Hi again Togo1, thank you for your continued feedback.
Togo1 wrote:Scott wrote:Unfortunately, if the needed level of moderation isn't there, it isn't there. Lowering the post count threshold or removing it all-together doesn't solve that problem.
Surely it mitigates the problem? If a new poster, with 10 approved posts, doesn't have all their new posts pushed into a queue, then the number of posts in the queue would be smaller, and there would be fewer posts to moderate.
No, because the posts need to be moderated regardless of whether they are held in the queue prior to moderation or published by default and moderated after publication.
The queue doesn't change the number of posts that need to be moderated. It just keeps the backlog of unmoderated posts from being published before moderation.
Scott wrote: I do not feel comfortable being the one to publish unmoderated material from strangers.
Togo1 wrote:Presumably what you mean is that you only want to publish unmoderated material from those who have a track record of not publishing unsuitable posts. The only point of disagreement is how long that track record should be. I'm suggesting that almost 4 months is too long.
Yes, that is what I mean. Once I have published 20 or so items by somebody, I am more comfortable publishing their material by default rather than checking each item before publication.
I agree that 4 months is too long. 4 months isn't the threshold per se, however. The threshold is 20 approved posts. 20 posts can be made in a single day by some. The problem seems to be a lock of resources to achieve the goal of this forum in a way that makes it easier for new members to get into the unique swing of things.
I put many hours into working down the backlog greatly yesterday. I'd estimate I disapproved about half of the new topics and maybe about 20% of the new posts. I didn't see any from 4 months ago, and I started with the oldest. Unfortunately, I can't do that every day. My time is limited. I have kids to feed.
I put up the announcement asking for help moderating to hopefully speed things up for new members. I hope that helps.
My entire political philosophy summed up in one tweet.
"The mind is a wonderful servant but a terrible master."
I believe spiritual freedom (a.k.a. self-discipline) manifests as bravery, confidence, grace, honesty, love, and inner peace.