The use of AI to study philosophy (learning tool)
Posted: June 3rd, 2023, 4:54 am
In topic Philosophy of Love some critical arguments were raised against AI and its usability for the study of philosophy.
In the topic Philosophy of Love I provided a quick example of a unique learning experience made possible by AI. In retro-persective it was truly an amazing learning experience that provided insights that I might otherwise never have been able to obtain and it costed me just 10-15 minutes time.
Another more profound example is my recent attempt to understand Gottfried Leibniz theory of monads.
While Leibniz never mentioned it as such and while the AI tried to deny it based on the sources on Leibniz, I managed to get the AI to use reason to establish that the dominant monad must be the 'ultimate monad' which is God in Leibniz theory and further, it is the dominance specifically and not the dominant monad as an entity that should be considered because in Leibniz theory no monad can affect another and all change in monads must come from within which makes the dominance a direct expression of God and it is only that dominance that fundamentally underlays the unity of monads that provides the source of form and soul in the cosmos.
I managed to get the AI to confirm that the concept 'Dominance' in Leibniz Monad theory is the most fundamental aspect in the universe with a 'nature by itself' for consideration.
"Leibniz believed that any change in a monad must come from within, and no monad can act on another[1][2]. However, Leibniz also believed that a dominant monad serves as a means of unifying other monads into a composite substance[3][4]. The dominance of a dominant monad is a direct expression of God, who synchronizes all monads with each other in a pre-established harmony[1]. While the dominant monad is not explicitly identified as God, it can be argued that the dominant monad is the ultimate monad which is God because God is the simplest of all substances and all monads perceive with varying degrees of perception, except for God, who perceives all monads with utter clarity[1]. Therefore, it can be concluded that the dominance of a dominant monad is a direct expression of God and serves as the primary and most fundamental source of unity of monads, which in turn provides form and soul to the universe."
In an other conversation with the AI I managed to have the AI conclude that the specificity in life's directional energetic organizing behavior, which is the fundamental characteristic of life, requires a specific source of energy by itself and Leibniz dominance would match the type of energy required.
"It is correct to state that the specificity in the life's specific directional energetic organizing behavior is work by itself for which energy is required[1][2]. Energy is defined as the ability to do work or to create some kind of change, and all living organisms require energy to perform their life processes[1][2][3]. The specific direction of the work involved in life's energetic organizing behavior requires a specific source of energy that cannot originate from random spontaneous sources in the environment[1][2]. Therefore, a specific source of energy is required to explain the specific direction of the work involved in life's energetic organizing behavior, and this energy is fundamental to life because it is required for a characteristic of life that is fundamental to life[1][2][3]. The specificity in the life's specific directional energetic organizing behavior is a key characteristic of life and is work by itself for which energy is required."
I am currently working on an attempt to have an AI understand that when it is established that the source of change of mass in neutrinos must be contained within the neutrino and when the mass influence of change of mass by neutrinos as a whole has an effect on form in the cosmos, that the potential for that change of mass in neutrinos can be the energy source required for life's directional energetic organizing behavior and that source of 'specific directional energy' would be the same as Leibniz monadic 'dominance' as a direct expression of God or, to give another example, Arthur Schoppenhauer's Will (energy).
What value did the AI provide for the study of philosophy?
A search in Google for the question 'is the dominant monad in Leibniz monad theory the ultimate monad' yields zero results. Only after becoming a specialist in Leibniz works it would have been possible to confirm whether the dominant monad should be considered the ultimate monad and whether it is the dominance specifically that should be considered and not the dominant monad as an entity.
Subsequently, to make a link with the specificity in the life's specific directional energetic organizing behavior and subsequently the source of change of mass in neutrinos is a difficult one.
