Why All Current Scientific Theories Of Consciousness Fail
Posted: November 20th, 2021, 11:02 am
The following will present some of the current theories that are reported to explain Conscious Experience. I will stipulate that the theory must address Conscious Experience and not just talk about some vague generalized Consciousness concept. I will state that there actually is no such thing as just Consciousness. It is always some kind of Conscious Experience. I will apply the Inter Mind Model (IMM) to each theory. The theory must be able to Explain what an Inter Mind (IM) would be in the theory. In order to Explain how the theory incorporates an IM, the theory must have the answer to a basic question. Given:
1) Neural Activity happens in the Physical Mind (PM)
2) Conscious Experience happens in the Conscious Mind (CM)
How does the Neural Activity of 1 produce the Conscious Experience of 2?
The IMM expects that there is some sort of IM that takes the Neural Activity as the input and produces the Conscious Experience as the output. So, the following analyses will demand that each theory have a plausible Explanation for what an IM would be in the theory. In other words, how does the theory explain Conscious Experience.
First, I would like to talk about Orchestrated Objective Reduction (Orch OR) with respect to Conscious Experience. This theory says that Consciousness is based on certain structures in the Neurons (Microtubules) that operate at the Quantum Level. This is all well and good as a speculation about what might be happening in the Neurons. The problem is that even if it is correct, it sheds no light on the basic question as posed above. It will always talk about some vague Consciousness concept. It cannot solve any of the problems of Conscious Experience. There is no attempt at Explaining what an IM would be within the theory. Some writings claim the theory solves the Hard Problem of Conscious Experience. I don't see it, and it is Incoherent to state that this solves the Hard problem. Please, will someone show me how this theory can Explain any Conscious Experience?
Next, I would like to talk about Integrated Information Theory (IIT) with respect to Conscious Experience. This theory basically tries to measure the amount of Consciousness in a structure, like a Brain. The theory cannot address any particular Conscious Experience but only talks in generalities about the quantity of Consciousness. The theory basically says, more Information and Complexity means more Consciousness. But this is an Incoherent starting assumption. What is the chain of Logic that gets you from Information and Complexity to something like the Experience of Redness or the Salty Taste? There are some writings about how the theory can explain how the Visual Experience "feels" like it does. Can it Explain Redness? Can it Explain the totality of the integrated Visual Experience? I don't see it. Pun intended. If anything, this theory is more about the possible Neural Correlates of Conscious Experience and not at all about the Conscious Experience itself. There is no way this theory can Explain what the IM is within the theory. Again I must ask please, will someone show me how this theory can Explain any Conscious Experience?
Next, I would like to talk about Information Closure Theory (ICT) with respect to Conscious Experience. This is another theory that Incoherently assumes that Information is Consciousness. All the criticisms of IIT apply here. But yet again I must ask please, will someone show me how this theory can Explain any Conscious Experience?
Next, I would like to talk about Global Workspace Theory (GWT) with respect to Conscious Experience. I include this theory because people will often say that this theory explains Consciousness. In reality, this theory does not even try to Explain Conscious Experiences. This theory is a theory about Organizing our internal thought processes. There is no way this theory can Explain what the IM is within the theory. If I am wrong about this then please, will someone show me how this theory can Explain any Conscious Experience?
Next, I would like to talk about Predictive Coding Theory (PCT) with respect to Conscious Experience. This is not a theory of Conscious Experience but it is a theory of Brain function and therefore it is only about the Neural Correlates of Consciousness. I include this because there is a following out there that believes this actually explains Conscious Experience. There is no way this theory can Explain what the IM is within the theory. Please, will someone show me how this theory Explains any Conscious Experience?
