The author says,
This book provides the basis of prevention, identification, and long-term management of survivable medical conditions and can be performed with minimal training.(Location 647 - Kindle version)
These are some random pickings out of the content of this book; ABCDE emergency management, Shock, Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation, Otitis Media, Infectious Mononucleosis, Bronchitis, etc.
Many of these things are quite advance medical stuff which is taught to medical personnel, and after many years of training even they struggle to either perform or apply them correctly. So I do not think just a prepper with no medical knowledge will be able to apply what this author teaches in an emergency situation in the field, no matter how much prepping he/she does.
What do you think? Is this book really for the non-medical professionals, or does this better suit to medical professionals as a refresher for their knowledge?
– William James