What most people see as heaven is something that is (1) impossible but also (2) would be SO HORRIBLE if it did exist
Posted: September 28th, 2023, 1:59 pm
This is a discussion forum topic related to the book, In It Together: The Beautiful Struggle Uniting Us All.
Perhaps the most common example of hell (i.e. the opposite of inner peace) is falsely believing this endless journey has a destination and worshiping that destination.
That is the nature of false idols: what you are worshiping as better than reality doesn't exist.
In other words, hell is defining heaven as something that doesn't exist.
And when you really ask such a person what that imaginary impossible heaven would be like, it's generally something so much worse than what really exists. It's some boring place with only yin and no yang. There's no boxing and bleeding and pain. There's no lions chasing and killing antelopes, or starving to death when the selfish antelope gets away. It's a place without challenges, without educational losses and without worthy opponents. It would be so horrible! I am so glad their awful terrible boring made-up imaginary heaven doesn't exist and cannot exist.
Reality is right.
This world--the real world that actually exists, taken as a timeless eternal singular whole--is perfect and wonderful. This eternal present, in all its cyclical endless glory, is heaven. Eternal and perfect.
Say it with me now: "Reality is right."
In this vast infinite universe, not a single spec is out of place.
There is nowhere to go or get to, because you are already in heaven, and it's the only place you'll ever be. There is no better future because there is no "the future". This isn't the costly means to some end because there is no end. Hellishness is just an ungrateful state of mind some people happen to have for a bit while living in this wonderful perfect heaven. And that's good too; To each their own.
In addition to having authored his book, In It Together: The Beautiful Struggle Uniting Us All, Eckhart Aurelius Hughes (a.k.a. Scott) runs a mentoring program, with a free option, that guarantees success. Success is guaranteed for anyone who follows the program, both for the free option and the paid option.
Perhaps the most common example of hell (i.e. the opposite of inner peace) is falsely believing this endless journey has a destination and worshiping that destination.
That is the nature of false idols: what you are worshiping as better than reality doesn't exist.
In other words, hell is defining heaven as something that doesn't exist.
And when you really ask such a person what that imaginary impossible heaven would be like, it's generally something so much worse than what really exists. It's some boring place with only yin and no yang. There's no boxing and bleeding and pain. There's no lions chasing and killing antelopes, or starving to death when the selfish antelope gets away. It's a place without challenges, without educational losses and without worthy opponents. It would be so horrible! I am so glad their awful terrible boring made-up imaginary heaven doesn't exist and cannot exist.
Reality is right.
This world--the real world that actually exists, taken as a timeless eternal singular whole--is perfect and wonderful. This eternal present, in all its cyclical endless glory, is heaven. Eternal and perfect.
Say it with me now: "Reality is right."
In this vast infinite universe, not a single spec is out of place.
There is nowhere to go or get to, because you are already in heaven, and it's the only place you'll ever be. There is no better future because there is no "the future". This isn't the costly means to some end because there is no end. Hellishness is just an ungrateful state of mind some people happen to have for a bit while living in this wonderful perfect heaven. And that's good too; To each their own.
In addition to having authored his book, In It Together: The Beautiful Struggle Uniting Us All, Eckhart Aurelius Hughes (a.k.a. Scott) runs a mentoring program, with a free option, that guarantees success. Success is guaranteed for anyone who follows the program, both for the free option and the paid option.