Most people, including philosophers and physicists, generally see time as a single dimensional entity with a single effect. What if they’re wrong? What if time has two components to it? It has a clock tick that is a universal constant that never changes regardless of the physical reality of the point in space under consideration. It also has a total amount of expenditure of energy (perhaps) that the individual points of existence can expend per moment (clock tick). The total expenditure is directly related to the speed of the object so if the object is very fast it cannot spend much energy doing other stuff. This gives us the time dilation effect while anchoring the object in a fixed ticking base of reality. Perhaps the clock tick is between physical existence of an object and an information layer such as quantum physics seems to require. In the physical existential layer, say a binary on, the universe exists as a fixed and unmoving entity. Then it tocks to an information layer where movement and formulaic interaction occurs based on the physical laws of the universe. Then it ticks again. Woot! We’ve moved!
Many think that time dilation is evidence of time travel in a limited fashion. I suggest it is not. This can be seen if we keep in mind one of the requirements of an object for it to be considered a ‘time traveller’. That requirement is that moments must be missing between the object and the ‘natural’ flow of time. If there are 100 moments between moment A and moment B then a time traveller must experience less than 100 moments when traversing between moment A and B. People erroneously point to time dilation and surmise that there must be missing moments in the time dilated object because a chronometer on the object reads less than a resting chronometer (say on the planet). Under a single effect for time theory this would be correct, the two effects for time theory says this is incorrect.
Using two thought experiments it is possible to see why I think the single effect theory is flawed in that it predicts something that is not matched by reality. It predicts that the faster you go the more moments must be missing from the objects experience of time. (Patience padawan, keep reading.)
Thought Experiment One. Poke Me With a Stick.
Imagine a ship travelling from one solar system to another at 99.99% the speed of light, assume rapid acceleration (make it an unmanned drone if you don’t want inertial compensators and grav plating heh!). Now get a rather large group of volunteers, or slaves if the galactic emperor decrees, and stick them all in space suits on a line between the systems (we’ll need a lot). Give them all a stick each (buy wood futures). Now choose any possible arbitrary time between when the ship leaves and when it arrives and get everyone to poke their stick out to hit the ship for a single moment (ok might need robots for this). I say that no matter what time you choose to poke you will hit ship somewhere. This is NOT what the single effect time theory predicts. We need missing moments where the ship is not in this universe experiencing it. I say those missing moments do not exist and the ship does experience all the moments from time A to time B. It just cannot get as much out of each moment because of its high speed (the dilation effect).
Thought Experiment Two. The Doom of Sphere.
Get a solid sphere, or spoked I guess if you think it’s sexier, spin it around so that the outer equator edge is at 99.99999% the speed of light. Now different parts of the sphere are going to be travelling at significantly different relativistic speeds. According to the single effect of time theory a point of existence that experiences time dilation has missing moments in its time path. Surely what this means is that all the different parts of the sphere (atomic level) are going to be missing a mess of different moments. As the sphere gets faster and faster it should slowly start to lose mass as more and more becomes missing as it somehow ‘jumps’ a moment due to its speed. It predicts the mass would approach zero as the speed approaches light speed, the opposite of Einstein’s theories which predicts mass increases. Also would probably have a cohesion issue as joining atoms lose their anchors and if enough in a section of material ‘jump’ at the same time then a fracture would likely occur as the next atoms out get thrown outwards because the atom that held them just missed a moment and time travelled.
The outside area of the sphere should at the least become translucent as large sections start disappearing for more and more time the closer to the speed of light the outer equator edge gets.
I argue that what will actually occur is that the outer layer will age less than the centre and bugger all else because all the atomic (or subatomic) level points of existence simply continue their existence through each moment (clock tick) of the universe. Different parts of the sphere simply expend less energy per moment (??don’t think that is actually right, the outside of the sphere ages less than the centre for sure but does that mean less energy per moment, should be that the energy used for experience is inversely related to speed and total energy is conserved??) which is not really a big issue from a thought experiment point of view. Might end up cooking the device before close to luminal speeds but I don’t think that is relevant to the matter at hand. Technical issue not theoretical obstruction.
