The author places a lot of emphasis on his relationship his mother, especially as he was growing up. I believe his mother was a special person, from his descriptions. However, I wonder if some of the things he tells about his mother's affection toward him were maybe an embellishment of the facts. For example, how he would wake up at night and find her "standing by his bed, looking at him adoringly". He only mentions his siblings briefly, and rightfully so since it is his memoir, but he doesn't share whether his mother was just as affectionate with them as she was with him. It sounded to me like he was the only thing she focused on! I wonder if his siblings ever awoke during the night and found her "looking adoringly" at them? I just thought it was a relationship too good to be true! What are your thoughts?
Was he his mother's favourite? Can a mother have a favourite child?
– William James