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PhilipOSopher wrote:Humans are no doubt both emotional and rational beings to some extent - but which side should art seek to address?Neither. These are the same system. Thought and emotion form a system called "egoic consciousness". There is another way of existing and that is sometimes called "true self". True self is where creativity comes out of. It is the area of the spiritual, of love, compassion, and so on. There is no shortage of neurotic art: it makes up most of the canon. Rational versus emotional is a non-question: they form an integrated reactive mechanism; the other rarer kind of art aims at bypassing that cultural and conditioned kind of art and touching the divine.
PhilipOSopher wrote: Which is a more effective means in which to get across the message of a piece of art? And are there any reasons to suggest whether one is better than the other? Humans are no doubt both emotional and rational beings to some extent - but which side should art seek to address?I can see what you're getting at, the divide. I think of artwork made totally of language on one end of the dichotomy (a novel?), and maybe one of Marina Abramovic's performance tableaus on the other. Or a giant Anselm Keifer painting which just hits you in the gut.
3uGH7D4MLj wrote:PhilipOSopher wrote: Which is a more effective means in which to get across the message of a piece of art? And are there any reasons to suggest whether one is better than the other? Humans are no doubt both emotional and rational beings to some extent - but which side should art seek to address?I can see what you're getting at, the divide. I think of artwork made totally of language on one end of the dichotomy (a novel?), and maybe one of Marina Abramovic's performance tableaus on the other. Or a giant Anselm Keifer painting which just hits you in the gut.
It's interesting that "Jet of Blood" is generally considered unstagable, so it only really exists on the page and in our imaginations. Artaud gave birth to modern theater, in some ways gave his life for it?
To answer the question, in my opinion an artwork can work both ways and in any mixture inbetween, an artist has a lot to work with.
Unlanguaged artworks of pure form and color can be sabotaged by language, and often are.
Unlanguaged artworks of pure form and color can be sabotaged by language, and often are.That's interesting to me: because when something registers at a level beneath (or above?) language, presumably, it begs for critical discussion. Calling it "unlanguaged" raises the question, in what way? Then talk, theory, assimilation. This is what we do: We take what is out there and bring it to heel.
Greta wrote:To paraphrase Einstein: Emotion without reason is blind. Reason without emotion is lame.Greta, what about Samuel Becket's little plays?
Each of us has our leanings - perhaps more emotional or intellectual - and that is reflected in our artistic tastes. Personally I can only take so much "Gestalt therapy" in drama before my ham-o-meter goes into the red zone.
Hereandnow wrote:3uGH7D4MLj:Like a dog.
Unlanguaged artworks of pure form and color can be sabotaged by language, and often are.That's interesting to me: because when something registers at a level beneath (or above?) language, presumably, it begs for critical discussion. Calling it "unlanguaged" raises the question, in what way? Then talk, theory, assimilation. This is what we do: We take what is out there and bring it to heel.
Words may help but if we could only teach experience appreciation. Why are you sitting in that concert hall? are you feeling something? are you changing? don't bother trying to put it into words. Use your feeling vocabulary, or try to develop one. See words for what they are.
I always have to say that I love words, that words are wonderful and can succeed fabulously, but still. The world is not words.
3uGH7D4MLj wrote:Tragically, I nothing about Samuel Beckett, other than he was a writer.Greta wrote:To paraphrase Einstein: Emotion without reason is blind. Reason without emotion is lame.Greta, what about Samuel Becket's little plays?
Each of us has our leanings - perhaps more emotional or intellectual - and that is reflected in our artistic tastes. Personally I can only take so much "Gestalt therapy" in drama before my ham-o-meter goes into the red zone.
I think I know what you mean, how much emoting can one stand? But isn't that just because it's a bad play? or player?
Hereandnow wrote:Interesting again. My take is probably even more toward the irrational: The world is not language and language is purely pragmatic, hence the reason why it fails to encompass what is real: language is wholly Other than the world. Language cannot "mirror" the world either because pragmatics (and I include Wittgenstein--arguably--, Rorty and the classical pragmatists) does not represent, copy or correspond; it only anticipates (in utility or use). The question for me is, when this dynamic system of problem solving meets the world, powerful, overwhelming in depth, quality and magnitude (so say I), where is the self? It's not so much the world being thought of as language, it is the self, the reduction of the self to language and pragmatics, that so offends Real encounter. Am I only language? No. then I and my world are utterly transcendent (to the understanding).Ha! Unspeakable reality. Nice.
