Yes, I see your point, but would still argue that there is something fundamentally different between the tool of thinking and the other tools which nature gives to various animals
I think of information as being just another element of nature like air and water, and our minds navigate this element just as birds fly in air, fish swim in the water etc. I see knowledge as blossoming in humans now much as an algae bloom covers a lake. I see it happening to us, not from us.
The thing which makes the analogy with the bird's wing not entirely satisfactory to me is that thinking is an entirely abstract tool, whereas a wing is an entirely concrete tool.
Information and thought are an electro-chemical relationship among neurons. Electricity and chemicals are both concrete, right?
A better analogy for my point might be our eyes, which are indeed very useful, but capture only a small sliver of the electro-magnetic spectrum. Our eyes and thought allow us to navigate the niche we need to navigate. That's something entirely different than being an ability which can potentially see everything.
If true science can't explore "reality" but only what is likely to be the tiny slice of reality which thought can process. And, it seems unlikely one can think one's way out of this situation, as such thinking will also still be restricted by the limitations of thought itself.
Trying to say, there are limitations built-in to the medium of thought itself, just as there are for any other medium. As example, we can build a brick building only so high, due to the limitations of brick. A steel building can go higher, because it's a stronger material. But there is no material which can hold infinite weight.
The reason for the success of thought compared to wings, and claws, and long necks is that thought is almost infinitely adaptable. It can be used to manufacture any or all of the other tools and an infinite number of others.
I don't disagree, but you have just stated the false comparison which is at the heart of our illusion of god-like power. You have understandably compared our abilities to the only other life forms we know. But the appropriate comparison is not to donkeys and squirrels, but to the nature of reality.
Are our eyes amazing? Yes! Can they see everything? No. I'm proposing the very same relationship exists between human thought and reality. Thought sees a slice of reality in a manner which is superior to a donkey's seeing.
Maybe, but part of that is about so-called "scientism" which I think is as much about the worship of technology as it is about faith in the limitless knowledge of science. Maybe two different things.
I'm referring to the very widely held cultural assumption that "more is better" when it comes to knowledge. We used to worship gods, now we worship knowledge.
And I don't see an obvious way in which acknowledging that there will never be an end to the search for a "theory of everything" will help us to, say, reduce the proliferation of nuclear weapons.
A bit more humility might at least slow us down from sticking our nose in to every little corner of reality just to see what's there, as example, Higgs Boson research. It's the blind faith in our supposedly infinite ability which gives us the confidence to create civilization crushing tools.
I think this is a good point. Perhaps the compartmentalization that goes with reductionism does indeed make it easier to take an "out of sight; out of mind" approach to such things as environmental pollution or our own self-extermination.
Given the reductionist nature of science, scientists will typically be people whose mind is naturally inclined to become experts, that is, burrow deeply in to a narrow area of understanding. There's obviously nothing wrong here, we need people like this.
However, I've become convinced that this narrow focus mindset tends to make scientists uniquely unqualified to grasp the big picture of our relationship with knowledge, and where it's taking us. I perceive science as a large group of very intelligent blind people driving the knowledge machine as fast as they can towards a cliff they can't see.
And it's very difficult for those outside of science to gain credibility on the subject of knowledge, for it is the "science clergy" who have cultural authority in this area. So even if such folks can see, they can't be heard.
Thanks for the exchange. I am pleased to have joined the esteemed collection of crack pot theory authors that you like to engage.
If the things we want to hear could take us where we want to go, we'd already be there.