- July 23rd, 2022, 10:44 am
I think the reason the OP topic sticks out as much as it does is due to overwhelming circumstantial evidence (particularly that of NDE's but enough mystical experiences, psychedelic experiences, etc. seem to point in this direction as well).
What's really difficult to swallow / handle with this one:
1) We live in a world of Darwinian game theory (ie. organisms are here to mug each other over genes - as politely as they can if they live in a civilization and aren't out to burn it down).
2) We live in a world where magical thinking doesn't solve problems, it more often the consequences of magical thinking set you back in the game of life if not used with extreme discretion (and possibly killed if you're really indiscrete).
3) The reason power, without other qualifications, has a way of dominating things in this world is because it's tied to physics.
4) There's the whole thing of people, more often than not who are really deep into magical thinking to the point of taking it full literal, being rather gullible / dumb - which is quite depressing to people who've reached positions like absolute idealism by completely different means but this one's a popular cudgel for people to bring out when they really just 'can't stand those idiots' and want to hammer down anyone who'd agree with them on much of anything.
From what we know it seems like we're dealing with something that, if it is ultimate idealism, works like a virtual world (ie. no flexibility to mentation or thought - other than your own mind against itself), builds life or perhaps 'avatars' for conscious embodiment/dissociation/etc. through Darwinian evolution, sexual selection, group selection, etc., and so Dawkins, Dennett, etc. are quite right about the character of what you'd put under physical examination.
I think keeping those lines tight is rather important. This way if you want to do something magical that would give you real gains, whether exploring your own mind through psychedelics and ritual or perhaps even doing an Abramelin retreat to have Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel, you're doing something internally worthwhile which means you'll gain what actually can be gained from such pursuits and aren't nearly as likely to run yourself into the buzz-saws that magical thinking can present (an old example from the late Renaissance - the trick of girls floating small needles on soap water to prove their purity, a girl whose really pure but not particularly worldly grabs a big needle since logically if she is pure it makes sense that it should float, it sinks like a rock, and she 'dies of a broken heart' that night when her suitor drops her off at home - ie. loses her future and checks out early).
This is where I'm always encouraged when adult conversations about this topic can happen (ie. adults in the room without the space cadets or their faux-skeptic doms).
Humbly watching Youtube in Universe 25. - Me