Sushan wrote: ↑March 3rd, 2021, 5:42 am
evolution wrote: ↑March 3rd, 2021, 4:15 am
Sushan wrote: ↑March 3rd, 2021, 2:22 am
evolution wrote: ↑March 3rd, 2021, 1:38 am
If the book is written under the presumption that the Universe and Life had a beginning, then the book is written under a False pretense, 'in the beginning'.
That is my overall opinion of the book.
I would not recommend the book to people because the book is written under a presumption, which can be proven False, Wrong, and Incorrect.
I agree with you. The author had his biases from the beginning of the book and he has attempted to prove his beliefs in a scientific manner.
This, 'having beliefs' is the main issue. See, while one has a belief, then they are not open to any thing contrary nor otherwise, and what they will 'try' and do is prove their beliefs, in any way possible. Unfortunately though they do not just use actual evidence nor proof.
Sushan wrote: ↑March 3rd, 2021, 2:22 am
Someone else who is having a different belief system can easily argue and break his points, since his points are mainly based on speculations and philosophical arguments rather than scientific research or evidence
But it would not matter if someone was have a different belief or not. If something is not true, then it could very easily be argued against anyway.
What is wrong with 'philosophical arguments'?
If any argument is sound and valid, then one could base absolutely anything upon that argument, as long as it logically reasoned and follows faultlessly.
Also, 'evidence' does not necessarily 'prove' some thing, and, scientific research only looks at what could be, and never looks at what actually IS.
Thee Truth, no matter what 'it' is, is found in 'agreement', and 'proven' irrefutably True , Right, and/or Correct either empirically and/or with a sound and valid argument.
For example like how the Universe and Life never began.
Philosophical arguments have a great importance when it is done in a logical manner. But most of the time, though they are highly intelligent, most people argue to defend thier own beliefs. They may or may not be open to accept any opposing ideas.
Could we then just say and agree that 'any' argument is of great importance when formulated in a logically reasoned way?
Could we also agree that to argue to defend one's own belief, where the belief is not absolutely and irrefutably True, Right, Accurate, and/or Correct anyway, would just be an illogical way to proceed?
Sushan wrote: ↑March 3rd, 2021, 5:42 amIt is true that science looks at what it sees. But from what I have seen in the development of the world, mostly it is due to scientific research, not due to arguments or agreements.
What you have seen in the "development of the world" was also due to 'agreement', correct? We could not have flown, for example, let alone flown to the moon, without some sort of 'agreement' being reached, first, correct?
And, you are probably exactly right that the human "developed" 'technological world' is mostly due to science and/or scientific research, but really is there much use in "developing" the already existing world if we are just going to keep polluting it while we continue bickering and warring over possessions and money, because we are just being greedy, selfish beings?
Scientific research may create a truly technologically "developed" world, but it will be through logically reasoned, sound and valid 'arguments' that will create a truly peaceful and harmonious world.
Sushan wrote: ↑March 3rd, 2021, 5:42 amAgreements can be made in false things, but scientific researches, if conducted correctly, will atleast show correct results, though it may not be 'what actually is'.
This appears very contradictory and hypocritical. I would not agree in false things. But each to their own.
I much prefer, instead, to just look at, and see, only, 'what actually is'.
Sushan wrote: ↑March 3rd, 2021, 5:42 amAnyway, such results should have some credibility, otherwise how could we have achieved so called success in our world in various fields which are related to science?
'Success' is very relative.