But this is where an true aesthete/aesthetician (theorist) stands, on the threshold of a pragmatic self and unspeakable reality. Terribly profound, if you're an aesthete and not just an intellectual.
Greta wrote:Tragically, I nothing about Samuel Beckett, other than he was a writer.Thanks for the emotional little short story Greta, these forums get so dull.
I got bored with post-apes pining after each other and obsessing over the swapping of bodily fluids etc in my teens. I feel like telling them that there's more to life than finding a partner and that, even when you find someone compatible, if they would be happier with someone else, then if you really cared about them you'd let them go with your blessings. Doesn't make for compelling fiction, does it?
"Honey, I've given this a lot of thought and I'm afraid I love another. I'm sorry.".
"Well, that is disappointing. Okay then, I don't own you and would like you to be happy. Be well and stay in touch".
"Thanks for being so understanding. I'm sure you'll find someone better than me soon. "
"Maybe. It's a lottery. I think I might relax a while before dating again".
The End
PhilipOSopher wrote:Within my drama classes, I was intrigued to come across the practitioner Antonin Artaud's ideas on theatre. According to his theory, a production should be centred around shared emotional experience between the actors and spectators and should aim to access primal emotions through delving into the subconscious. In order to access the subconscious, according to Artaud theatre cannot be rational - it must use a juxtaposition of images and symbols to do this rather than logical dialogue for example (look up his play 'Jet of Blood' - many see it as disturbing nonsense but you'll see what I mean). But what I think we should consider first is which part of the human mind's makeup should we address within not just theatre but also in the arts as a whole? Which is a more effective means in which to get across the message of a piece of art? And are there any reasons to suggest whether one is better than the other? Humans are no doubt both emotional and rational beings to some extent - but which side should art seek to address?Artaud is a special case. One has to make allowances for mad geniuses. His theater in Paris was named for Alfred Jarry, a precursor and also mad genius. You probably know Peter Brook's book The Open Space, it's a good bridge between Artaud and reality. Also look into Susan Sontag's Artaud writings.
Hereandnow wrote:Interesting again. My take is probably even more toward the irrational: The world is not language and language is purely pragmatic, hence the reason why it fails to encompass what is real: language is wholly Other than the world. Language cannot "mirror" the world either because pragmatics (and I include Wittgenstein--arguably--, Rorty and the classical pragmatists) does not represent, copy or correspond; it only anticipates (in utility or use). The question for me is, when this dynamic system of problem solving meets the world, powerful, overwhelming in depth, quality and magnitude (so say I), where is the self? It's not so much the world being thought of as language, it is the self, the reduction of the self to language and pragmatics, that so offends Real encounter. Am I only language? No. then I and my world are utterly transcendent (to the understanding).This comment is pretty amazing, thanks.
But this is where an true aesthete/aesthetician (theorist) stands, on the threshold of a pragmatic self and unspeakable reality. Terribly profound, if you're an aesthete and not just an intellectual.
This morning, out waking in the woods I saw a wild Geranium in bloom, and I take a look, and automatically think, "deeply lobed leaf," cataloging an identifying characteristic that may come in handy someday. It's fine, it's good, but why stop there? Why not take the flower for what it is, without name-calling, without language, physically, like a bee.I understand the question but
Deeply lobed leaf, not there's something important. You can read that in books. And, there may be a subtle alliterative enjoyment to the phrase, so language sucks you in. But you can know the flower without language.
Is language the chattering monkey mind that the Zen meditators try to conquer?
This comment is pretty amazing, thanks.Take too long for a post. Sartre and his radical contingency is a good place to look. See his novel Nausea. Then there is the mystery of ethics and aesthetics. Wittgenstein wrote a short essay On Ethics, which is here: http://www.geocities.jp/mickindex/wittg ... et_en.html
I know a bit of Rorty, like him quite a bit, less about Wittgenstein. Can you comment on what you say here about pragmatics and anticipation?
Also thanks for bringing in the self. I like the way you breezily refer to Real encounter. where does this vocabulary come from?
And can you clarify the bit about the self being transcendent to the understanding?
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