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More Lockdowns?

Posted: November 19th, 2020, 6:37 am
by Fellowmater
How are things going on in your area? As more and more businesses opening again since the first lockdown, has the infection remains low in your local?

I've read in the news that lockdowns are returning in some parts of the US and one in North Dakota. The latest wave of cases is washing over nearly every part of the United States, unlike the spring, when it was concentrated in the New York metropolitan area. Washington State banned indoor restaurant dining, as well as gyms, cinemas, theaters, and museums will close. As for the vaccines being readily available, I wonder when will they be distributed to the people so we can flatten the curve the soonest as possible?

Re: More Lockdowns?

Posted: December 17th, 2020, 10:36 pm
by Newme
Some thoughts you won’t hear in mainstream media BS:

Notice on the US CDC chart below:

*Covid is less harmful than 2018 flu!
*As so-called, “Covid-deaths” went up, flu & pneumonia deaths went down. Similarly, Italy study found 99% of Covid deaths due to pre-existencing problems. They’re blaming other deaths on Covid!

USCDC: ... report.png

Masks are more harmful than helpful:
*Recent Denmark rigorous study found masks do not prevent Covid.
*Other studies found similar: “In pooled analysis, we found no significant reduction in influenza transmission with the use of face masks.”
*Virus penetration of cloth masks: +96%
*Dental problems from wearing masks
*According to Standford University study: masks limit oxygen

*Masks are against the 4th amendment of the US Constitution which states right to one’s own body.
*It’s illegal to force medical treatment which mask wearing is.

Re: More Lockdowns?

Posted: December 18th, 2020, 12:50 am
by Jack D Ripper
You don't seem to understand the graph at your own link at: ... report.png

The flu deaths are the low dark line, and the COVID deaths are the red line, which only is on the far right (because there were no COVID deaths years ago). It vastly exceeds the dark line at this point. And it is presently vastly higher than the flu (AKA influenza) deaths of 2018.

And you provide no links for your "quotes". I am guessing because links for that would prove you wrong, just as your link for the graph proves your claims wrong.

Re: More Lockdowns?

Posted: December 18th, 2020, 6:58 am
by Fellowmater
Thanks for correcting the link provided, I got confused too when I check the link while trying to make sense of what he says.

Re: More Lockdowns?

Posted: December 21st, 2020, 12:09 pm
by Steve3007
Newme wrote:Similarly, Italy study found 99% of Covid deaths due to pre-existencing problems. They’re blaming other deaths on Covid!
You said something similar in another topic, quoting a New York Post article which points out that the actual cause of death in patients with Covid is usually something else. Obviously it would make no sense to conclude from this that Covid is not the problem it is claimed to be. It would be like pointing out that 100% of deaths from jumping off tall buildings are actually not caused by the jumping but by hitting the ground, and therefore jumping off tall buildings is not harmful. Or like claiming that AIDS is not a problem because people don't die from it but from the other conditions, such as pneumonia, that the compromised immune system can no longer fight.

Re: More Lockdowns?

Posted: December 30th, 2020, 4:24 pm
by Newme
Steve3007 wrote: December 21st, 2020, 12:09 pm
Newme wrote:Similarly, Italy study found 99% of Covid deaths due to pre-existencing problems. They’re blaming other deaths on Covid!
You said something similar in another topic, quoting a New York Post article which points out that the actual cause of death in patients with Covid is usually something else. Obviously it would make no sense to conclude from this that Covid is not the problem it is claimed to be...
Covid is similar to flu in that most people who get it survive fine. But for those who are already struggling - it may be the last straw that does them in. But covid-BS is being pushed for multiple reasons, one being to vaccinate everyone & thereby reduce the population.

Covid vaccines are POISON. They mess with RNA which then harms DNA. MRNA vaccine risks include autoimmune conditions, bio-distribution & persistence of induced immunogenicity expression, development of auto-reactive antibodies & toxic effects of no -native nucleotides & delivery system components. Covid vaccines have already killed many people - & yet thanks to the success of media campaigns (psychological warfare style) many are still fooled into wanting it! People have been deceived to want face diapers (masks) that cause health problems & don’t prevent covid. People have been tricked into wanting social distancing even though loneliness has shown to harm people more than smoking, high blood pressure & obesity. And you know why even the otherwise intelligent are so easily deceived? Because they lack emotional intelligence and fall for appeal to emotion, upon which covid-BS is based.

As an expert explained, vaccines are NOT like anti-virus on a computer. Vaccines work by stimulating one’s immune system by giving it a smaller dose of the disease. What do you think happens when someone with a compromised immune system is given even a little disease - in the form of a vaccine - for the immune system to fight?

More people need to wake up - and soon!

Re: More Lockdowns?

Posted: December 30th, 2020, 4:44 pm
by Sy Borg
All medicines are poisons. That's why they have recommended dosages. I trust the word of people who study the in field over those the "Woke".

No doubt dedicated Trump friend, Greg Norman, would disagree with everything Newme said while he suffers in hospital with a COVID relapse. Not sure how Trumpists, the Woke and Qanons deal make sense of that.

Compared to other advanced nations, Americans neither community-spirited nor disciplined enough to deal with a pandemic. All kinds of nonsense rationalisations are made to excuse the simple fact that about half of the population simply don't care about anyone but themselves. The idea of sacrificing their comfort for a short time for the greater good simply does not register. Hence the reckless conspiracy theories and anti-science fantasising.