In this book, Alan Watts discusses the existence of suffering and evil in a world where God is believed to be all-encompassing and interconnected with everything. He presents a thought-provoking perspective on why there is a presence of "horrible people" or those who experience immense pain and suffering:
“You may ask why God sometimes hides in the form of horrible people, or pretends to be people who suffer great disease and pain. Remember, first, that he isn’t really doing this to anyone but himself. Remember, too, that in almost all the stories you enjoy there have to be bad people as well as good people, for the thrill of the tale is to find out how the good people will get the better of the bad.”(Location 200 - Kindle Version)
How does this perspective on suffering and evil challenge traditional religious and philosophical viewpoints on the nature of God and the universe?
Can we find any inherent meaning or purpose in the existence of suffering and evil in the world, based on Watts' explanation?
– William James