I really love these excerpts from page 78 of The Unfakeable Code®:
Tony Jeton Selimi (The Unfakeable Code®, page 78) wrote:As you become better at recognizing the self-deceptive mechanisms of your façades, the depth of insights you get can remove the judgments and criticism you have towards others immediately. Your approach becomes that of a non-judgmental observer of yourself and others.
Imagine, for a second, the inner peace you would be living in and the deep, meaningful connections you would be making with one another through adopting a non-judgmental observation of one another. This is the place where ‘I love you’ and ‘thank you’ become an ingrained habit and response towards those who challenge you the most.
In masterfully taking off your transient masks, you begin to use more of your innate skills to lift others. You create an unbreakable bond with other human beings in a much more meaningful and more profound way.
Every time my clients learn to master the process of removing the masks created by disassociation, fear and pain, I observe a noticeable difference... Addressing new challenges that life throws at them becomes less painful and more playful. The more they learn how to live in alignment with their true authentic self, the easier it becomes for them to embrace their authentic power. The clarity that emerges from within gives them the confidence to express their highest version and vision of themselves.
For those who read the book, did the above section stand out to you too as especially wise and helpful? What do you think about the ideas expressed in it?
For those who did not read the book, please take the above selected excerpts as only a tiny sample of what the book will show you and prove to you. You won't really be able to understand it just by reading the above excerpts. I strongly recommend you read (or listen to) the whole book. It's so worth it.
"The mind is a wonderful servant but a terrible master."
I believe spiritual freedom (a.k.a. self-discipline) manifests as bravery, confidence, grace, honesty, love, and inner peace.
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