Ozymandias wrote:Thanks for bringing this topic into question.
I think first I should point out something here about what it means to "deny science". We have this conception, within this conversation and also in society in general, that being religious, spiritual, ritualistic, etc. depends on denying scientific facts. It is not necessarily so. We have things like religion to answer the questions that science cannot, such as the meaning of life or the foundation of morality. A lot of religious people only believe in aspects of theism that may not have been supported by science, but have not been eliminated by science. So wherever science gives us answers for things that religion previously (but incorrectly) explained to people, we should side with science.
I think that last piece is where the essence lies- a lot of people get into the mindset that if they side with science when it contradicts what their religion has told them, they are under a dilemma between the two and they leap to the false conclusion that they need to:
A) deny that one aspect of science and keep their religion
B) deny all of science and keep their religion
C) accept that one aspect of science and deny their whole religion
It is the third option they're afraid of, because it's scary. We, as humans, are terrified of having to lose such a big part of our lives as religion. It provides us with three of the five basic human needs (according to Maslow's Heirarchy): safety, love/ belonging, and self actualization. What a lot of people (mainly those who fail to think critically about philosophy) don't seem realize is that they can keep their religion and accept proven science; they just need to evaluate their religious beliefs. If one aspect of your belief has been disproven, you need to figure out where you or your church went wrong, and move on from that.
If one particular aspect of science is proven wrong, like if researchers find out that a certain theory was wrong, we don't say "Well, I guess all of science is wrong and ridiculous", we evaluate where we went wrong, and improve from it. Thus, the scientific world becomes stronger. As religion is also a method by which to know things, we should follow the same logic.
So, to answer the question: Many people deny science because they are aligning it against their religion. They think that unless they deny the science with a radical fervency, they will lose their friends, family, and overall life purpose. This is more of an instinctual thought (because of how our minds work under Maslow's hierarchy) which is why these people don't realize it. I think it's very understandable that they would deny direct facts under such a stressful illusion. Science-deniers are under the impression that by denying science, they have hugely impactful facets of their life to gain (or rather, keep).
Ozymandias, I love your answer.
Your answer is methodical, systematic, and accurate. Both in measurable facts and in psychological theory.
I'd only add that those religious, who fear accepting science (or any or certain aspects of it), fear not only for the loss of social support and emotional well-being, but for supernatural reasons as well: they figure they would lose their preferred status of getting into heaven if they admittedly contradicted the words of what they consider the holy scriptures.
This is a big and real fear. Bigger than the fear of social isolation, or self-hatred or fear of losing a sense of purpose in life.
There is a big part of your solution which I am afraid is impossible. You said it so eloquently: """""
What a lot of people (mainly those who fail to think critically about philosophy) don't seem realize is that they can keep their religion and accept proven science; they just need to evaluate their religious beliefs. If one aspect of your belief has been disproven, you need to figure out where you or your church went wrong, and move on from that.
If one particular aspect of science is proven wrong, like if researchers find out that a certain theory was wrong, we don't say "Well, I guess all of science is wrong and ridiculous", we evaluate where we went wrong, and improve from it. Thus, the scientific world becomes stronger. As religion is also a method by which to know things, we should follow the same logic. """"
Due to a belief in the INFALLIBILITY of the scriptures, this unfortunately can't be done for all aspects and facets of the belief. That's why the big arguments against reason and fact re: evolution.
Some things were done, and helped to be done; for instance, suicide was legal and allowed and even supported and encouraged by the early Christian church, until an epidemic threatened, under which too many young people committed suicide to get to heaven quicker. This was outlawed by a Caesar or Pope, and thus has since then Western Civilization been looking at suicide with a frown.
But there are others that can be helped. For instance, abortion. Fundamentalists support the death penalty but abhor abortion, because aborted fetuses are considered alive, but not baptized. Executed adults are Christians, so God's pleasing has been done to completion which calls for more and more people to turn to Christianity before their deaths.
My proposition of quick-fix with regards to abortion (and I wrote to the Vatican about it; no reply has to date come to it) is to allow fetuses to be baptized before abortion. This move would satisfy both the pro-lifers (those particular ones, the majority, which are pro-Christian-lifers) and the pro-choicers. It would lift the burden of guilt of those pro-choicers who are pro-lifers in the bottom of their hearts.
-- Updated December 10th, 2016, 12:52 pm to add the following --
Spiral Out wrote:Andrian wrote:As for the cost of the investment in the LHC, I would consider it well worth it. Physics has been one of the most productive fields of science in terms of producing new technologies, and I don't think that's about to stop any time soon.
Yes, that's quite unfortunate. It's really quite simple: take all of the money spent on space exploration, particle accelerators, etc. and then we might see science make a real difference for Humanity. The starving and homeless do not care if we think we're "unlocking the mysteries of the universe". The even greater mystery in need of solving is how we can ignore the plight of our fellow Humans while spending absurd amounts of money on things that don't matter.
With all due respect, you are both committing a huge logical mistake with your arguments.
You both believe that the money spent on building the Hardon Collider was money that was swallowed up and disappeared.
Well, money does NOT disappear. Never.
The scientists, technologists, builders, mechanics, electricians and moulders, die makers and drillers, ALL got paid. That's where the money went. Then these people got THAT awfully big lot of money, and spent it -- on houses, cars, CHARITIES OF THEIR CHOICE, new clothes, FEEDING THE POOR.
You both committed a blindness in economic insight. Sorry, not to blast you two, but to show you that just because money was spent on this science project, the hungry was fed, the unhoused was housed, and the unclad was clothed, without any interruption of services due to building the Hardon Coolaider, or due to space exploration, or due to building telescopes or stethoscopes.
The argument "why was this money wasted on science and not used to feed, house and clothe the poor" is simply an ill-gotten, logically fallacious argument.
Ignorance is power.