Next, I would like to talk about Physicalism with respect to Conscious Experience. Physicalism is the proposition that everything is Physical. Physicalists like to say that Consciousness is in the Neurons. They boldly say that Neural Activity IS Conscious Experience. This means that the solution to the basic question above is that there is something in the Neurons that creates the Conscious Experience. This theory will need to put the IM in the Neurons as some kind of Chemical, Electrical, or other Neural process. This is an ok speculation but it really is quite Incoherent if you just consider it for a little while. How on Earth is the Experience of Redness or the Salty Taste being produced by the Neurons? How can Neural Activity actually BE these Experiences? I don't see it. The IM must be some function of the Neural Activity but there is no way this theory can Explain what the IM is within the theory. Please, someone show me how this theory Explains any Conscious Experience?
Next, I would like to talk about Panpsychism with respect to Conscious Experience. This seems to be a popular theory, or really just a speculation, that there is some sort of Consciousness aspect in everything. So Electrons, Protons, Neutrons, etc. have a tiny aspect of Consciousness. This is basically a Physicalist proposition because the theory stipulates Consciousness is in all matter even down to the level of elementary particles. The hope with this speculation is that when Electrons combine with Protons and other elementary particles, that the Atoms and Molecules will have some combined greater Consciousness. Finally, at the level of a massive object like a Brain, all the combined micro Consciousnesses will somehow combine to give us the Conscious Experiences that we have. There is no Logic or even a Clue as to how these micro Consciousnesses can combine into a larger Consciousness that has Conscious Experiences. So the biggest problem with this theory is that it always talks about some ambiguous vague generalized Consciousness Thing. It can never get to an Explanation for any actual Conscious Experience. There is no way this theory can Explain what the IM is within the theory. How does this theory Explain any Conscious Experience?
Next, I would like to talk about Emergence and Epiphenomenalism with respect to Conscious Experience. Emergence is a Physicalist proposition. Emergence proposes that Conscious Experience IS NOT the Neural Activity itself, but rather the Conscious Experience Emerges from the Neural Activity. But the Conscious Experience is still the result of Neural Activity even if you cannot say it IS the Neural Activity. Epiphenomenalism is a version of Emergence with the stipulation that the resulting Conscious Experience has no purpose. Both of these propositions imply that the solution to the basic question above is that there is something in the Neurons that creates the Conscious Experience. This theory will need to put the IM in the Neurons as some kind of Chemical, Electrical, or other Neural process. This is an ok speculation but it really is quite Incoherent if you just consider it for a little while. How on Earth is the Experience of Redness or the Salty Taste Emerging from the Neurons? Proponents of this theory have no Explanations of this. They just Boldly claim that Conscious Experience Emerges from the Neural Activity, and that is that. I don't see it. The IM must be some function of the Neural Activity but there is no way this theory can Explain what the IM is within the theory. Please, someone show me how this Explains any Conscious Experience?
Next, I would like to talk about Eliminativism and Illusionism with respect to Conscious Experience. Eliminativism is another Physicalist proposition. Eliminativism proposes that Conscious Experience does not even exist. Illusionism is a sub category of Eliminativism that proposes that Conscious Experience exists only as an Illusion. This is pure Denialism. How on Earth can someone think that the Redness or Salty Taste that they Experience is only an Illusion and does not Exist? They cannot have the same kind of Conscious Experience about these things that I have. They must also believe that the CM itself does not Exist. So for them the IM will not exist since the CM does not exist. There is not much more that can be said about this proposition. Please, someone show me how Conscious Experience does not Exist?
Next, I would like to talk about Idealism and Conscious Realism with respect to Conscious Experience. Idealism is a Philosophical proposition that goes all the way back to the ancient Greeks and Conscious Realism is a more recent proposition. The basic premise of both is that our Conscious Experiences are the only Real things in the Universe and that the External Physical World is created by these Conscious Experiences. So the Physical World does not really exist or is at least a secondary Epiphenomenon of Consciousness. This could be true but it is highly Incoherent when the facts of the Physical World are taken into account. I believe that the ancient Idealists realized our Conscious Experiences are separate from the Physical World but they made the mistake of thinking, that since Experiences were separate, the Physical World did not really exist. Idealism proposes this Incoherent and backwards causality of Consciousness creating the Physical World because their Science was not at a sophisticated enough level to properly explain the Physical World. It is inexplicable how a more modern Philosophy like Conscious Realism can promote the same backwards causality. Today it is clear that there is a causality trajectory from the Physical World to the Conscious World and not the other way around. Please, someone show me how Conscious Experience creates a Physical World?
