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The paradoxical effect of the cosmos

Posted: February 13th, 2022, 9:07 pm
by Paradigmer
The paradoxical effect of the cosmos is a subliminal natural effect that misleads people in its states of delusion.

In the observable universe, this effect subliminally renders various forms of natural cognitive paradox by negating the observations of natural phenomena in a typical obfuscated manner.

A resolved example in modern astronomy for illustrating how a cognitive paradox subliminally negates its actuality, is the perceptive with the transcendental perspective on of how the Sun appears in its localized perception to be rising in the east from the horizon.

It is merely a perception on a rotating spheroidal Earth that renders the relative motion illusion of sunrise in its delusion.

Sunrise is in fact an observational delusion perceived in a subliminally obfuscated manner; the Sun does not rise like it apparently seems to be.

The observation of a morning rising Sun is paradoxically a cognitive contradiction of its actuality.

The subliminal natural negation of this cognitive paradox on sunrise is caused by its observation in a localized perception on an apparently motionless Earth that actually rotates.

For past millenniums in the illusions of knowing about the sunrise as a result of being incognizant of its delusion, the majorities of the elites from all over the whole wide world at different timelines across many cultures, have had fallaciously established on this cognitive paradox to quantitatively elaborate its observations with the physical paradox of the geocentric model.

The illusion of knowing is unresolvable in the delusion of its cognitive paradox.

A manifested paradoxical effect can consistently fool us with the cognitive paradox rendered in its state of delusion.

With manifold negating factors that are subliminally manifested, the paradoxical effect of the cosmos causes natural phenomena to be intermingled with multifarious cognitive paradoxes for their apparent observations. As thus, these observations would always paradoxically render as enigmas by obfuscating to contradict their actualities in a combination of its subliminally negated circumstances. These enigmas of the natural phenomena are thus rendered in their manifold delusional observations, they therefore are counterintuitive, mysterious, confusing, and paradoxically misleading.

Paradoxically, the Sun does not rise in the east like it seems to be, it is not stationary like it had been believed to be so with the putative laws of physics that assert heliocentrism, and it is also not the center of the Solar System like it was being thought as with the current conventional wisdom; nothing could be further from the truth than these false facts that were established in all the delusions about the Sun.

Oblivious to the multifarious cognitive paradoxes that naturally negate to cause delusions in the observable universe, the subliminally rendered negated circumstances have been fooling everyone.

The paradoxical effect of the cosmos relentlessly obfuscate ingenious people as the intelligent fools in their states of delusion, dumb people as the stupefied fools in their states of stupefaction, and enlightened people of anything to appear like they are the eccentric fools of that very thing.

This paradoxical nature of reality with various forms of its naturally manifested negations, is rendering the negated circumstances in all possible ways to paradoxically obfuscate the observations of the natural phenomena. The effect subliminally renders various forms of natural cognitive paradoxes by obscuring to negate the observations of their actualities, and thus paradoxically obfuscate to render the delusional observations of the natural phenomena.

In the observable universe, the apparently observed natural phenomena that are being paradoxically rendered in all possible manners of their subliminally negated circumstances, are overwhelming.

Nonetheless, the realization of the manifested paradoxical effects could elucidate such observational delusions with their transcendental perceptions.

With the delusions of the paradoxically rendered natural phenomena elucidated, the transpired insights could reveal the natural negations of their manifested paradoxical effects that render the subliminally negated circumstances for causing their cognitive paradoxes.

These cognitive paradoxes could be efficaciously resolved with the UVS research methodology[uvs] in its analyses of the subliminally imbued paradoxical effects. And these could be methodically analyzed with the UVS visual inductive resolutions[uvs] on those natural phenomena that are subtly demonstrating the nested hyperspherical variants of the structurally transformed torus and their unisonal vortex[uvs] characteristics.

These are through identifying the various forms of nested torus structures and their inferred unisonal vortices], which are being demonstrated elusively in the empirically observed natural phenomena. They are then analyzed with the UVS model[uvs] in its conceptual framework[uvs], which could thus induce the insights to the resolutions on their actualities that therefore resolve their subliminal negations.

This epistemic process could elucidate how the observational delusions in their subliminally negated circumstances are rendering their cognitive paradoxes.

In the UVS worldview[uvs], the entire structure of the observable universe[uvs] is intrinsically formed in a nested vortical hypersphere system[uvs] of the cosmos, which could naturally negate to paradoxically obfuscate in the objective reality. All physical states of existence and the underlying structures of natural phenomena are thus inherently imbued with its paradoxical characteristics.

The inductive approach of the UVS research invoked to intuitively analyse the apparently observed natural phenomena in its conceptual framework[uvs], construed with their hypothetical constructs based on the UVS model for illustrating their underlying structures and mechanisms, could thus elucidate the observational delusions to efficaciously resolve the subliminally negated circumstances that render their cognitive paradoxes.

