A Poster He or I wrote:The 2 versions are easy to confuse, but only the Many Worlds version offers the idea of parallel universes. The cosmological version does not.
A useful clarification, Poster. Everett's Many Worlds version isn't really used any more because it was simply an absurd misunderstanding. Primitive QM assumed a non-causal embodiment to nature which was false but taken to mean that anything that can happen will happen. Since this obviously doesn't happen in the real universe the Everett model is an example of "physics of the gaps". It still has some use in the Standard Model, which uses mathematical entities called "virtual" particles which were formerly known as both imaginary particles and shadow particles. It goes without saying that these mathematical confections aren't real but this doesn't detract from their usefulness. In the Everett model the entire universe splits at the sub-atomic level at the rate of 5.4 x 10
44 times per second. This occurs for every single sub-atomic particle in the cosmos so we're talking a **** of universes.
The cosmological version of the multiverse is to do with inflation. The original Guth hypothesis has had to be extended several times as more inconsistencies are discovered and the latest fashion is the idea of "eternal" inflation where "bubble" universes are being split off and formed continuously. Most physicists accept that this is also just physics of the gaps and it hasn't really lead them anywhere.
String theory has now gone the way of phlogiston but it also used the multiverse approach with its idea of the "hidden" dimensions. This made the theory unworkable because it essentially meant there were 10[sup]500[sup] string theories, one for every possible universe. Bear in mind that our universe contains about 10
80 atoms so this gives us a sense of scale. The string theorists worked hard and their calculations were fiendishly difficult but their chances of finding the right string theory to correspond with the universe we actually live in were negligible. Even if they had managed to achieve this virtual impossibility it wouldn't have helped them much because they would never have been able to test it. Physics at its worst.
Regards Leo