconditional that it can be called love. Thus, in other words, it is hereby logically proven: Everything is lovable.
So just love everything.
In addition to having authored his book, In It Together: The Beautiful Struggle Uniting Us All, Eckhart Aurelius Hughes (a.k.a. Scott) runs a mentoring program, with a free option, that guarantees success. Success is guaranteed for anyone who follows the program, both for the free option and the paid option.
"The mind is a wonderful servant but a terrible master."
I believe spiritual freedom (a.k.a. self-discipline) manifests as bravery, confidence, grace, honesty, love, and inner peace.
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