Stop complaining about what you don’t have and start focusing on what you do have! The law of cause and effect states that what you focus on in your life will expand. If you focus on negative thoughts, you are going to get more negativity. However, if you focus on positive thoughts, you are going to get more positivity.(Location 229 - Kindle version)
Unrealized potential is a form of self-denial. Don’t be satisfied with being less than you are! By taking some positive action, you can achieve the success you desire.(Location 133 - Kindle version)
We all have our strengths and weaknesses. To succeed, we have to improve our strengths and correct our weaknesses. For that we have to keep our attention on both our strengths (the positive side) as well as the weaknesses (the negative side). But seemingly this author is asking us to keep our focus only on the positive side. Will it work that way? Will forgetting our weaknesses and focusing only on the positives make us successful?
– William James