What if the world is a simulation made out of numbers and we humans are discovering bit by bit how we are made ? Because almost everything on earth created by nature has something mathematical in it. Like the rule of Fibonacci in the plant Achillea ptarmica, sunflowers, and even in our own bodies. So if at one point we have solved every single peace in the whole universe, will we know things like how we are created and how everything works? The problem here is that numbers can be so big and to solve every single peace in the universe is a lot of work we may never solve everything.
But what if there are no numbers? Is it something that humans have created to give logic to things? But the weird thing is how come that mathematical sollutions are right? Do we imagine that its right or is it really right? But then I still don't understand why it's seen in nature. I have so many questions about this and ill hope you'll have some ideas too.
Sorry if there are some grammatical mistakes, I'm not a native but i hope you will understand my idea.