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Are There Any Notable Philosophy-related Apps for Android?

Posted: May 14th, 2021, 4:37 pm
by Fellowmater
I was wondering if there are any philosophy apps that aggregate content like an encyclopedia? The SEP doesn't seem to have an app. I doubt any exist but any other type of philosophy apps suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!

Re: Are There Any Notable Philosophy-related Apps for Android?

Posted: May 24th, 2021, 5:56 am
by fionaimmodest
I have not found any related to this, but it seems interesting if there is that kind of app somewhere on the web.

Re: Are There Any Notable Philosophy-related Apps for Android?

Posted: May 26th, 2021, 7:07 am
by Fellowmater
I haven't found any yet, guess I have to stick with what we have, this awesome forum should be enough.

Re: Are There Any Notable Philosophy-related Apps for Android?

Posted: May 26th, 2021, 7:21 am
by Steve3007
This site went down for a couple of weeks near the beginning of this year and at the time it looked as though it might be down permanently. As a result, I took the opportunity to experiment with creating another philosophy discussion board. I've shelved that project for now, but it got me thinking about what features an ideal discussion board like this might have. Here are some thoughts:

A downloadable Android and IOS app to go with the website.

The ability to add quick and easy feedback tags to posts, as in, for example, MS Teams.

The ability to quickly and intuitively draw, freehand, onto any post that a poster is writing.

The ability to easily drag and drop images into posts and have the website automatically size (and maybe rotate) them appropriately so there's no messing about finding images of the right size. And the ability to then move those images around within the post.

The ability to add short snippets of audio/video. For example, to add introductions that associate a face and voice with the text, so that we aren't all just seen as words on a screen.
