Steve3007 wrote:My view on all this is that even when I place your factual errors and self contradictions directly in front of you, as plainly as I possibly can, you simply won't acknowledge them.
Put these so-called "factual errors" and "self-contradictions" in front of me NOW! Don't be coy. Don't be shy. Be SPECIFIC. Put forth the actual specific error that you claim I am making and let's rationally evaluate it. I would love to see it! In fact, put my so-called error(s) in a syllogism so that it is very clear and obvious to everyone.
And please don't go say "go search conversation xyz, it is in there somewhere" or "here is the link to my proof of your error". This is just more dodgery (avoidance technique). Be
specific, lay out the error in front of all of us in a simple syllogism.
Steve3007 wrote:You absolutely will not under any circumstances whatever admit to having said something that doesn't make sense. As I've said, it's as if you've backed yourself into having to claim that 2 + 2 = 5, but just cannot admit that 2 + 2 = 4, so have to carry on.
Steve, just look at your words above. Filled with non-specifics and vagueness. This seems to be your standard M.O. whenever you don't want to accept the science and logic that contradicts your pre-determined view.
Again, anybody can say these types of words, and make these kind of vague and condescending type statements, but if you want to make your case, or prove me wrong, then you gotta use logic or actual science, and you gotta be
specific, and not resort to dodgery statements.
Steve3007 wrote:So let's leave it there eh. I probably won't stop posting on this topic. But it's clear that there are absolutely no circumstances whatever under which I would convince you that you have made a mistake on any subject at all. And you think the same of me.
I absolutely don't mind being proven wrong (especially on this topic), but you gotta use logic, and reasoning. We shouldn't believe certain things just because it is what we want to believe, or because we heard it from someone we respect or admire, or it is what is most popular right now.
There has to be some
real rationality to our beliefs. If you are not interested in arguing from a pure rational basis (and leaving the personal/emotional stuff out of it), then no offense, I'm not interested in arguing (discussion/debate) with you.
This is a
very serious topic, we need to put aside the "game playing" and the "defending of our pre-conditioned beliefs", and start looking at this from a logical rational perspective.