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Here to deepen my theory concerning our world

Posted: March 14th, 2023, 8:14 pm
by Discodog
Hi ! I'm Discodog, a 23 years old french developper, who is allergic to professionalism and industrialisation of our world, while also being in love with the beauty of life and humanity.

Although I don't have any background in philosophy besides studying it during my college years, I still am a really curious person and have always been analytic of the world around me, even during my childhood, I've always been asking myself question about everything and have been passionnate about understanding the complexity of our society, our consciousness, our emotions and life. I would even say I'm more passionnate about the complexity itself than the subjects, as I love how everything can be understood more and more in-depth almost infinitely. But the thing I've been the most passionnate about is humans, I've always loved observing ourselves when I was a kid, I wanted to study our way of being socially around others of our specie, what "invisible rules" were applied in groups, what made us happy, angry, sad...

Today, after 23 years of thinking and deconstructing our way of working, I've been starting to ask myself more and more complex questions, while giving myself more complex answers, which led me to start to write a theory about everything I learned and deduced, which I called "The Logical Human Theory" (kind of arrogant I know), or TLHT. I've been working almost non-stop on this theory since the beginning of July 2022, talked about it to people I met, and the more I worked on it the more I loved life, and everything started making more and more sense, to the point where I want my theory to develop more by spreading it to the world and making everyone conscious of what I'm conscious of, especially when I see the urgency of our situation, with our environment being destroyed, powerful and ultra-wealthy people getting exponentially more powerful while poor people have to pay the price, natural resources getting lower by the day, and I think my theory can, no, will change everything, as according to the logic behind it, there is no reason it should not work.

Well, there is... me. Although I'm a really passionnate person, and people have been saying very positive feedback about my theory, I personnaly have a lot of issues, my attention span is lower than it's ever been (can't manage to read a book, or even an article if I'm not super passionnate about it), I have a fear of organization, I never feel sure about my sources and I never learned how to learn, which slows me down so much when doing something other than thinking and writing. I currently can't manage to find myself structuring my theory to make sure its continuity and logic can be understood perfectly, and not knowing the steps to this objective makes me unable to work on it because of my perfectionism, which asks me to be sure of everything before going to the next step and mentally blocks me if I'm not.

Which brings me to why I'm here. I searched for discussion forums to be able to talk about it, possibily use the collective mind of users who have way more philosophical culture than myself, to help me improve it overall, or even disprove some of my points if needed (as I've always developped my theory by trying to disprove it, as I've always been extremely anxious about myself, I now use this absurd analysis provided by the anxiety to absurdely analyse it in every possible way)

Hopefully this will be an interesting ride out here, and I hope we can try to change the world together.

Oh and sorry if I made any mistakes or if my post isn't grammaticaly clean all the way through, as I said, I'm french, and am not really used to writing so much in english lol

Deuces 🦧

Re: Here to deepen my theory concerning our world

Posted: March 23rd, 2023, 4:30 am
by Agent Smyth
A theory of the world is what in philosophy is called a weltanschauung (worldview). A classic example of one is religion which has dominated much of human history starting from quite possibly prehistory. The modern worldview now includes secularism/atheism; some like to call it as they see it - materialism.

Google & Wikipedia should aid you towards your goal. Ask ChatGPT too. My hunch is ChatGPT can in a few paragraphs/pages, depending on your instructions, summarize the main points for you in, what, 5 seconds flat!!

That's about all I can muster mon ami Adieu!

Re: Here to deepen my theory concerning our world

Posted: September 9th, 2024, 10:28 am
by John Thiel
Learning, teaching, that's the thing we might want.