Philosophy Discussion Forums | A Humans-Only Philosophy Club

Philosophy Discussion Forums
A Humans-Only Philosophy Club

The Philosophy Forums at aim to be an oasis of intelligent in-depth civil debate and discussion. Topics discussed extend far beyond philosophy and philosophers. What makes us a philosophy forum is more about our approach to the discussions than what subject is being debated. Common topics include but are absolutely not limited to neuroscience, psychology, sociology, cosmology, religion, political theory, ethics, and so much more.

This is a humans-only philosophy club. We strictly prohibit bots and AIs from joining.

Use this forum to discuss the philosophy of science. Philosophy of science deals with the assumptions, foundations, and implications of science.
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By UniversalAlien
Is Man the logical and expected result of Evolution :?:

Science is advancing rapidly - In the near future we, Humans, may become capable of literally creating artificial life that can mimic
biological Human life - And in many ways may be created to be superior to the existent Human.

I'll give you an imaginary, but at least possible, future where you will have the power to correct any mistakes made by Evolution.

Can you design a Human that is better suited for the future :?: Can you alter the internal death wish that drives Humanity to destructive
self and social tendencies to destroy his own kind - fix the evolutionary paradigm that will drive the Human species to extinction :?:

Maybe this new science is still beyond your imagination - But it is possible :!:

Is the Human species capable of evolving to a higher plane of existence either from altering internal biological flaws
or designing a 'New Humanoid' better than the old biological one :?:
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By LuckyR
UniversalAlien wrote: May 6th, 2022, 8:12 pm Is Man the logical and expected result of Evolution :?:

Science is advancing rapidly - In the near future we, Humans, may become capable of literally creating artificial life that can mimic
biological Human life - And in many ways may be created to be superior to the existent Human.

I'll give you an imaginary, but at least possible, future where you will have the power to correct any mistakes made by Evolution.

Can you design a Human that is better suited for the future :?: Can you alter the internal death wish that drives Humanity to destructive
self and social tendencies to destroy his own kind - fix the evolutionary paradigm that will drive the Human species to extinction :?:

Maybe this new science is still beyond your imagination - But it is possible :!:

Is the Human species capable of evolving to a higher plane of existence either from altering internal biological flaws
or designing a 'New Humanoid' better than the old biological one :?:
I would remove the chimpanzee derived genetics and replace it with the comparable bonobo DNA.
UniversalAlien wrote: May 6th, 2022, 8:12 pm Is Man the logical and expected result of Evolution :?:
I don't think that evolution, in the simple, Darwinian/Dawkinsian sense, is either logical or predictable ("expected"). It is a random response to circumstances as they are. We tend to think of evolution as an intelligent agent, but it is not. Mutations happen, and their suitability for their world determines their survivability, in a more or less random manner. This is 'evolution'. Such a process cannot give rise, except by coincidence, to "logical and expected" results.
Favorite Philosopher: Cratylus Location: England
UniversalAlien wrote: May 6th, 2022, 8:12 pm Is Man the logical and expected result of Evolution :?:

Science is advancing rapidly - In the near future we, Humans, may become capable of literally creating artificial life that can mimic
biological Human life - And in many ways may be created to be superior to the existent Human.

I'll give you an imaginary, but at least possible, future where you will have the power to correct any mistakes made by Evolution.

Can you design a Human that is better suited for the future :?: Can you alter the internal death wish that drives Humanity to destructive
self and social tendencies to destroy his own kind - fix the evolutionary paradigm that will drive the Human species to extinction :?:

Maybe this new science is still beyond your imagination - But it is possible :!:

Is the Human species capable of evolving to a higher plane of existence either from altering internal biological flaws
or designing a 'New Humanoid' better than the old biological one :?:
I think that when Science can do such things, it will be Sensible and Expected that we take the next step and create artificial Life forms that are more durable than what Evolution has provided. Not only for currently alive people to transfer to, but for all people that have ever lived and died to return to. This might be the great purpose of Science that we did not even realize.
UniversalAlien wrote: May 6th, 2022, 8:12 pm Is Man the logical and expected result of Evolution :?:

Science is advancing rapidly - In the near future we, Humans, may become capable of literally creating artificial life that can mimic
biological Human life - And in many ways may be created to be superior to the existent Human.

I'll give you an imaginary, but at least possible, future where you will have the power to correct any mistakes made by Evolution.

Can you design a Human that is better suited for the future :?: Can you alter the internal death wish that drives Humanity to destructive
self and social tendencies to destroy his own kind - fix the evolutionary paradigm that will drive the Human species to extinction :?:

Maybe this new science is still beyond your imagination - But it is possible :!:

Is the Human species capable of evolving to a higher plane of existence either from altering internal biological flaws
or designing a 'New Humanoid' better than the old biological one :?:
Scientists have been working on this for a long time in the movement of transhumanism, and some aspects may be science fiction and some aspects of artificial intelligence are developing already. It is likely that there are attempts to create superbeings, which merge aspects of machine or the artificial with sentience. Nanotechnology is an aspect of upgrading or the human being.