Last, I would like to talk about the Simulation Hypothesis with respect to Conscious Experience. The Simulation Hypothesis states that our Reality is a Simulation executing on some super powerful computer. This is not really a theory about Conscious Experience and it does not even try to claim an understanding of Conscious Experience. But there is a following of people that think this Simulation concept could be true, and that it has something to do with Consciousness. The truth is that Simulations are just Representations or Surrogates for the Processes and Objects they are Simulating. Simulations are not even supposed to be the same thing as what they Simulate. As an example, when a Hurricane is Simulated nothing ever Physically gets wet anywhere. In the same way, if Redness is Simulated there never is any Experience of Redness anywhere. This will still be the case no matter how sophisticated the Computer Hardware becomes and no matter how detailed the Simulation software becomes. Computer Simulations cannot create actual Water for the Hurricane, and Computer Simulations cannot create actual Conscious Experiences for a Mind. Unbelievably, and without any chain of Logic, the Simulation Hypothesis just assumes Conscious Experience can arise from executing Computer Programs. In other words, it stipulates for example that the Experience of Redness, the Standard A Tone, and the Salty Taste are just code executing in some CPU. This is just another Physicalist proposition. How is an Experience of Redness, the Standard A Tone, or the Salty Taste ever going to arise from lines of code in a computer program? This could only be believed by people that have no understanding of Computers and Computer Software. This is a fun thing to think about, but this is an Incoherent theory of Conscious Experience. Computers and computer programs exist in Physical Space (PSp), so they cannot create a Conscious Experience since Conscious Experience exists in Conscious Space (CSp). But a computer might be able to Connect with a CM in CSp someday, if Science could understand how to do it. In that case our CMs would not existentially be the Program, but rather our CMs would Connect to the Program. In that case our Reality would be the Program that we Connect to. The Machine that is executing the Program would be a Conscious Machine. The Hard Problem of Conscious Experience would still exist with this Connection. Computer programs exist in PSp but Conscious Experience exists in CSp. What on Earth would an IM be within this theory? How does the Computer Connect to CSp?
1) Neural Activity happens in the Physical Mind (PM)
2) Conscious Experience happens in the Conscious Mind (CM)
How does the Neural Activity of 1 produce the Conscious Experience of 2?
The IMM expects that there is some sort of IM that takes the Neural Activity as the input and produces the Conscious Experience as the output. So, the following analyses will demand that each theory have a plausible Explanation for what an IM would be in the theory. In other words, how does the theory explain Conscious Experience.
First, I would like to talk about Orchestrated Objective Reduction (Orch OR) with respect to Conscious Experience. This theory says that Consciousness is based on certain structures in the Neurons (Microtubules) that operate at the Quantum Level. This is all well and good as a speculation about what might be happening in the Neurons. The problem is that even if it is correct, it sheds no light on the basic question as posed above. It will always talk about some vague Consciousness concept. It cannot solve any of the problems of Conscious Experience. There is no attempt at Explaining what an IM would be within the theory. Some writings claim the theory solves the Hard Problem of Conscious Experience. I don't see it, and it is Incoherent to state that this solves the Hard problem. Please, will someone show me how this theory can Explain any Conscious Experience?
Next, I would like to talk about Integrated Information Theory (IIT) with respect to Conscious Experience. This theory basically tries to measure the amount of Consciousness in a structure, like a Brain. The theory cannot address any particular Conscious Experience but only talks in generalities about the quantity of Consciousness. The theory basically says, more Information and Complexity means more Consciousness. But this is an Incoherent starting assumption. What is the chain of Logic that gets you from Information and Complexity to something like the Experience of Redness or the Salty Taste? There are some writings about how the theory can explain how the Visual Experience "feels" like it does. Can it Explain Redness? Can it Explain the totality of the integrated Visual Experience? I don't see it. Pun intended. If anything, this theory is more about the possible Neural Correlates of Conscious Experience and not at all about the Conscious Experience itself. There is no way this theory can Explain what the IM is within the theory. Again I must ask please, will someone show me how this theory can Explain any Conscious Experience?
