You have to understand the 5th dimension a little different than the 4th, The 4th dimension states that you can move around space but are stuck in time. Which means you can't go backwards or forwards in time (Time Travel) because if you could then it would always feel as the present moment. In meditation you are stagnant in space but can move freely in time. This simply means that you have the ability to "imaginate" time, you can think of you past and the things you would of done differently and you can also imagine the future outcomes. The only flaw would be when you're in a meditative state you're stuck in space and when you are not, then you're stuck in time.
I believe Mentalism can be real if not today then maybe tomorrow, not in the sense of magic but in the sense that the mind is truly all powerful and can transcend space and time, an experiment would be how do you create space and time? first you would need empty space, which is easy because even in the mind there is endless empty space, all you would need is simply an awareness of the empty space to create a point, to give this point time just add another point and you have motion. This point can be as small as a photon or as big as the universe because in the mind there is nothing which it cannot contain, no sense of scale.
Its possible that our idea of space travel and time travel may be wrong, if you think about it in a point of view of the sheer raw nature of things. This may even solve the mystery of the unidentified flying object which i believe come from other dimensions and not other planets or galaxies. UFO doesn't mean an alien is in it, it just means it cannot be comprehended in our dimension.