An AI seems to make rapid progress in this type of philosophical exploration. Even when the AI provides invalid answers it still enables to make progress in some way faster. The reason is that the mind involved in inquiry can get access to specific content and insights faster and therefore the potential of the (curiosity driven) idea itself acquires a much greater potential. In a sense, an AI enables to facilitate the ability to dream and imagine beyond what exists by removing a great burden of among other things actually reading philosophical works.
To return to the cited critical argument 'to put down the books':
I suppose [AI] can be helpful, but AI has nothing novel or insightful to say and I find little more than recapitulations.
I think Kierkegaard was right in saying Hegel simply forgot that we exist! He wanted us to put down the book, and allow the world to "speak" what it is. Heidegger used the almost cliched term 'gelesenheit' to talk about this.
There is an argument.
An AI might enable one to do that while maintaining access to the content of books. It frees up more time to actually have put down the books and be involved in the imaginative and idea state of philosophical inquiry.
This topic is intended to explore how AI might be useful or detrimental for the study of philosophy.
1. why would AI be beneficial for the study of philosophy?
2. why would AI be detrimental for the study of philosophy?
3. are you using AI to enhance the study of philosophy? If so, how?
Pattern-chaser wrote: ↑June 2nd, 2023, 7:25 amWhat is the current enthusiasm to introduce AIs into every topic currently being discussed? Have I missed something? I agree that AIs are a matter we should discuss, but in every topic? I see no obvious philosophical connection between AI and all these topics.
I could understand it if the Subjective/Objective debate kept popping up. It does exist at the fundament of nearly every philosophical discussion. But AI doesn't, I don't think. So why are there AIs everywhere?
thrasymachus wrote: ↑June 2nd, 2023, 10:25 am I suppose [AI] can be helpful, but AI has nothing novel or insightful to say and I find little more than recapitulations. Consider my question and Perplexity.AI's answer:These are interesting critical perspectives on AI.
True, but in an encyclopedic way, and not very enlightening, or interesting. It is a complicated question I asked.
Cognitive science is probably reveling in the advances of AI these days, and I find the whole enterprise interesting, but not very good for philosophy.
Considered from the viewpoint of academia, it seems to encourage cheating, but more importantly, in terms of genuine understanding, it encourages the very opposite of meditative thinking: the brief summary for complex questions. Having an answer given to one foregoes the meaningful process of acquiring it and this process is not information gathering.
I think Kierkegaard was right in saying Hegel simply forgot that we exist! He wanted us to put down the book, and allow the world to "speak" what it is. Heidegger used the almost cliched term 'gelesenheit' to talk about this. It is a yielding of language and its presumption to the openness of possibility, and in this yielding extraordinary things can be discovered (keeping in mind that Heidegger was originally a religious scholar) that reach out beyond information. Anyway, AI reminds me of this critical remark about Hegel, a world of lofty abstractions that do not know they exist. To take AI as a model for human cognition is to reduce cognition to an abstraction and this seems to be the implicit working model for this generation's thinking.
Not to be cynical, but Heidegger warned repeatedly that the trajectory of science was taking humanity into a perspective on the world that was altogether absent of foundational significance. Industry turns the world into "standing reserve," a veritable gas station of utilities. AI turns intelligence into an abstraction: useful and liberating, I am sure, and one day it will, I am confident, deliver us from drudgery, but ignores foundational existential features of our being, because it doesn't exist, and it fosters a self image for us that is just this. No wonder philosophers, analytic types bound to the naturalistic attitude, as Husserl put it, turn away from phenomenology, for here, we are explicitly called back to primordial insights.
There is an argument.
In the topic Philosophy of Love I provided a quick example of a unique learning experience made possible by AI. In retro-persective it was truly an amazing learning experience that provided insights that I might otherwise never have been able to obtain and it costed me just 10-15 minutes time.
value wrote: ↑June 3rd, 2023, 4:44 amTo give an example. When Levinas started in his book Totality and Infinity to describe the concept Eschatology as the foundation for peace and respect I used AI to get insights into that concept relative to Levinas his philosophical works (all his works combined).