Does it make sense to claim that a single effect for time theory is inherently flawed as it cannot correctly describe time dilation whereas a dual effect for time theory is at least capable of correctly describing observed and theorised effects?
The issue I see with my first thought experiment is the time it takes to poke the sticks. Even though the thought experiment calls for a stick-poke of only a single moment in duration this is not practical and difficult to imagine. It is hard to imagine being quick enough to poke a stick for only a single moment and so what if our stick-poke lasts for a hundred moments because that is as fast as we can go? This would result in us finding the ship even though 99 out of the 100 moments don’t have a ship in it. We can modify the experiment to be more practical rather than technically impossible to do. We can use lasers spaced a micron or so apart in a big line and accelerate an object to near light speed. We can use CERN if we can hack their security. Go Anonymous! The protons are accelerated to energy levels of 4TeV (tera electron volts) which gives a speed of 0.9999999725c (c = speed of light) and a Lorentz factor of around 7000 +/- quite a bit, changes quickly at such speeds. The Lorentz factor can be seen as the ratio of experienced time to resting time and so gives us a measure of the time dilation effect. A Lorentz factor of 7000 means 7000 days will pass for us while a ship travelling at the speed above would experience only a single day. 7000:1 ratio.
With the single effect theory this means the proton should be in our universe for only one moment in every 7000 .. hmmm .. still might not be anywhere close to enough to see experimentally. If the number of moments in a second is some crazy number like 10 to the power of 23 then 7000 is pretty insignificant. We might have to advance in sensor tech first. Sooner or later, however, this should be a doable experiment. I’m gonna throw my hat in the ring and say we will NOT see the proton disappear from the universe like the single effect theory of time seems to predict. The proton will never leave our universe for a quick jaunt through time. It simply cannot experience the same amount of time per moment as we can because of its higher speed.
Possible universal structure.
The universe might be structured on time as the initial dimension, call it the zeroth dimension, then add a primal atom containing all the energy of the universe where it exists for an instant in a single quantum state of position; dimensions 1,2,3. It interacts with time and all energy of the primal atom oscillates to a motion state or information state; might be best described as unfolding the 3 dimensions on the zeroth dimension to produce the 4th dimension (dubious speculation here). As this sets the entirety of the primal atom it becomes the constant clock tick of the universe. Note that in this model the universe is a single entity that changes state and should not be subject to any cool time travel stuff, just the now exists.
Time dilation within this model is the idea that the faster we go the less activity we can actually experience on a subatomic, and hence up, level per clock tick (stop and smell the roses, go slow). Moment = speed + position-time variable(??this is ideological NOT formulaic, not meant to be an accurate mathematical formula??) where the magnitude of the position-time variable equates to perhaps the total amount of orbital motion available on a subatomic level (shrug .. total throw it in there guess). Speed is the particles speed relative to light (or absolute zero velocity if you like). Faster you go on a universal level the less local level motion you get. The less local motion per clock tick for position you have the less you will experience in a moment of time.
Note this should have the low limit of whatever is experienced at absolute zero motion for a specific point in the space-time (or should that be time-space) continuum. We can’t really get that on a rotating planet hurtling around a sun hurtling around a galactic centre hurtling through a galactic cluster and so on. I’d suggest a super accurate analysis of light frequency shift should be able to get a spaceship to have a true zero motion relative to the time-space base local to the ship. Measuring the passage of time at that point should tell us what the max experience of time per moment is. Heh! Get the most out of life, build a space station that has absolute zero motion in the time-space continuum and party on dudes! Not that it should actually make any appreciable difference between the space station and us, probably a few seconds a day or something. Shame.
