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Dark Matter is Loading File of Reality.

Posted: July 7th, 2014, 9:09 am
by Gulnara
As I waited for my video to upload onto the site, the thought came that all the invisible stuff in Universe, dark matter, is like that, like a file that is loading. The file did come from something tangible, that was created, or existed, and yet it is as of now in a condition of being loaded into the world. Once it does, it shows itself in all possible ways or can be perceived when one wishes to. It can be a copy of something that existed before, and still exists as file, but in accessible form or accessible place, ready to be played. Even more, and most likely, it can be playing on it's own as soon as it is loaded because start button is automatic and erases the nonworking phase or condition, and the stop button is lacking. The ongoing loading and ongoing playing, one fallows the other. Dark matter turns into reality.

Re: Dark Matter is Loading File of Reality.

Posted: July 7th, 2014, 11:12 am
by Theophane
What's the opposite of Dark Matter? Ordinary matter? And does "matter" constitute "reality" as the former is understood by current science?

Re: Dark Matter is Loading File of Reality.

Posted: July 8th, 2014, 8:21 pm
by DarwinX
Gulnara wrote:As I waited for my video to upload onto the site, the thought came that all the invisible stuff in Universe, dark matter, is like that, like a file that is loading. The file did come from something tangible, that was created, or existed, and yet it is as of now in a condition of being loaded into the world. Once it does, it shows itself in all possible ways or can be perceived when one wishes to. It can be a copy of something that existed before, and still exists as file, but in accessible form or accessible place, ready to be played. Even more, and most likely, it can be playing on it's own as soon as it is loaded because start button is automatic and erases the nonworking phase or condition, and the stop button is lacking. The ongoing loading and ongoing playing, one fallows the other. Dark matter turns into reality.
Dark matter is just invisible matter which is hidden within the inner fractal universe. Matter is divisible till and beyond infinity. Thus, dark matter is just a fractal copy of our own fractal reality, but on a much smaller scale.

Re: Dark Matter is Loading File of Reality.

Posted: July 8th, 2014, 11:04 pm
by Theophane
Dark matter is just invisible matter which is hidden within the inner fractal universe.
How have scientists quantified the existence of dark matter? Have they?

Re: Dark Matter is Loading File of Reality.

Posted: July 9th, 2014, 7:00 am
by A_Seagull
Theophane wrote:[ How have scientists quantified the existence of dark matter? Have they?
From the orbital speed of stars around a galaxy and the distance of the stars from the centre of the galaxy, one can infer the amount of mass that lies within that orbit. If one then adds up all the visible mass of the galaxy one finds that there is a large amount of mass missing, in fact about 90% would appear to be missing. The most popular explanation for this is that the missing mass is in the form of WIMP's - Weakly Interacting Massive Particles. The form of these particles is entirely unknown. Their existence is only inferred from the missing mass. They cannot be seen, they do not interact with other particles but they have a large mass.

Re: Dark Matter is Loading File of Reality.

Posted: July 11th, 2014, 9:57 pm
by Gulnara
On a smaller scale I think of a human as a CD or DVD disk, only very 3D, made up of gazillion of CD's ingrown together. Human is part of Universe, so we are made in a similar way, we are CDs of information. When I am in dark, I can not see myself, I can only feel myself and hear myself. Thus light is the fixture that literally reads visual information off the CD of me through the mediation of my eyes. What reads the sound off me and neural me is my brain. It's like a fixture that reads everything on a CD of me besides image. When I am in a dark, the image of me does not exist, but only potential of it. When CD is stored in an envelope, it caries only potential of a video on it, it is closer to plastic than to rich visual experience. So person in a dark is greatly diminished, or the opposite, is more one with everything. I feel in the dark how transparent humans are, how porous, non solid, and enclose the google of genes inside their bodies , truly as smaller scale universes inside us.

If I am in a light, but I close my eyes, I do not see myself or surrounding. That means that my eyelids are the fixtures that close off the receiving of the picture, the image, just like on a CD or DVD player. If I close my ears, I can not hear or the sound is very diminished. Thus my hands are the fixtures that can turn off the sound of the CD of me. Yet I hear myself inside, if I talk. So, the hearing of myself works differently, there is no switch off button, not really.

