As Noah set sail on the ark with his wife and two animals of every kind, did he wonder what he needed to learn from all those animals aboard? Clearly the animals had done a far better job connecting and living peacefully with others of their species than humans had. Did animals have instinctive knowledge that humans needed to learn? Have we learned it yet? For one thing, animals live in the present. If Dr. Doolittle is any judge, they live quite peaceably in their animal kingdom. Within the tight space of that crowded ark, did the animals aboard instinctively know how to carve out space for themselves?(Location 189 - Kindle version)
Many of us (Christians or non-Christians) have heard the biblical story of Noah's ark. While many people have tried to interpret biblical stories in different ways, this author has used this particular story to explain the essentials to have a good relationship with one's partner.
Is this story really meant to teach people how to be in harmony with each other? Have we learned that lesson?
– William James