[A question by Kum. Laxmi Thrylokya]
Swāmi replied: The contemporary Human Incarnation is clearly relevant to humanity. He alone can clear all your doubts and guide you along the right path of spiritual life. You cannot even imagine the original absolute reality, which is the unimaginable God. That unimaginable God gets mediated through energetic or human forms. The Energetic Incarnations are invisible though imaginable and are not of any use to make a long term personal contact, which is necessary to learn true spiritual knowledge. Such Energetic Incarnations can only be worshipped through representative images and statues. But these representative images do not have any characteristics of life. Hence, the only ultimate form relevant for human beings is the contemporary Human Incarnation. Even past Human Incarnations can only be worshipped in the form of representative images and statues.
Certainly, God’s grace is necessary for every step in worldly life as well as in spiritual life. But God’s grace comes only when there is self-effort. God is not so cheap to run after us, showering His grace on us, without any effort from our side. Even if we put forth effort, He tests the strength of your sincerity and the force of your attraction towards Him, before showering His grace on you. For worldly life, the attraction to God is not necessary and the mere fear of God to avoid sin is sufficient. But in spiritual life, the attraction to God plays a key role in every step.