My interest for philosophy and writing began when I was 15. I felt I had to understand politics beyond what was appearing in the media. I needed to study theories, not just pragmatic events. I also had a need for introspection. Karl Marx, Antonio Gramsci, Frederick Nietzsche and Giacomo Leopardi, Sigmund Freud and Erich Fromm, and Herman Hesse were among my 'companions'.
After my high school years, I attended the University of Salerno, the University of Naples and The University of Fribourg. Here I graduated with a Masters Of Arts in Philosophy.
I wrote poems, articles, short essays and book, most of them available on amazon. I am running a philosophical practice not without some difficulties. My work is "unique" as my entire life revolves around the study and application of philosophy and psychology. My research does not follow 'present-day laboratory team-work' but the path of an individual thinker. My understanding of what philosophy is, is rooted in the ancient Greek philosophy, but I try to develop my own way to walk the path. Life and its manifestations inspire him to do what he does.
I am currently living in Ireland (24th year!) where I take care of my family and continue to pursue my philosophical research and writing.