Also I can not turn off my thoughts unless I fall asleep. The sleep then is the mode to turn off the thoughts. Also, it turns off my digestive system for the night, the temperature regime system goes into economy mode, yet I can wake up after some time, and I can be awaken by some sounds or events around me. The thing is that even in a darkest environment my eyes, being closed, see certain shadows, tons of gray and dark tones, moving, swaying. The picture hardly changes if I lay in dark with open eyes. What is it? It is, I believe, energy produced by the life of my brain, those are streams of my blood inside capillaries, that carry energy, which is light, which is visible on inside of me including molecular energy spread around me by surrounding.

Also I have dreams. I think that CDs and DVDs also have their "dreams" that consist of interaction of tiniest waves of energy of all that information that is recorded onto them. Their" dreams " would be a lot simpler than human dreams, because they are not so complex. Yet, I believe, those "dreams " can be detected and recorded. They exist, it's just CDs have no brains to perceive them.

Already people came up with computers that work from human brain, no mouse, no sliding. That will allow doctors to communicate with people in a coma, of whom they think they are vegetables. such approach will save many people their lives, and allow them, if they had some brain damage prior to falling in a coma, to go through mental rehabilitation even before they are able to actually move their bodies again and potentially speed up coming out of the coma. This is another example how person is one with Universe, person in the coma oftentimes hears everything, understands, has thoughts, only lacks ability to respond in any way or move. It's as if DVD player was broken, even though DVD is in in perfect condition. Well, DVD can be taken to non broken DVD player and used that way.

Re: Dark Matter is Loading File of Reality.

Posted: July 12th, 2014, 5:25 am
by Atreyu
Gulnara wrote:As I waited for my video to upload onto the site, the thought came that all the invisible stuff in Universe, dark matter, is like that, like a file that is loading. The file did come from something tangible, that was created, or existed, and yet it is as of now in a condition of being loaded into the world. Once it does, it shows itself in all possible ways or can be perceived when one wishes to. It can be a copy of something that existed before, and still exists as file, but in accessible form or accessible place, ready to be played. Even more, and most likely, it can be playing on it's own as soon as it is loaded because start button is automatic and erases the nonworking phase or condition, and the stop button is lacking. The ongoing loading and ongoing playing, one fallows the other. Dark matter turns into reality.
I like the general idea, but not entirely where you tried to take it to. I also like to think that ordinary known matter might come from what is called 'dark matter'. That 'dark matter', i.e. unknown matter, becomes matter as we know it. Because the idea of 'something' coming from 'nothing' can make sense if we take 'something' as being matter as we know it, and 'nothing' as not an absolute 'nothing', but merely an apparent 'nothing', i.e matter as we do not know it (dark matter).

Re: Dark Matter is Loading File of Reality.

Posted: July 12th, 2014, 10:43 am
by MandrakeGale
Gulnara wrote:As I waited for my video to upload onto the site, the thought came that all the invisible stuff in Universe, dark matter, is like that, like a file that is loading. The file did come from something tangible, that was created, or existed, and yet it is as of now in a condition of being loaded into the world. Once it does, it shows itself in all possible ways or can be perceived when one wishes to. It can be a copy of something that existed before, and still exists as file, but in accessible form or accessible place, ready to be played. Even more, and most likely, it can be playing on it's own as soon as it is loaded because start button is automatic and erases the nonworking phase or condition, and the stop button is lacking. The ongoing loading and ongoing playing, one fallows the other. Dark matter turns into reality.
That is a good point, but why not visa-versa? The dark matter is not loading to the universe: if so, by who and from where? The dark matter exists with everything acquired to be seen, felt, smelled... It's just that humankind is not adapted to sense it yet. We are still loading to this Universe, our skills and knowledge is still in the process of improving. The frequency of the matter we are made out of is not yet compatible with the frequency of the Dark Matter. That's why we keep discovering new things as time keeps up its flawless flow, our frequency keeps changing.

Re: Dark Matter is Loading File of Reality.

Posted: July 13th, 2014, 7:58 am
by DarwinX
Fractals explain the hidden dimensions of the universe.

Re: Dark Matter is Loading File of Reality.

Posted: July 30th, 2014, 1:58 pm
by Gulnara
"That is a good point, but why not visa-versa? The dark matter is not loading to the universe: if so, by who and from where? "

Th dark matter could be, in turn, created by other creatures, existing on other levels. They are more grandeur, the Universes being their body cells.

-- Updated Wed Jul 30, 2014 3:48 pm to add the following --
DarwinX wrote:Fractals explain the hidden dimensions of the universe.
Thanks for the video.