For example consider this question: How would Eschatology relate to Art from the perspective of Levinas?
It resulted in the answer that Levinas viewed art as an 'inhumanity' which was an interesting insight that I might never have obtained otherwise.
"Levinas's views on art are complex and sometimes contradictory. In his essay "Reality and Its Shadow," he criticizes art as being disengaged from ethical concerns. He argues that art is more concerned with the representation of reality than with the ethical relationship between the self and the other. Art, according to Levinas, is an "inhumanity" and an "inversion" of ethics. However, he also acknowledges the importance of artistic expression in conveying the ineffable and transcending the limits of language."
My first critical idea would be: what is true reality otherwise than an Other? (I've had this idea in the back of my mind to explore: why limit Levinas his idea to humans?) When an artist attempts to connect with (beauty in) true reality it seems to me to be the most ethical relationship with the self and the Other.
Could Levinas be wrong about art?
I then questioned further about my own idea that 'eschatological vision (as intended by Levinas, not the religious type, but a vision of beyond history or beyond the totality of the world) is the pure source of art and that it is love from the artist that is the source of the eschatological vision that results in true art and that the eschatological vision by which art is created enables viewers of that art to connect and establish an ethical relationship with the Other' (which is the idea that is mentioned in the OP based on the quote of Plato's vision on beauty) and whether Levinas might be wrong about art.
Corresponding idea of Plato (quoted in the OP): Beholding beauty with the eye of the mind, he will be enabled to bring forth, not images of beauty, but reality, and bringing forth and nourishing true virtue to become the friend of God.
The AI misinterpreted it a bit. My view is that the eschatological vision of the artist (that of beauty in reality) is the source of art. But its answer was none-the-less interesting.
"The appreciation of beauty in art can open one up to an eschatological reality, as seen in Tolkien's work. For many people, the encounter with beauty through art serves as the best introduction to heaven. It can be argued that the ethical aspect of love from the artist could be the source of eschatological vision in art.
While Levinas's philosophy does not directly address the idea that eschatological vision is required for art as its pure source, it does provide insights that suggest this could be possible. Love from the artist, particularly the ethical aspect of love, could be the source of the eschatological vision that results in art."
It costed about 10-15 minutes time and (in retro-perspective) it was a truly amazing learning experience with content that I might never have come across otherwise.
Another more profound example is my recent attempt to understand Gottfried Leibniz theory of monads.
While Leibniz never mentioned it as such and while the AI tried to deny it based on the sources on Leibniz, I managed to get the AI to use reason to establish that the dominant monad must be the 'ultimate monad' which is God in Leibniz theory and further, it is the dominance specifically and not the dominant monad as an entity that should be considered because in Leibniz theory no monad can affect another and all change in monads must come from within which makes the dominance a direct expression of God and it is only that dominance that fundamentally underlays the unity of monads that provides the source of form and soul in the cosmos.
I managed to get the AI to confirm that the concept 'Dominance' in Leibniz Monad theory is the most fundamental aspect in the universe with a 'nature by itself' for consideration.
"Leibniz believed that any change in a monad must come from within, and no monad can act on another[1][2]. However, Leibniz also believed that a dominant monad serves as a means of unifying other monads into a composite substance[3][4]. The dominance of a dominant monad is a direct expression of God, who synchronizes all monads with each other in a pre-established harmony[1]. While the dominant monad is not explicitly identified as God, it can be argued that the dominant monad is the ultimate monad which is God because God is the simplest of all substances and all monads perceive with varying degrees of perception, except for God, who perceives all monads with utter clarity[1]. Therefore, it can be concluded that the dominance of a dominant monad is a direct expression of God and serves as the primary and most fundamental source of unity of monads, which in turn provides form and soul to the universe."
In an other conversation with the AI I managed to have the AI conclude that the specificity in life's directional energetic organizing behavior, which is the fundamental characteristic of life, requires a specific source of energy by itself and Leibniz dominance would match the type of energy required.
