I don’t know if you guys like or appreciate my 1 page stories, but here I am going to have to tell you one, as there is no other way I can think of saying it – you just have to get it…
a pebble on a beach
As I was strolling on the beach my mind in the liminal zone, I looked down and saw a pretty pebble. I picked it up and asked it ‘what has your journey been like’, well, she said, I came here because the currents bought me here, and because a distant wave had crashed onto the rocks and broke a small piece off. Indeed for me to be here, the mountains and the earth had to exist, and so too the solar system in this galaxy, which had arose out of clouds of gases in a very ancient time. You could say that everything had to happen the way it did or I would be somewhere else. To wit I replied; ah, but the other day I was walking on another beach and a pebble there said the same thing, but you can’t both be right can you. She paused for a moment and said; that may be true, but ‘all things’ did have to move for all the pebbles to be where they all are!
To this I stated that, if e.g. God had made one current in one direction, then another in a different direction, then when they combined it would not be Gods work any more. Indeed that all things are the result of such interactions and there was never an absolute motion or multiples of them. In fact you are missing the whole point, you see, I was always going to be strolling on this beach, to find you and hold you in the palm of my hand [consider how love happens for example]. This is the magic of it, the winds and the tides can do as they will, but this moment was always going to occur regardless.
If there were an infinite lake and one threw a stone into it, due to infinite variance it may rise to the surface as a swan. It would thence be floating on a lake upon the earth, and the universe would have come into being such that the swan is on that lake.
Others say that the universe happened by chance and that we are here by a series of chances, that the universe just popped out of nowhere. Yet how can chance itself exist prior to existence itself. Are we not seeing merely in linear terms? And not that, if all which existed was this earth, then due to the curvature of space, I would see the back of my own head. In other words, that all-time exists and all things throughout time are related!