Heuristically, this can elevate the perceptions of such natural phenomena to their transcendental perspectives for perceiving how the cognitive paradoxes render their observational delusions. These perceptions could induce the conceptual resolutions to visualize how the manifested paradoxical effects mislead people with the observations perceived in their delusional states, and thus reveal how such naturally negated observations have had subliminally fool people to the cognitive paradox fallacies[uvs] that therefore rendered their physical paradoxes.

[uvs] - A specific topic from the UVS treatise.


The above introduction posted herein was gleaned and reorganized from my webpage on "The paradoxical effect of the cosmos".

For those interested to better absorb this proposed aspect of the cosmos, please visit the above webpage for the full content of this topic illustrated with images, animations, as well as for accessing the hyperlinks to the definitions for the specific terminologies, associated topics, external sources, etc.

This is the philosophical tenet of my cosmology treatise titled as "Universal Vortical Singularity", abbreviated as UVS.

For those curious onlookers interested to explore this cosmology treatise, it is recommended to read its "Preface" first before the leap.

And I hope readers would enjoy reading my work that approaches cosmology from an entirely different perspective.

Nonetheless, I prefer the discussions in this thread to be largely kept in the philosophical aspect of this topic.

Re: The paradoxical effect of the cosmos

Posted: February 14th, 2022, 7:14 am
by Pattern-chaser
Paradigmer wrote: February 13th, 2022, 9:07 pm A resolved example in modern astronomy for illustrating how a cognitive paradox subliminally negates its actuality, is the perceptive with the transcendental perspective on of how the Sun appears in its localized perception to be rising in the east from the horizon.

It is merely a perception on a rotating spheroidal Earth that renders the relative motion illusion of sunrise in its delusion.

Sunrise is in fact an observational delusion perceived in a subliminally obfuscated manner; the Sun does not rise like it apparently seems to be.
Sunrise is, as you suggest, a matter of perspective. From my garden, I can see clearly that the Sun rises in the East, and sets at the end of the day in the West. From a different perspective, taking a point of view outside the solar system, looking in, this sunrise and sunset disappear, and we see the planets revolving around the Sun. Neither perspective is wrong; both can be viewed, in the real world; neither is invented nor contrived.

Things look different when we look at them in a different way. This is a truth of reality. We should not be surprised when and if it happens, and it is not a "delusion", IMO.

Re: The paradoxical effect of the cosmos

Posted: February 14th, 2022, 8:02 am
by AgentSmith
Ok, so sunrise/sunset is an illusion.

What actually happens is the earth spins on its axis.

Now, what if, just what if, the earth's rotation (too) is an illusion?

The earth does not spin, what's really goin on is _____ (fill in the blanks).

Re: The paradoxical effect of the cosmos

Posted: February 14th, 2022, 8:15 am
by Pattern-chaser
AgentSmith wrote: February 14th, 2022, 8:02 am Now, what if, just what if, the earth's rotation (too) is an illusion?
And what if we are all brains-in-vats? It's the same thing. We have no access to certainty, and no way to determine what actually is. 🤔

Re: The paradoxical effect of the cosmos

Posted: February 14th, 2022, 8:24 am
by AgentSmith
Pattern-chaser wrote: February 14th, 2022, 8:15 am
AgentSmith wrote: February 14th, 2022, 8:02 am Now, what if, just what if, the earth's rotation (too) is an illusion?
And what if we are all brains-in-vats? It's the same thing. We have no access to certainty, and no way to determine what actually is. 🤔
Yeah, that's terrible (news)!

Re: The paradoxical effect of the cosmos

Posted: February 14th, 2022, 9:28 am
by Pattern-chaser
AgentSmith wrote: February 14th, 2022, 8:24 am
Pattern-chaser wrote: February 14th, 2022, 8:15 am
AgentSmith wrote: February 14th, 2022, 8:02 am Now, what if, just what if, the earth's rotation (too) is an illusion?
And what if we are all brains-in-vats? It's the same thing. We have no access to certainty, and no way to determine what actually is. 🤔
Yeah, that's terrible (news)!
It is what it is, and it's unavoidable, so we can only accept it. There is no absolute, or Objective, certainty in such matters as these. So I'm afraid your question - Now, what if, just what if, the earth's rotation (too) is an illusion? - is a little bit pointless. Sorry. 😉