Next, I would like to talk about Information Closure Theory (ICT) with respect to Conscious Experience. This is another theory that Incoherently assumes that Information is Consciousness. All the criticisms of IIT apply here. But yet again I must ask please, will someone show me how this theory can Explain any Conscious Experience?
Next, I would like to talk about Global Workspace Theory (GWT) with respect to Conscious Experience. I include this theory because people will often say that this theory explains Consciousness. In reality, this theory does not even try to Explain Conscious Experiences. This theory is a theory about Organizing our internal thought processes. There is no way this theory can Explain what the IM is within the theory. If I am wrong about this then please, will someone show me how this theory can Explain any Conscious Experience?
Next, I would like to talk about Predictive Coding Theory (PCT) with respect to Conscious Experience. This is not a theory of Conscious Experience but it is a theory of Brain function and therefore it is only about the Neural Correlates of Consciousness. I include this because there is a following out there that believes this actually explains Conscious Experience. There is no way this theory can Explain what the IM is within the theory. Please, will someone show me how this theory Explains any Conscious Experience?
Next, I would like to talk about Physicalism with respect to Conscious Experience. Physicalism is the proposition that everything is Physical. Physicalists like to say that Consciousness is in the Neurons. They boldly say that Neural Activity IS Conscious Experience. This means that the solution to the basic question above is that there is something in the Neurons that creates the Conscious Experience. This theory will need to put the IM in the Neurons as some kind of Chemical, Electrical, or other Neural process. This is an ok speculation but it really is quite Incoherent if you just consider it for a little while. How on Earth is the Experience of Redness or the Salty Taste being produced by the Neurons? How can Neural Activity actually BE these Experiences? I don't see it. The IM must be some function of the Neural Activity but there is no way this theory can Explain what the IM is within the theory. Please, someone show me how this theory Explains any Conscious Experience?
Next, I would like to talk about Panpsychism with respect to Conscious Experience. This seems to be a popular theory, or really just a speculation, that there is some sort of Consciousness aspect in everything. So Electrons, Protons, Neutrons, etc. have a tiny aspect of Consciousness. This is basically a Physicalist proposition because the theory stipulates Consciousness is in all matter even down to the level of elementary particles. The hope with this speculation is that when Electrons combine with Protons and other elementary particles, that the Atoms and Molecules will have some combined greater Consciousness. Finally, at the level of a massive object like a Brain, all the combined micro Consciousnesses will somehow combine to give us the Conscious Experiences that we have. There is no Logic or even a Clue as to how these micro Consciousnesses can combine into a larger Consciousness that has Conscious Experiences. So the biggest problem with this theory is that it always talks about some ambiguous vague generalized Consciousness Thing. It can never get to an Explanation for any actual Conscious Experience. There is no way this theory can Explain what the IM is within the theory. How does this theory Explain any Conscious Experience?
Next, I would like to talk about Emergence and Epiphenomenalism with respect to Conscious Experience. Emergence is a Physicalist proposition. Emergence proposes that Conscious Experience IS NOT the Neural Activity itself, but rather the Conscious Experience Emerges from the Neural Activity. But the Conscious Experience is still the result of Neural Activity even if you cannot say it IS the Neural Activity. Epiphenomenalism is a version of Emergence with the stipulation that the resulting Conscious Experience has no purpose. Both of these propositions imply that the solution to the basic question above is that there is something in the Neurons that creates the Conscious Experience. This theory will need to put the IM in the Neurons as some kind of Chemical, Electrical, or other Neural process. This is an ok speculation but it really is quite Incoherent if you just consider it for a little while. How on Earth is the Experience of Redness or the Salty Taste Emerging from the Neurons? Proponents of this theory have no Explanations of this. They just Boldly claim that Conscious Experience Emerges from the Neural Activity, and that is that. I don't see it. The IM must be some function of the Neural Activity but there is no way this theory can Explain what the IM is within the theory. Please, someone show me how this Explains any Conscious Experience?
