Calculus began from the Hindu notion: ‘you can take an infinity [0] from and infinity and be left with an infinity’. As there are no limits to how much you can do this, we can derive an infinite set or sets. The first iteration or instance of such will manifest the number two, because there are now 2 infinite 0’s, and the number 1 because the tow came from the 1. so on and so forth, we can spread numbers [possibly in multiples of prime numbers as this would be the fastest way] potentially across the infinite sets but never arrive at infinite numbers because we cannot build up to that. In short then, we are left [by the process] with finite sets of numbers.
With this we now have a framework of cardinality/maths for the universe to go by. Then as we have limits and amounts and because energy is conserved, the whole universe would ‘begin’ with the whole amount available, which we call singularity.
There cannot be just nothing and only that, because nothing is infinite which has infinite sets of nothing – and so on and so forth.
The singularity will have as much gravity as can exist, possibly all energy would at this point be gravity. When you get large amounts of gravity you have black holes even super massive black holes. At the centre or epicentre of these, time recedes infinitely. I propose that at the end of the universe there is also a singularity or more an ultra-massive black hole with time also infinitely receding. In a manner of speaking the universe like a set of books, bookended by the two black holes, both of which recede infinitely.
So there it is, you can have a finite universe with no beginning nor end, and no need for anything to make it, no first cause – because its infinite as well.