Re: The paradoxical effect of the cosmos

Posted: February 14th, 2022, 11:23 am
by AgentSmith
Pattern-chaser wrote: February 14th, 2022, 9:28 am
AgentSmith wrote: February 14th, 2022, 8:24 am
Pattern-chaser wrote: February 14th, 2022, 8:15 am
AgentSmith wrote: February 14th, 2022, 8:02 am Now, what if, just what if, the earth's rotation (too) is an illusion?
And what if we are all brains-in-vats? It's the same thing. We have no access to certainty, and no way to determine what actually is. 🤔
Yeah, that's terrible (news)!
It is what it is, and it's unavoidable, so we can only accept it. There is no absolute, or Objective, certainty in such matters as these. So I'm afraid your question - Now, what if, just what if, the earth's rotation (too) is an illusion? - is a little bit pointless. Sorry. 😉

Re: The paradoxical effect of the cosmos

Posted: February 14th, 2022, 11:33 am
by AgentSmith
@ OP, let's work this through together, if you're game that is

If the earth's rotation is an illusion, then...???

Assumptions we have to work with:
1. The sun is not moving around the earth.
2. The earth is not spinning on its axis.
3. Day turns into night and night into day.

Can you come up with a scenario where all 3 assumptions are true? 🤔

Thimk outside the box, think outside the box,! I'm chanting this as a mantra in the hope that, mantras work they way they were supposed to - sudden flashes of insight have been reported from the practice (anecdotal, cum grano salis).

Re: The paradoxical effect of the cosmos

Posted: February 14th, 2022, 11:47 am
by Pattern-chaser
AgentSmith wrote: February 14th, 2022, 11:33 am @ OP, let's work this through together, if you're game that is

If the earth's rotation is an illusion, then...???

Assumptions we have to work with:
1. The sun is not moving around the earth.
2. The earth is not spinning on its axis.
3. Day turns into night and night into day.

Can you come up with a scenario where all 3 assumptions are true? 🤔
Yes, we are all brains-in-vats, and the 'Sun' and the 'earth' have no actual existence. There are probably an infinite number of such speculations, and most of them are not useful, regardless of whatever other attributes they may have to recommend them...? 🤔

Re: The paradoxical effect of the cosmos

Posted: February 14th, 2022, 9:07 pm
by Paradigmer
Hi Pattern-chaser, appreciate your insights.
Pattern-chaser wrote: February 14th, 2022, 8:15 am And what if we are all brains-in-vats? It's the same thing. We have no access to certainty, and no way to determine what actually is. 🤔
IMO, brains-in-vats is a great philosophical concept for the ontology of the cosmic mind that manifests the consciousness of the objective reality.

I do have a topic on "The conceptualized framework of nature" you might find it interesting to explore. It briefly explores a possible natural construct of this cosmic consciousness. Your insofar replies demonstrate you are very knowledgeable in this aspect, which is great for insightful discussions.
Pattern-chaser wrote: February 14th, 2022, 7:14 am
Paradigmer wrote: February 13th, 2022, 9:07 pm A resolved example in modern astronomy for illustrating how a cognitive paradox subliminally negates its actuality, is the perceptive with the transcendental perspective on of how the Sun appears in its localized perception to be rising in the east from the horizon.

It is merely a perception on a rotating spheroidal Earth that renders the relative motion illusion of sunrise in its delusion.

Sunrise is in fact an observational delusion perceived in a subliminally obfuscated manner; the Sun does not rise like it apparently seems to be.
Sunrise is, as you suggest, a matter of perspective. From my garden, I can see clearly that the Sun rises in the East, and sets at the end of the day in the West. From a different perspective, taking a point of view outside the solar system, looking in, this sunrise and sunset disappear, and we see the planets revolving around the Sun. Neither perspective is wrong; both can be viewed, in the real world; neither is invented nor contrived.

Things look different when we look at them in a different way. This is a truth of reality. We should not be surprised when and if it happens, and it is not a "delusion", IMO.
Thanks to modern astronomy, we now are disillusioned on this physical paradox in geocentrism that asserts the Sun revolve around the Earth, hence could understand the perception is merely a relative motion illusion as observed on the rotating Earth.

Nonetheless, the geocentric belief of the sunrise by definition is construed in its state of delusion with the cognitive paradox perceived in the realm of the objective reality; the arguments in the OP do not entail the realism beyond the objective reality to illustrate the concept of actuality.

Re: The paradoxical effect of the cosmos

Posted: February 14th, 2022, 9:24 pm
by Paradigmer
AgentSmith wrote: February 14th, 2022, 8:02 am Ok, so sunrise/sunset is an illusion.

What actually happens is the earth spins on its axis.

Now, what if, just what if, the earth's rotation (too) is an illusion?

The earth does not spin, what's really goin on is _____ (fill in the blanks).
Think outside the box is indeed a good practice to explore the natural world and does induce some level of enlightenment with the "flashes of insight have been reported from the practice".