But the question may be where this is going with evolution? Is transformation an aspect of physicality or consciousness? There are also political agendas and the upgrades may serve the powers of the elite. Perhaps, humans as we know them, and other sentient beings will become increasingly instinct, in a world dominated by the humanoid superbeings as masters of planet earth.

Personally, I probably am not very good at being a machine, which may be more and what is in demand, but I think that I would rather remain as an a human being with flaws than become a humanoid, programmed beyond my own control. Of course, it would be great if the negative aspects of human nature could be eliminated, but it may not be that simple. Loss of sentience may mean loss of emotion, empathy and compassion.
JackDaydream wrote:
Scientists have been working on this for a long time in the movement of transhumanism, and some aspects may be science fiction and some aspects of artificial intelligence are developing already. It is likely that there are attempts to create superbeings, which merge aspects of machine or the artificial with sentience. Nanotechnology is an aspect of upgrading or the human being.
Science fact, not fiction, today:


How we'll become cyborgs and extend human potential

"Humans will soon have new bodies that forever blur the line between the natural and synthetic worlds, says bionics designer Hugh Herr. In an unforgettable talk, he details "NeuroEmbodied Design," a methodology for creating cyborg function that he's developing at the MIT Media Lab, and shows us a future where we've augmented our bodies in a way that will redefine human potential -- and, maybe, turn us into superheroes. "During the twilight years of this century, I believe humans will be unrecognizable in morphology and dynamics from what we are today," Herr says. "Humanity will take flight and soar.""

See 15 minute video here: ... anguage=en

Of course we've been creating cyborgs in a limited sense from antiquity when the first walking stick was used
then magnifying lenses for glasses, etc., etc.

The intriguing question is if at some time in the future, a totally non biological brain can be created that could integrate
and then replace the very limited one that organic biology gives us - Can a person dying of say Alzheimer's disease
be given a new brain :?:
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By Sy Borg
There's no improving on evolution with technology, though, only new evolutionary processes. We are as good as it gets, for now. If we could have been better, we would have been better. I would personally like to see people more driven by logic and reason than by emotions. However, people with those qualities will fare less well in many communities than unreasonable people, in much the same way as an honest person will tend to fare poorly if they are surrounded by criminals.

LuckyR wrote: May 7th, 2022, 4:48 am
UniversalAlien wrote: May 6th, 2022, 8:12 pm Is Man the logical and expected result of Evolution :?:

Science is advancing rapidly - In the near future we, Humans, may become capable of literally creating artificial life that can mimic
biological Human life - And in many ways may be created to be superior to the existent Human.

I'll give you an imaginary, but at least possible, future where you will have the power to correct any mistakes made by Evolution.

Can you design a Human that is better suited for the future :?: Can you alter the internal death wish that drives Humanity to destructive
self and social tendencies to destroy his own kind - fix the evolutionary paradigm that will drive the Human species to extinction :?:

Maybe this new science is still beyond your imagination - But it is possible :!:

Is the Human species capable of evolving to a higher plane of existence either from altering internal biological flaws
or designing a 'New Humanoid' better than the old biological one :?:
I would remove the chimpanzee derived genetics and replace it with the comparable bonobo DNA.
Nice. There's not much in it, though. My understanding is that 98.8% of human DNA is shared with chimps and 98.7% with bonobos. For the record, 98% with gorillas and about 97% with orangutans.
Sy Borg wrote:
There's no improving on evolution with technology, though, only new evolutionary processes. We are as good as it gets, for now. If we could have been better, we would have been better. I would personally like to see people more driven by logic and reason than by emotions. However, people with those qualities will fare less well in many communities than unreasonable people, in much the same way as an honest person will tend to fare poorly if they are surrounded by criminals.
But could technology itself be considered an evolutionary process :?:

"We are as good as it gets, for now" - Now, maybe; but remember now can not be nailed down - And my belief is that only the future really
exists; If the future stops unfolding, now and the past will disappear. {Futurism is the prime driver as now instantly fades to the past}

"I would personally like to see people more driven by logic and reason than by emotions." - AGREED :!:
Sy Borg wrote: I would personally like to see people more driven by logic and reason than by emotions.
UniversalAlien wrote: May 8th, 2022, 5:04 am AGREED :!:
Really? And do you think we would still be human beings after such an amazing, unexpected and radical change to our core make-up?


Or are you just thinking of a moderate drift in the direction of logic and reason?
Favorite Philosopher: Cratylus Location: England
Pattern-chaser wrote: May 8th, 2022, 10:20 am
Sy Borg wrote: I would personally like to see people more driven by logic and reason than by emotions.
UniversalAlien wrote: May 8th, 2022, 5:04 am AGREED :!:
Really? And do you think we would still be human beings after such an amazing, unexpected and radical change to our core make-up?