Next, I would like to talk about Eliminativism and Illusionism with respect to Conscious Experience. Eliminativism is another Physicalist proposition. Eliminativism proposes that Conscious Experience does not even exist. Illusionism is a sub category of Eliminativism that proposes that Conscious Experience exists only as an Illusion. This is pure Denialism. How on Earth can someone think that the Redness or Salty Taste that they Experience is only an Illusion and does not Exist? They cannot have the same kind of Conscious Experience about these things that I have. They must also believe that the CM itself does not Exist. So for them the IM will not exist since the CM does not exist. There is not much more that can be said about this proposition. Please, someone show me how Conscious Experience does not Exist?
Next, I would like to talk about Idealism and Conscious Realism with respect to Conscious Experience. Idealism is a Philosophical proposition that goes all the way back to the ancient Greeks and Conscious Realism is a more recent proposition. The basic premise of both is that our Conscious Experiences are the only Real things in the Universe and that the External Physical World is created by these Conscious Experiences. So the Physical World does not really exist or is at least a secondary Epiphenomenon of Consciousness. This could be true but it is highly Incoherent when the facts of the Physical World are taken into account. I believe that the ancient Idealists realized our Conscious Experiences are separate from the Physical World but they made the mistake of thinking, that since Experiences were separate, the Physical World did not really exist. Idealism proposes this Incoherent and backwards causality of Consciousness creating the Physical World because their Science was not at a sophisticated enough level to properly explain the Physical World. It is inexplicable how a more modern Philosophy like Conscious Realism can promote the same backwards causality. Today it is clear that there is a causality trajectory from the Physical World to the Conscious World and not the other way around. Please, someone show me how Conscious Experience creates a Physical World?
Last, I would like to talk about the Simulation Hypothesis with respect to Conscious Experience. The Simulation Hypothesis states that our Reality is a Simulation executing on some super powerful computer. This is not really a theory about Conscious Experience and it does not even try to claim an understanding of Conscious Experience. But there is a following of people that think this Simulation concept could be true, and that it has something to do with Consciousness. The truth is that Simulations are just Representations or Surrogates for the Processes and Objects they are Simulating. Simulations are not even supposed to be the same thing as what they Simulate. As an example, when a Hurricane is Simulated nothing ever Physically gets wet anywhere. In the same way, if Redness is Simulated there never is any Experience of Redness anywhere. This will still be the case no matter how sophisticated the Computer Hardware becomes and no matter how detailed the Simulation software becomes. Computer Simulations cannot create actual Water for the Hurricane, and Computer Simulations cannot create actual Conscious Experiences for a Mind. Unbelievably, and without any chain of Logic, the Simulation Hypothesis just assumes Conscious Experience can arise from executing Computer Programs. In other words, it stipulates for example that the Experience of Redness, the Standard A Tone, and the Salty Taste are just code executing in some CPU. This is just another Physicalist proposition. How is an Experience of Redness, the Standard A Tone, or the Salty Taste ever going to arise from lines of code in a computer program? This could only be believed by people that have no understanding of Computers and Computer Software. This is a fun thing to think about, but this is an Incoherent theory of Conscious Experience. Computers and computer programs exist in Physical Space (PSp), so they cannot create a Conscious Experience since Conscious Experience exists in Conscious Space (CSp). But a computer might be able to Connect with a CM in CSp someday, if Science could understand how to do it. In that case our CMs would not existentially be the Program, but rather our CMs would Connect to the Program. In that case our Reality would be the Program that we Connect to. The Machine that is executing the Program would be a Conscious Machine. The Hard Problem of Conscious Experience would still exist with this Connection. Computer programs exist in PSp but Conscious Experience exists in CSp. What on Earth would an IM be within this theory? How does the Computer Connect to CSp?