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Human zombies

Posted: January 25th, 2023, 5:27 pm
by Rat de bibliotheque1
In It Together is a book that reminds us that we need to find our true self if we want to reach happiness. It seems increasingly difficult these days to find spirituality. I liked the reference to people resembling human zombies, struggling to find their true self. Living in the present is not an easy thing to do but we should all aim at being in the moment and not worry so much about the future.

Re: Human zombies

Posted: January 25th, 2023, 5:41 pm
by Eckhart Aurelius Hughes
Rat de bibliotheque1 wrote: January 25th, 2023, 5:27 pm In It Together is a book that reminds us that we need to find our true self if we want to reach happiness. It seems increasingly difficult these days to find spirituality. I liked the reference to people resembling human zombies, struggling to find their true self.
I am glad you feel this way. Thank you for sharing your thoughts! :)

Rat de bibliotheque1 wrote: January 25th, 2023, 5:27 pm Living in the present is not an easy thing to do but we should all aim at being in the moment and not worry so much about the future.
I appreciate the sentiment, but I cannot fully agree due to the usage of the word should.

That point of mine is most fully addressed by the chapter, "Suggestion Four — Let go of moralizing or similarly judgmental language."

However, I also have a forum topic in these forums related to the idea as well: There is no "Is-Ought Problem" because there is no 'ought'.

Re: Human zombies

Posted: January 25th, 2023, 5:53 pm
by Rat de bibliotheque1
Self reflection will help us find our true self and not be zombies anymore. Many people can struggle with this concept as they tend to be self-absorbed and also worry too much about the future. Using meditation and reflecting about our actions will help us reach a better understanding of ourselves. Only then will we reach serenity which will lead to a happy life.

Re: Human zombies

Posted: January 25th, 2023, 11:48 pm
by Leslie Kunde
Looking back causes depression when diving too deep, seeking to fix the unfixable. Looking forward causes anxiety, seeking to control the uncontrollable. Living now is freedom to love yourself and others without a tainted lens of the what was/what if.

Re: Human zombies

Posted: January 26th, 2023, 2:53 am
by Rat de bibliotheque1
The book tells us about the benefits of living in the present moment. I agree with the idea up to a point. It is true that looking back can lead to depression, but for some people, looking back can bring happiness as long as you are looking back at happy moments in your life. Many people have happy memories and enjoy revisiting their happy memories. Looking to the future can also lead to hope and happiness, depending on what outlook you have on life.

Re: Human zombies

Posted: January 26th, 2023, 11:27 am
by Leslie Kunde
good points

Re: Human zombies

Posted: January 26th, 2023, 12:52 pm
by Rat de bibliotheque1
I did agree with the author on the topic of self-discipline. A lot of us can lack in it and become the human zombies referred to in the book. Having self-discipline is an aide to focus on positive thoughts and feelings. When you do not practise self-discipline, it becomes easy to become addicted to bad habits which can lead to an unhealthy lifestyle.

Re: Human zombies

Posted: January 26th, 2023, 3:40 pm
by Amy Luman
I think I can agree that we are all, for the most part, zombies. Many people tend to follow the crowd when it comes to making decisions. No one wants to be thought of as someone who goes against the grain (so to speak.) As a result, everyone, again, for the most part, does exactly the same thing, usually the easy thing, as everyone else. They don’t take time to find their true selves.

Re: Human zombies

Posted: January 26th, 2023, 4:43 pm
by Rat de bibliotheque1
As explained in the book, finding our true self is not an easy task and requires effort and self-discipline. Being a zombie is the chosen option by most of us, it is easier not to think for ourselves, and to be influenced by others. We, therefore, struggle to find spirituality.

Re: Human zombies

Posted: January 26th, 2023, 7:29 pm
by Samantha Barnes 3
Living in the present is a great way to break away from being a human zombie. When people become too focussed on the future, they can become single-minded as they strive for the life they want, but if they learn to love their present, then they can feel true joy as they live in the moment.

Re: Human zombies

Posted: January 27th, 2023, 1:56 am
by Rat de bibliotheque1
This is very true. It is important to be able to enjoy the present. However, with a positive outlook, looking to the future can provide hope and happiness. It is a balancing act between being able to enjoy the present, but at the same time looking at the past with happy memories and looking to the future, without becoming too focused on either the past or the future.

Re: Human zombies

Posted: January 28th, 2023, 12:23 pm
by Theresa Moffitt
Rat de bibliotheque1 wrote: January 26th, 2023, 2:53 am The book tells us about the benefits of living in the present moment. I agree with the idea up to a point. It is true that looking back can lead to depression, but for some people, looking back can bring happiness as long as you are looking back at happy moments in your life. Many people have happy memories and enjoy revisiting their happy memories. Looking to the future can also lead to hope and happiness, depending on what outlook you have on life.
I agree. People are all so different. Sometimes looking back on happy memories makes you happy in the present. Also, revisiting accomplishments from the past can give you confidence in your present or future. Not everyone’s past is depressing or negative, as long as you use those experiences to benefit your present outlook or decisions and not live in the past, I think it can be beneficial for some people

Re: Human zombies

Posted: January 28th, 2023, 12:34 pm
by Rat de bibliotheque1
Yes, we cannot ignore our past, wether it has been happy or unhappy. We build happy memories and we learn from our past mistakes. Living in the present is of course also important. Meditation can help us to focus on the present and helps to prevent stress.

Re: Human zombies

Posted: January 28th, 2023, 2:19 pm
by Hubre De Klerk
I also believe that today's world is about following what others are doing and making sure you are part of the 'click' group with everything that is in and popular at the moment. That makes most people zombies or how I like to call them - sheep. I don't believe you need to follow the groups or what others are doing. I believe we need to be true to our own beliefs and not compromise that because you are scared of being different or outcasted. Be true to yourself! That is the only way you can truly be happy.

Re: Human zombies

Posted: January 28th, 2023, 3:52 pm
by Rat de bibliotheque1
We live in a world where social media dominates and it is easy to be influenced. I agree that it is important to be true to ourselves. We can learn to grow in confidence and accept who we are, only then can we reach true happiness.