With the characteristics of both wave and particle.
The present being representative of the photon (or visa versa)
Much like pi. We know the first number, but is there a last?
It has some sort of anchored coordinate, but we can't ever seem to reach it.
I understand that if all change/motion ceased, time would be irrelevant. Not to mention, matter would cease to exist. If this were to happen then space would also become irrelevant. Dare I say non-existent having existed in the past. Having once existed would have a rippling effect on all future events, however insignificant. And having once existed, evidence of its existence would remain since information can not be destroyed.
But could information remain hidden.
Given that the rate of expansion exceeds the speed of light. Which I found confusing until it occurred to me that it is the medium through which light travels that is expanding.
So the galaxies we see now from space will one day be unobservable. (At least via light)
Also, this interesting bit of info makes me wonder:
From the viewpoint of the ever-expanding space, wouldn't it appear as if it were matter that was dramatically shrinking?
Anyways, if we were somehow able to revert back to let's say a minute after the Big Bang, wouldn't that minute be all the time that has ever been?
I have no doubt that the first minute was exponentially longer than the second minute, as with the first second, nano-second, etc.
Given this pattern, would it be fair to say that you could approach the beginning of time without ever reaching it?