It has the asymptotic high limit of the speed of light which cannot be reached because time would stop and you cannot stop the universe. You can make it really really slow by going closer and closer to the speed of light, but the entire universe must tick-tock so you cannot actually stop time or reach the speed of light. Don’t think wormholes would be an issue though as you might be able to hack the information layer of the universe and shift a set of points to another star system by rewriting a set of variables. Hmmm .. Stargate might win out, heh!
I think this is suggesting the speed of light is tied to a clock tick universal time constant which is why physical existence cannot reach the speed of light. Time also does not go backwards. That would be tantamount to inverting all of the laws of nature, basically the exact opposite of what we see as true from physics. Ooh if the universe continues to accelerate its expansion to the speed of light the entire universe might get frozen in that point of time. Lol! We’d be a giant frozen snowglobe hah! Maybe we are a God level ornament hehe! Probably waiting for us to freeze so we can be hung on a Christmas tree Ooh and does this answer the question of whether or not I should stay off drugs? <snicker>
Aanyway .. Our idea that time is a single component does not correctly explain time dilation and was probably formed from the position we have viewed and understood time from, a linear track of past moments. We may have erroneously concluded that all of time is structured in this fashion (linear track of continually existing moments) rather than looking beneath our initial observation of personal experiences of time and realising the single moment we actually experience from is different to memory moments. The single now is reality while our memories are just shadows of the shape that ‘now’ once held.
There is no evidence to support a claim that past moments actually continue to exist once now has moved on. This also makes little sense from a physics point of view as it seems to require that now is not objects that move at all; it is objects that are created out of nothing from the fixed pattern of the last moment. I mean here that each moment must remain in existence, just on another when, and new or next moments must take the pattern of the last moment and copy it by creating a brand new universe of matter with a shape created from running the old pattern through a moment of physical interaction (motion processor).
If I was a betting person I’d use Occam’s Razor here and say ‘hmmm .. a single entity that changes over time or the amount-of-time-the-universe-has-been-around-for-multiplied-by-however-many-moments-are-in-a-single-second number of distinct entities (continually growing) to explain the same thing. The single entity follows conservation of energy laws and all other known laws of nature while the multi-moment-verse seems to defy at least energy conservation, how the hell does an entire universe just replicate like that? As far as we know you need a big bang or something equivalent just to kick things off, wouldn’t you need to expend the entire energy of the universe to create an exact copy? In the very least I’d say, so for each moment you need the last moment to retain all its energy so it continues to exist while expending another universe of energy to shape yet another universe worth of energy into another universe of physical existence (run through the single moment motion processor of course), to produce the current now. And this is supposed to be happening some insanely large amount of times per second. Not to mention how this breaks quantum physics by requiring knowing the momentum and position of everything for the same moment otherwise you couldn’t copy it exactly.
Theoretically you could have the motion processing layer of the universe create new particles for each moment I guess but it still begs the question of creation of these new particles requiring energy which seems to pop into existence from nowhere. Magic .. oooh! No wonder God doesn’t ever show up, too busy popping universes into existence. Poor sod must be exhausted by now.
Or there is a single entity of physical existence that oscillates between physical and whatever the motion layer turns out to be. End of story. No insanely large number growing by an insanely large number all the time, just one that oscillates. Sorry Doctor, no time travel cuz there’s nowhere or when to go. Does kinda open the gate for speculation about time manipulation potentially being used as wormholes to cover distance rather than time though. Apophis is coming!
Final roundup thought.
I’m hoping I’ve shown some reasoning for why time needs to be separated into a universal clock tick constant and an effect variable that is dependent on speed to correctly describe what we see occurring with time dilation and the limitation of the speed of light. And some other crazy stuff .. yeah sometimes I cross that line big time heh! Just more evidence for why we should never trust what other people say without thinking about it ourselves and experimenting the excretion out of things. (stupid filter, does the inability to swear impinge on our freedom of expression or the accuracy of our ideological expressions? Another time highlander.)
Aaand … discuss.