Or are you just thinking of a moderate drift in the direction of logic and reason?
Perhaps, the ideal is the right balance between reason and emotions, as well as the functions, of sensation and intuition. He suggests that most people have one or two dominant and it is possible to develop all four. However, that is something to be worked upon by human beings rather than about creating humanoids. There is the idea of developing humanoids and artificial intelligence but there may be be so much untapped human potential to be worked with regard rather than simply creating artificial lifeforms.
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By Sy Borg
Pattern-chaser wrote: May 8th, 2022, 10:20 am
Sy Borg wrote: I would personally like to see people more driven by logic and reason than by emotions.
UniversalAlien wrote: May 8th, 2022, 5:04 am AGREED :!:
Really? And do you think we would still be human beings after such an amazing, unexpected and radical change to our core make-up?


Or are you just thinking of a moderate drift in the direction of logic and reason?
If, say, some humans became much more rational and less subject to uncontrolled emotions, why should they care whether unstable types think they are inhuman?

Do adults care if teenagers consider them uncool? Life is a about change. Humans appear destined to become "inhuman" in the future, it's just a matter of how and when. I expect that, if self-learning AI becomes extremely sophisticated, I expect there will be considerable cross-influence between human and machine. This applies whether the AI is sentient or not.
To further the concept of Humanoid design and an evolutionary renaissance for tomorrow we must, and this is most important,
consider the CAT :idea:

New Research

Human Genomes Are Surprisingly Cat-Like

Cats have genomes that are structured in much the same way that humans’ are, and an article published this week in the journal Trends in Genetics argues this unique quality has been underutilized by scientists who have more commonly studied mice and dogs, reports Katherine J. Wu for the Atlantic.

“Other than primates, the cat-human comparison is one of the closest you can get,” in terms of genome organization, study author Leslie Lyons, a veterinarian specializing in cat genetics at the University of Missouri, tells the Atlantic..........
A new article suggests that cats have been underutilized in studies of genetic disease and that studying their genomes, which are structured similarly to humans', could yield new treatments. CC0 Public Domain ... 180978332/

For too long monkeys and gorillas have controlled Human history - Isn't time we evolved and let the Cat out of the bag :?:
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By LuckyR
Sy Borg wrote: May 8th, 2022, 12:04 am There's no improving on evolution with technology, though, only new evolutionary processes. We are as good as it gets, for now. If we could have been better, we would have been better. I would personally like to see people more driven by logic and reason than by emotions. However, people with those qualities will fare less well in many communities than unreasonable people, in much the same way as an honest person will tend to fare poorly if they are surrounded by criminals.

LuckyR wrote: May 7th, 2022, 4:48 am
UniversalAlien wrote: May 6th, 2022, 8:12 pm Is Man the logical and expected result of Evolution :?:

Science is advancing rapidly - In the near future we, Humans, may become capable of literally creating artificial life that can mimic
biological Human life - And in many ways may be created to be superior to the existent Human.

I'll give you an imaginary, but at least possible, future where you will have the power to correct any mistakes made by Evolution.

Can you design a Human that is better suited for the future :?: Can you alter the internal death wish that drives Humanity to destructive
self and social tendencies to destroy his own kind - fix the evolutionary paradigm that will drive the Human species to extinction :?:

Maybe this new science is still beyond your imagination - But it is possible :!:

Is the Human species capable of evolving to a higher plane of existence either from altering internal biological flaws
or designing a 'New Humanoid' better than the old biological one :?:
I would remove the chimpanzee derived genetics and replace it with the comparable bonobo DNA.
Nice. There's not much in it, though. My understanding is that 98.8% of human DNA is shared with chimps and 98.7% with bonobos. For the record, 98% with gorillas and about 97% with orangutans.
Well, that 0.1 percent difference between the chimp DNA and the bonobo DNA in humans is about 3.5 million base pairs. That's what I'm talking about, 3.5 million differences.
Sy Borg wrote: I would personally like to see people more driven by logic and reason than by emotions.
UniversalAlien wrote: May 8th, 2022, 5:04 am AGREED :!:
Pattern-chaser wrote: May 8th, 2022, 10:20 am Really? And do you think we would still be human beings after such an amazing, unexpected and radical change to our core make-up?


Or are you just thinking of a moderate drift in the direction of logic and reason?
Sy Borg wrote: May 8th, 2022, 10:07 pm If, say, some humans became much more rational and less subject to uncontrolled emotions, why should they care whether unstable types think they are inhuman?
"Unstable types"? 🤔 I think you misunderstand the direction I intended with my comments. I don't seek to say "Hey, you're logical, so you can't be a human like us!" I was saying something more like "Do we want to direct our efforts toward this new vision of humanity, or would that compromise our very, er, humanity?"
Favorite Philosopher: Cratylus Location: England
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