wrote:I call the missing processing stage, the Inter Mind, because it is an Interconnecting stage of Mind between the Physical Mind and the Conscious Mind. Note that Physical Mind means the Brain here.
What about the fact that there are people that manage to live a normal life with merely 5-10% brain tissue?
The following book review may be of interest. It indicates that consciousness may originate from the body as a whole.
Book: “Feeling & Knowing: Making Minds Conscious” by neuroscience philosophy professor Antonio Damasio
Consciousness is not just about what happens in our minds; it’s about what happens in our bodies, and what happens when our minds interpret our bodies and feelings and reflect their processes back to us. ... g-knowing/
If senses are primary, can PM as it is perceived in the Inter Mind theory be possible?
The professor mentions the following:
He marvels at how feelings probably began as a “timid conversation” between the chemistry and nervous system of a being, then evolved to shepherd us in the right direction during the “uphill battle” of staying alive.
This consideration makes the assumption that chemistry provided a sort of 'spark' that was then further enhanced in the form of an 'uphill battle' of staying alive, thus, that life in its actuality is a chemical process that originates from a start in time.
At question would be whether such an idea is plausible. Can feelings/senses originate from chemistry? Is there at least one clue or indication that that can be so?
By simple logic, senses cannot originate from the scope of the individual which would imply that life in it's actuality cannot be an independent chemical process.
Senses require 'value equation' (valuing) and the origin of such cannot be value by the simple logical truth that something cannot be the origin of itself. Therefor, the origin of valuing must lay outside the scope of value (physical reality) and further logic will show that the origin of valuing must be 'good per se' or 'pure meaning'.
The origin of value is necessarily meaningful but cannot be value and thus is to be considered pure meaning. The nature of value implies that it can be denoted to be 'good per se' (good that cannot be valued). wrote:Since we can Speculate that the distance between CMs is irrelevant in CSp, this might be how we will eventually communicate with Beings that have CMs on other Worlds across the Universe.
That would be very interesting. What information might it unlock? Could ESP help with planet hunting and unlock information about a location of advanced civilizations?
At question is however, is the assumed 'non-locality' aspect of ESP experience on Earth non-local on a Galactic scale, or merely on a semi-non-local scale bound to the Solar system?
For example, until today, people in general are not aware that they and Earth as a whole are submerged in a Solar-Neutrino energy environment at all times, including after sunset.
Solar-neutrino bathing of Earth
Solar-Neutrino biological cell interaction may provide a physical link to the origin of existence which would essentially mean that the origin of life (and consciousness as manifestation) is a form of star light/energy and if that were to be the case, ESP may be possible due to this Solar-Neutrino energy environment.
On Earth's region around the Sun, it is estimated that 10 trillion neutrinos travel through every square centimeter of space per second. This includes underground, on the dark side of Earth and in the center of the Earth.
Most neutrinos originate from the Sun with the whole of Earth bathing in a continuous stream of neutrino energy. Some neutrinos originate from outer space. For example, in a Supernova explosion, 99% of energy is released into the Universe in the form of neutrinos.
Neutrinos can change their mass up to 3000x in size, by themselves, which is called flavor switching or morphing. It is why the particle is called a ‘ghost particle’ (spooky particle).
When Solar-neutrino energy is the origin of life on Earth, life could be bound to a region around a star. This could help explain why the Universe is not crowded with
alien activity.