Donald Trump’s riding the “make America great again” wave to the White House in the 2016 presidential election not only shocked but, in varying degrees, angered and disgruntled the liberal minded establishment, not to mention some of the conservative minded establishment as well.........New York Governor Cuomo expressed deep disdain by voicing his counter statement: “America was never great!” Saying make America great again presumably means that America was once great and that it can through enlightened leadership become great again. Saying America was never great presumably means America’s previous existence was mediocre at best and a miserable failure at worst. One thing for sure, the country is passionately divided over the issue.(Location 62 - Kindle version)
When the former President Donald Trump brought the matter regarding greatness of America on to the stage, for some reason seemingly the most unexpected result has occurred; the country, the Americans expressed different opinions on the matter. When America is the land of freedom and opportunity to the outside world why do the Americans not feel the same about their country? Is it merely politics? Or is it due to something else?
– William James