"It is correct to state that the specificity in the life's specific directional energetic organizing behavior is work by itself for which energy is required[1][2]. Energy is defined as the ability to do work or to create some kind of change, and all living organisms require energy to perform their life processes[1][2][3]. The specific direction of the work involved in life's energetic organizing behavior requires a specific source of energy that cannot originate from random spontaneous sources in the environment[1][2]. Therefore, a specific source of energy is required to explain the specific direction of the work involved in life's energetic organizing behavior, and this energy is fundamental to life because it is required for a characteristic of life that is fundamental to life[1][2][3]. The specificity in the life's specific directional energetic organizing behavior is a key characteristic of life and is work by itself for which energy is required."
I am currently working on an attempt to have an AI understand that when it is established that the source of change of mass in neutrinos must be contained within the neutrino and when the mass influence of change of mass by neutrinos as a whole has an effect on form in the cosmos, that the potential for that change of mass in neutrinos can be the energy source required for life's directional energetic organizing behavior and that source of 'specific directional energy' would be the same as Leibniz monadic 'dominance' as a direct expression of God or, to give another example, Arthur Schoppenhauer's Will (energy).
value wrote: ↑April 4th, 2023, 11:20 pmPhilosopher Bryan Magee: I think it would have been better if Schoppenhauer would have used the word energy because he decided to give the term the name Will to this metaphysical reality and I think that has misled people ever since.
Coplestone: Schoppenauer uses the word Will, perhaps unfortunately. One might use energy.
Bryan Magee: Yes he thought that if we analyze this world of experience - the world of science if you like - the world of common sense, which does consist for the most part of matter in motion and most of it is matter in colossal amounts, I mean Galaxies and Solar systems and so on, travelling through the cosmos at gigantic speeds, so the whole material Universe consists of matter in motion to a degree that so to speak defies our imagination to really conceptualize it and he argued following on from Kant that all what is ultimate in all this must be energy.
Schoppenhauer argued that matter is as it were instantiated energy and that a physical object is a space filled with force and that ultimately all matter must be transmutable into energy.
Schoppenhauer argues that what is ultimate in this world of phenomena in this world of experience is energy.
What value did the AI provide for the study of philosophy?
A search in Google for the question 'is the dominant monad in Leibniz monad theory the ultimate monad' yields zero results. Only after becoming a specialist in Leibniz works it would have been possible to confirm whether the dominant monad should be considered the ultimate monad and whether it is the dominance specifically that should be considered and not the dominant monad as an entity.
Subsequently, to make a link with the specificity in the life's specific directional energetic organizing behavior and subsequently the source of change of mass in neutrinos is a difficult one.
An AI seems to make rapid progress in this type of philosophical exploration. Even when the AI provides invalid answers it still enables to make progress in some way faster. The reason is that the mind involved in inquiry can get access to specific content and insights faster and therefore the potential of the (curiosity driven) idea itself acquires a much greater potential. In a sense, an AI enables to facilitate the ability to dream and imagine beyond what exists by removing a great burden of among other things actually reading philosophical works.
To return to the cited critical argument 'to put down the books':
I suppose [AI] can be helpful, but AI has nothing novel or insightful to say and I find little more than recapitulations.
I think Kierkegaard was right in saying Hegel simply forgot that we exist! He wanted us to put down the book, and allow the world to "speak" what it is. Heidegger used the almost cliched term 'gelesenheit' to talk about this.
There is an argument.
An AI might enable one to do that while maintaining access to the content of books. It frees up more time to actually have put down the books and be involved in the imaginative and idea state of philosophical inquiry.
This topic is intended to explore how AI might be useful or detrimental for the study of philosophy.
1. why would AI be beneficial for the study of philosophy?
2. why would AI be detrimental for the study of philosophy?
3. are you using AI to enhance the study of philosophy? If so, how?