However, the concept of "the earth's rotation (too) is an illusion" would only entail myths that do not refer to reality at its very best; geocentrism is a myth despite it is quite successful as the pragmatic theory of truth for its very practical quantitative predictions.

Re: The paradoxical effect of the cosmos

Posted: February 15th, 2022, 10:13 am
by Pattern-chaser
Paradigmer wrote: February 14th, 2022, 9:07 pm Thanks to modern astronomy, we now are disillusioned on this physical paradox in geocentrism that asserts the Sun revolve around the Earth, hence could understand the perception is merely a relative motion illusion as observed on the rotating Earth.
It isn't an illusion, it's just what is actually seen from a particular observation point. That's my point. 😉

Re: The paradoxical effect of the cosmos

Posted: February 15th, 2022, 10:00 pm
by Paradigmer
Pattern-chaser wrote: February 15th, 2022, 10:13 am
Paradigmer wrote: February 14th, 2022, 9:07 pm Thanks to modern astronomy, we now are disillusioned on this physical paradox in geocentrism that asserts the Sun revolve around the Earth, hence could understand the perception is merely a relative motion illusion as observed on the rotating Earth.
It isn't an illusion, it's just what is actually seen from a particular observation point. That's my point. 😉
Sunrise despite is not any form of holographic illusion in the objective reality as how you put it, it is categorically a natural relative motion illusion for the Earth bound observers. And its cognitive paradox had led to the science delusion with geocentrism for two millenniums in the past.

The example in the OP illustrated with the sunrise is for elaborating the very prevalent illusions of knowledge in modern physics.

The purpose of this OP is to show how the mainstream physics is stuck in its science delusions when refers to the objective reality.

This is as a result of the paradoxical effect of the cosmos that overwhelming manifests in the objective reality to mislead with its natural negations.

Anyone interested to evaluate this proposition on the science delusions of mainstream physic, I have a webpage on "Critical analysis of the scientific method on its intrinsic flaws" that elaborates on this assertion from the philosophical aspect.

Re: The paradoxical effect of the cosmos

Posted: February 16th, 2022, 11:12 am
by Pattern-chaser
Paradigmer wrote: February 14th, 2022, 9:07 pm Thanks to modern astronomy, we now are disillusioned on this physical paradox in geocentrism that asserts the Sun revolve around the Earth, hence could understand the perception is merely a relative motion illusion as observed on the rotating Earth.
Pattern-chaser wrote: February 15th, 2022, 10:13 am It isn't an illusion, it's just what is actually seen from a particular observation point. That's my point. 😉
Paradigmer wrote: February 15th, 2022, 10:00 pm Sunrise despite is not any form of holographic illusion in the objective reality as how you put it, it is categorically a natural relative motion illusion for the Earth bound observers. And its cognitive paradox had led to the science delusion with geocentrism for two millenniums in the past.

First, I assume you use the word "illusion" in its most common form, that your favoured dictionary describes as follows:
Merriam-Webster wrote:Something that looks or seems different from what it is : something that is false or not real but that seems to be true or real. [Link to dictionary entry]
By this definition, there is no illusion. I.e. there is no perceptual mistake or misunderstanding that seems to show us "something that is false or not real". What we see, from either viewpoint, or both, is actual (as far as we know), and not an illusion or misperception. We see two different views from two different viewing points; this should not surprise us. It's what we should expect.

We have considered two different points-of-observation, one in my garden, and the other outside the Solar System, looking in. Unsurprisingly, we see different views from these different vantage points. We can even explain one view in terms of the other. But there is no illusion (as defined above) and no paradox either.

Re: The paradoxical effect of the cosmos

Posted: February 16th, 2022, 8:18 pm
by Paradigmer
Pattern-chaser wrote: February 16th, 2022, 11:12 am First, I assume you use the word "illusion" in its most common form, that your favoured dictionary describes as follows:
Merriam-Webster wrote:Something that looks or seems different from what it is : something that is false or not real but that seems to be true or real. [Link to dictionary entry]
By this definition, there is no illusion. I.e. there is no perceptual mistake or misunderstanding that seems to show us "something that is false or not real". What we see, from either viewpoint, or both, is actual (as far as we know), and not an illusion or misperception. We see two different views from two different viewing points; this should not surprise us. It's what we should expect.

We have considered two different points-of-observation, one in my garden, and the other outside the Solar System, looking in. Unsurprisingly, we see different views from these different vantage points. We can even explain one view in terms of the other. But there is no illusion (as defined above) and no paradox either.
The paradox of the morning rising Sun appears to the Earth-bound observers to float up like a rising balloon from the east horizon while the Earth appears stationary, qualifies the dictionary definition for illusion on "Something that looks or seems different from what it is : something that is false or not real but that seems to be true or real.".